Qurbaan Hua 4th February 2021 Written Update


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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Qurbaan Hua 4th February 2021 Written Update on Tellyupdates.tv”

Tv Show Name: Qurbaan Hua

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date:  4, February, 2021

February 4, 2021: Qurbaan Hua Today Episode Start with Chahat inquires as to whether he is truly functioning as a server in the clinic, Neel affirms that he is without a doubt filling in as a server. Some time prior, Neel is in the kitchen washing the dishes when he unexpectedly gets a call so considers how he would answer the call when he gets stunned to see that it is Chahat, she quickly inquires as to whether he will come when he clarifies that he will come when he wraps up washing the dishes, he at that point clarifies how might come in the wake of giving the lesser gourmet specialist directions.

Neel strolls in the feasting zone, he over hears two specialists discussing Chahat shouting how wonderful she is and that even Katrina kaif isn’t so delightful, Neel goes to them inquiring as to whether they have not been instructed how to chat with a young lady since it isn’t right, They both shout that he is only a server is as yet going to expect that they hear him out, Neel ask them to carry on anyway they inquiry what he would have the option to do, Neel blows up and they get in a battle where his garments are additionally torn anyway he gets a call from Chahat so says to them that they have been saved, both the specialists at that point rush to save their lives.

The capacity advances when Chahat is likewise energized imagining that Neel would definitely come and afterward she would have the option to win the prize cash for Vyas je, Chahat strolls on the stage when Dr Sinha is stunned referencing how she educated him that she is as yet a bachelorate anyway Chahat discloses how she misled him, she further clarifies how she accepts that couples are made on the skies and she needs the cash and in the wake of seeing her significant other they would likewise trust in her words, she looks towards the crows at that point sees Neel coming from the passageway, she requests that them all see that he is really coming, Neel enters the corridor when everybody is stunned to see that he is the spouse of Dr Chahat, when the two specialists additionally get up referencing how he is additionally a thug since he has beaten them in view of a little squabble, Neel gets distraught and even beginnings beating them referencing how they were talking junk with respect to a ladies.

Chahat requests that Neel stop, she addresses him inquiring as to whether he is really functioning as a server, Neel clarifies how it is reality, Chahat inquires as to for what reason did he lie to her platitude that he is a culinary expert, Neel asks what he ought to have done on the grounds that in any event, when he is a certified cook nobody is prepared to give him a task, Ammi Jan shouts how all that is going on to Neel is genuine on the grounds that he wedded a young lady who doesnot have a place from his religion, Vyas je shouts that then the discipline ought to likewise be given to the young lady since when his child isn’t finding a new line of work then she ought to likewise not reserve the privilege to arrange anybody.

Godambari alongside the whole group of both Chahat and Neel get in a fight when Godambari shouts Chahat was additionally lied about being non hitched on the grounds that Neel which stresses Neel so he goes to Chahat, the two specialists shout that when the spouse is so languid then the wife would be compelled to lie which rankles Neel, Ammi Jan shouts that Neel can’t give Chahat the two dinners of a day in any event, when she wedded him, He requests that Ammi Jan stop since her allegations are harming Chahat, Ghazala shouts that her girl has been compelled to acknowledge the sets of Neel, he requests that she not meddle referencing how he realizes that Chahat would not have any issue with him filling in as a server.

Ghazala orders Chahat to quit concurring with Neel referencing how she has sent two of her men to Kripa and in the event that she concurs with Neel, at that point they would hurt Kripa, she extorts Chahat into contradicting Neel as it is the lone manner by which she can save Kripa, Neel can’t bear that Chahat is tranquil so requests that she clarify how she generally approves of him being a server.

Chahat anyway runs out of the capacity then she goes to the house and shouts how she feels Misses Baig couldn’t have Kripa captured advertisement she would not allow anything to happen to her, Chahat look through the whole house which is the point at which she hears the call of Kripa and sees the shadow of a man holding her, she lifts the drapery to discover Vyas je holding kripa and she is stunned to see him strolling so asks how he can walk, Chahat understands that Vyas je was simply acting and all that he did was to demolish her marriage with Neel. Ammi Jan in the capacity shouts that this can’t be the explanation her child got Chahat a degree anyway it was not all that she could wed an individual who is only a typical server, Godambari shouts that this was the plan of their marriage, Baleq likewise shouts how their adoration was only an account of two days and it will end actually soon.

Neel is going to leave when the chief comes requesting him to initially clean the dishes as the capacity was demolished as a result of him. Chahat can’t accept that Vyas je can walk, he asks before Devi maa that the guarantee which he made to demolish the connection of Chahat, and Neel has been satisfied as he feels that now they would not be a couple.

Baleq goes into the live with Godambari and clarifies how he told Vyas je that the solitary manner by which they can demolish the marriage of Chahat and Neel was on the off chance that he goes about as though he is sick, Chahat can’t trust it and requests that he uncover reality when Vyas je discloses that he needed to follow the instruct regarding Baleq to save his child from being with a young lady who doesnot have a place with their religion, Chahat makes reference to how she never imagined that Vyas je would depend on such shocking activities as he utilized the religion to satisfy his own cravings.

Chahat promises to illuminate Neel regarding the whole truth since she has come to understand that he was simply acting, Neel goes into the house out of frustration so calls Chahat, he looks for her in their home, Chahat takes steps to uncover the reality of Vyas je as he was simply acting.In Progress…

Qurbaan Hua, 4th, February 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Qurbaan Hua, 4 February 2021 Written Update: in progress

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