Vidya 24th February 2020 Written Update | Vidya Episodes Updates


Vidya 24th February 2020 Written Episode Update, Colors Tv Show “Vidya 24-02-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Vivek Advises Vidya

Airing Date: 24 February 2020

Full Written Update: 24-February-2020 Vidya Episode Start with

Vivek and Mahek going to Vidya’s home. Mahek embraces her and says sorry, I was simply kidding, I know it all about you and Vivek. She presents herself as Mahek Verma. She says my father knew Vivek’s family well, my father passed on in an auto crash when I was four years of age, from that point forward Vivek’s mother raised me like my folks would have raised me, Vivek is my beloved companion, sorry, are you annoyed with me, when are you all wedding.

Vivek sees Vidya and says I m sorry. He holds her hand. Mahek inquires as to whether he has requested blossoms for Vidya. Vivek says no. Mahek takes the letter and peruses it for Vidya… . Vidya will be granted by the instruction service. She says Vidya needs to go there and get the honor, its amazing privilege, congratulations. She embraces Vidya. Vivek asks Vidya to converse with him. Mahek requests that they proceed to design well. Vivek says you can’t get this honor, its matter of large pride, you merit it, yet you will get celebrated, individuals will know you, a chief can’t give tenth standard tests, your fantasy to turn into an instructor will fizzle, you can get this honor by turning into a genuine educator, I will go now, I will meet you tomorrow, think well and choose. He leaves. Mahek sees Vivek’s mum and cries. Vivek says she can’t hear your voice. Mahek inquires as to for what reason didn’t you enlighten me regarding her state. He embraces her and consoles. He says I was unable to let you know, you can’t leave your fantasies.

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Vidya goes to the school. She sees Avtaar. He makes individuals play dhol. He says I found a workable pace you are getting an honor, so I have come. Everybody salutes her. Vivek comes there. Journalist asks Vivek what is his opinion about Vidya’s honor service. Avtaar asks what, you won’t take the honor. Vidya says Vivek feels that I will get well known and afterward can’t compose the tests. Avtaar says they can discover about you, on the off chance that you don’t take this honor, consider the children, Vivek needs to wed you or this degree, think what to do. He leaves.

Vivek hears them. He says Avtaar isn’t understanding that our connection can’t be on lies, your degree isn’t phony, I m sure you will choose the correct thing. He returns home. He makes some consume smell. He sees Mahek cooking and stops her. She says the nourishment got scorched. She requests that he eat vegetables on the off chance that he is eager. She says you will get hitched to Vidya soon, what is wrong, we generally share things since youth, you are my actual companion, I comprehend it well. She goes to see his mother. Vidya says Vivek consistently underpins truth, he would have thought of this for my advancement. Avtaar says its a major honor. Maa says Vidya is additionally right. Vidya says I m not an instructor, I show the children, you know it all, I had battled for my confidence. Avtaar says amazing, you have gotten so reasonable and now clarifying me too. She says I m simply keeping my stand, I need to get this honor when I become an educator no doubt, favor me. Maa says I need Vidya to turn into an educator with genuine degree. Avtaar says fine, you will persuade me, clarify me, what reason will you make, you can’t state that you aren’t meriting, contemplate it.

Also Read: Vidya 20th February 2020 Written Update


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