Apollena 7th February 2025 Episode Written Update (7/2/2025)


Apollena 7th February 2025 Written Episode Update, Colors TV “Apollena 7 February 2025 Written Update” on TellyUpdates.Tv

Episode Name: Apollena’s Suspicion Grows as Ira’s Schemes Unfold

Apollena Air Date: Apollena 7th February 2025

Full Written Update: Apollena 7/2/2025 Episode Start with As Shlok drives, Apollena sees his eyelids hanging and he is nodding off at the worst possible time. Decisively, she sprinkles water all over, shocking him alert. Shlok says thanks to her, conceding that he has been engrossed with stresses over his mom’s wellbeing. He has no clue about how she is doing. Apollena consoles him, telling him not to push as they will arrive straightaway.

In the interim, Saraswati is apparently awkward, however Ira demands she remain resting. Shlok notification and chastens Ira for driving her to remain in bed. His anxiety extends when he sees Saraswati shrouded in various covers. At the point when he questions Ira about it, she apprehensively asserts that Saraswati is feeling cold. Apollena, nonetheless, brings up that Saraswati is perspiring and her body is normally mending, yet the unreasonable covers are just raising her temperature; assuming she remains covered this way, she will become sick in the future. Believing Apollena’s information, Shlok orders Ira to eliminate the covers.

Overreacted, Ira rapidly switches up the conversation and watchfully conceals an onion in her saree creases. Rupa sees this doesn’t however say anything. A specialist shows up to look at Saraswati. He makes sense of that her fever is logical a symptom of her injury and encourages them to put a wet towel on her temple to cut her temperature down.

Afterward, as Apollena and Shlok talk, Apollena steps away to get water. Ira endeavors to leave also, however Rupa stops her, defying her about her activities. Holding up the onion, Rupa requests to understand how Ira was attempting to manage Saraswati. Ira gets over it, saying Saraswati was with her as well. Rupa cautions her that disrupting Saraswati’s wellbeing could have serious outcomes — how might she respond assuming she really made her debilitated? Ira, determined, sneers and pronounces that her arrangement was a triumph.

All of a sudden, Shlok gets back. Ira goes to Rupa and conceitedly expresses that she knows why she met Sneha today — she knows her haziest mystery. Assuming Rupa thinks for even a second to uncover anything, Ira takes steps to open reality to the family, leaving her with no way out. Apollena shows up at that point and requests to know what’s happening. Ira rapidly concocts a rationalization and leaves. Rupa goes to Apollena with an advance notice — she should be cautious around Ira. She will take any measures for her childish increase, in any event, separating her and Shlok.

In the interim, Apollena spots Ira holding Shlok’s hand. Before she can respond, Ira purposely pushes Apollena, attempting to make her fall. Nonetheless, Apollena, on account of her actual preparation, steadies herself and, in an unforeseen wind, keeps Ira from falling all things considered. With a sneer, she lets Ira know that she’s in great shape serious areas of strength for and, Ira, who has a more sensitive body. Then, at that point, without another word, she leaves.

Apollena goes through the late evening really focusing on Saraswati, putting wet materials on her temple. In the mean time, Rupa is daydreaming — how did Ira figure out her mysterious? She reviews her gathering with Sneha, where she got pulverizing news: the experimental outcomes were negative. She’s barren and can’t become a mother. Sneha had inquired as to why she never revealed reality to her family, particularly since she had some awareness of it before her wedding. Rupa conceded she never got the opportunity to tell them.

Unbeknownst to her at that point, Ira had covertly settled on a video decision to Sneha and saw the whole discussion. Presently, Ira uncovers to Rupa precisely the way in which she took in reality and cautions her that if she has any desire to keep quiet, she should comply with her. Irritated, Rupa crushes her telephone in dissatisfaction.

Soon thereafter, Apollena keeps caring for Saraswati. Shlok, seeing her weariness, asks her to rest. Apollena, be that as it may, forgets about him, saying she really wants to pack her effects as she is moving into the inn. Disheartened, Shlok doesn’t say anything. The following morning, Saraswati awakens, it is inappropriate to detect something. She goes to Shlok, blaming him for misleading her. She requests that he swear on her and tell her every bit of relevant information.

Apollena 8th February 2025 Written Episode Update Precap:


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