Megha Barsenge 6th February 2025 Episode Written Update (6/2/2025)

Megha Barsenge

Megha Barsenge 6th February 2025 Written Episode Update, Colors TV “Megha Barsenge 6 February 2025 Written Update” on TellyUpdates.Tv

Episode Name: Arjun refuses to divorce Megha

Megha Barsenge Air Date: Megha Barsenge 6th February 2025

Full Written Update: Megha Barsenge 6/2/2025 Episode Start with Megha let Arjun know that he has a place with her. The neighbor woman tosses a can of water on them and advises them to sentiment in the room since kids meander in the road. Arjun and Megha share an eye lock (the Ae Dil Hai Mushkil melody plays behind the scenes). Arjun attempts to go from that point, yet Megha doesn’t leave his hand. Megha tells Arjun she missed him to such an extent. She says she longed to remain this near him. Arjun requests that she give him his vehicle key. Be that as it may, Megha declines. Arjun attempts to grab the key.

Megha reminds him he vowed to never leave her hand. She says all that will carry Arjun to her. Arjun tells her he will obliterate everything, which will carry him to her. He takes a pole and breaks his vehicle windshield. Then he takes a liquor bottle from his vehicle and beverages it. Megha asks him not to drink that. She says it’s not really great for Arjun’s wellbeing. Arjun gets in the vehicle and leaves from that point. Megha runs behind the vehicle.

After some time, Arjun sits close to a tree and reviews the minutes he enjoyed with KP. Megha looks for Arjun there. She tracks down Arjun’s vehicle and hears a slug sound. She gets assuage when she sees Arjun sitting fine.

Sikhandar tells Navjot that Arjun left from Megha’s home. Navjot says Megha turned into a medication for Arjun. Megha brings intoxicated Arjun there. Navjot advises Sikhandar to hold Arjun. Arjun nods off on the couch. Navjot says she realizes Megha is crafty, and she comprehends what Megha is attempting to do. She adds Megha is making steps to get back to the Talwar house. Megha says she needn’t bother with any steps since she and Arjun’s hearts are associated and nobody can isolate them. She leaves from that point. Navjot lets Sikhandar know that she needs a super durable arrangement.

After some time, Arjun awakens and gets stunned seeing numerous young ladies. He calls Navjot. Navjot advises him to pick somebody to wed. Arjun leaves from that point. Navjot follows him. Arjun chides Navjot for discussing his marriage. Shagun lets Arjun know that he ought to continue on. Navjot gives legal documents to Arjun and requests that he sign. Arjun consumes the legal documents.

Megha cries seeing her and Arjun’s photograph. She reviews the minutes she enjoyed with Arjun. She keeps the photograph on the table, and it flies. It drops on the hot coals. However, Megha snaps the picture.

Navjot finds out if he won’t leave Megha of all time. Arjun says he won’t leave Megha, and he can’t remain with her as well. Manmeet asks him what he is intending to do. Arjun says Megha will get opportunity assuming that he separates from her, which he would rather not occur. He adds he believes that Megha should remain as a neglected lady for eternity.

Megha Barsenge 7th February 2025 Written Episode Update Precap:


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