Choti Sardarni 1st January 2021 Written Update

choti sardarni Written Update

Choti Sardarni 1st January 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Choti Sardarni 1 January 2021 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 1 January, 2021

January 1, 2021 : Choti Sardarni Today Episode Start with Param says home game over. I am back. Sarab asks what did you miss the most? He says nothing. Daddy mother and karan were with me. Sarab gets a call and goes out. Meher gets a call as well. Somebody says gobi de parathy.. Meher says Manav? He says no, Vikram Dewan. He says Meher ji I have an uplifting news and an awful news. Meher says terrible news. He says there is a 3 billion trick in Goa. I am being posted there. So figured I should bid farewell to every one of you. Would i be able to address Sarab? Sarab is accessible if the need arises. Vikram says it’s alright. He says I mama late for my flight. I needed to state I have taken in a ton from Sarab, Param and my Karan and you.

Fare thee well. Also, Sarab is a decent human. Deal with him too. Meher says you ought to have met us prior to leaving. He says in the event that you push forward, you can’t think back. Meher says all the absolute best. He says I learned over the most recent couple of days that Aditi loves me a ton. She cherishes me a great deal. I can never locate a preferred life accomplice over her. I haev additionally began adoring her now. Aditi comes there. Aditi says I love you as well. She embraces him. Meher says what’s going on with Sarab? Sarab leaves in a rush for office. He says I have a gathering. Sarab leaves. Meher is concerned. Arti is outside. Guardian considers Meher and says some lady Arti is here. .

Meher requests that he send her in. Meher requests that Arti come in. She says you’re protected here. Try not to stress. Who is hurting you? What is his name? Arti says Sarabjit Gill. Meher is stunned. Meher says that is unimaginable. The lady says Sarab is behind the one who hits me, deals with me like this. Meher says who? She says Sarab’s nearest, Tarkash. He’s my significant other. She says Tarkash has made my life damnation. He beats me on little things. He even cut me. At times belt. Meher gets awkward. Arti says Meherji please save me. I endured this. Meher cries and says for what reason did you not tell police? Tarkash hit her and said you will call police? Do you realize who do I work for? Sarabjit Singh Gill. Meher sees her wounds. Meher is mournful. Arti says I endured everything except for he beats my little girl too. What will befall my girl? Tarkash says Meher bhabhi..

Arti says he will slaughter me. Meher says don’t stress he can’t come in until I state yes. At the point when Sarab discovers he will make a move. He regards lady. Meher goes out. Tarkash says Sarab ji needs a few records. Meher is stunned. Meher gives him the document. Tarkash says would you say you are alright? Meher says would you say you are hitched? He says yes I have a girl. Meher says you never acquainted us with your family. He says my significant other is timid and contemplative. She doesn’t care for going out. Meher reviews Arti said I used to do work yet after marriage, he didn’t release me out. He leaves. Meher comes in and says arti ji don’t stress.. Arti isn’t there. Meher asks Ajay where did she go? He says she left. Meher calls Sarab. Sarab says I just gave your drugs to the driver. You had a wound. Meher says it was seven days back.

He says no take your medication, I can’t see my significant other in torment. Meher reviews arti telling about her wounds. Meher says tarkash.. Sarab says did you give her the document? She says yes. Sarab says I have a gathering. I will get back to you. Param says Meher mom bua gave this card and to welcome nani for the new year celebration. We should go. Meher says where? He says we need to go to nani’s place for lunch. Kulwant says I will give this memento to Meher. Ginni says it’s so lovely. Is it for me? Ginni says no it’s for my Meher. Meher and children come. Kulwant embraces Meher. Param and Yuvi play. Meher says this is the memento biji provided for you.

She says my MIL offered it to me, and I will offer it to you. She puts it on Meher and says you resemble a sovereign. Meher says bhabhi how can it look? Amrita says you resemble a sovereign. Meher says it would look much better in Amrita’s neck. Amrtia says how might I take it? Meher says you are the oldest in this house. Mummy ji’s MIL offered it to her, Kulwant says I will get her another. She didn’t care for it. Meher says bhabhi, you will wear it. SHe makes Amrita wear it.

Amrita reviews Kulwant requested that she wear counterfeit gems as it were. Kulwant says this is your shagun’s neckband. Meher says you revealed to me we are a similar at this point. We won’t conceal a single thing from one another. Meher says I will keep thing ring. Amrita says this neckband will look great on you. Kulwant says she’s correct. Meher says I know for my mother nothing is a higher priority than my joy. My bliss is in Amrita keeping it. Kulwant embraces Meher and says the mother is consistently two strides in front of children. Meher says I am your little girl, I am 4 strides ahead.

In Progress…


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