Beyhadh 2 24th February 2020 Written Update | Beyhadh 2 Episodes Updates


Beyhadh 2 24th February 2020 Written Episode Update, Sony Tv Show “Beyhadh 2 24-02-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Trapped In Maya’s Plan

Airing Date: 24 February 2020

Full Written Update: 24-February-2020 Beyhadh 2 Episode Start with

Maya says you ought to be insatiable. I will bring something. Rudra takes out the shards from her feet. She looks lovingly. He asks regarding whether it is tormenting anyway she shakes her head. he closes his eyes while applying drug to her feet and holds her hand tight. She smiles seeing him bandage his feet.

MJ looks destroyed mirror. Diya uncovers to him she needs to talk with him. He says I am not interested at this point she educates him to meet her or he wont have the alternative to exhibit his face to some other individual later. Meet me after breakfast. MJ says the cerebrum of t

Antara asks specialist who he is taking this for. Laborer says Rudra Sir has brought this for Maya. Antara exhaust thinking how Maya is using her youngster and he doesn’t have the foggiest thought.

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Rudra stuns Maya with gifts. He has brought articles of clothing with different tones. Will you wear it? She signals. You should pick the concealing nonetheless. He picks one for her which matches dim a piece. It will be a respectable start. She changes into that dress.

Rudra looks at her charmingly as she changes into that dress. I will help you with planning today. He applies nail paint and makes her wear bands. She says your friendship has changed me. I have begun to disregarded what my personality was. By and by I simply review who I am with you. Rudra says this is what worship is. You disregard everything except for friendship. The day you will look at yourself from my eyes, you will begin to appreciate yourself monstrously. She grasps him. Everyone plunks down for breakfast. MJ and Diya look at each other. Antara is shocked to see the bowl of Upma on the table.

Maya’s mother watches out for her as Behen ji. Rudra and Maya come there. Antara sees Rudra’s physical issue. How might you get harmed? MJ surveys what happened. Antara blames Maya yet MJ says why she will do it. She venerates Rudra. Maya’s mother seconds her. Rudra motions. She loves me extra. Mother freezes a lot since Rishi has left us. Maya says it is okay. You stress when something happens to your loved ones. A couple of individuals stress while others endeavor to make things even! Her mother asks her what happened to her feet. Maya says there was an old photo which was upsetting her since long. I broke it and got harmed at the same time. Her mother encourages her to be mindful.

Rajeev sees the engravings around MJ’s neck. He pulls the neck area down. What kind of cat right? Maya audits their duel the past night. Rajeev goads Antara. Rudra says welcome to the family to Maya. It is to some degree crazy. Maya signals. It isn’t crazier than me be that as it may!

Antara is pacing miserably. MJ encourages her to listen to him yet she uncovers to him that her kid’s life is in risk because of him anyway he is busy with his endeavors. He explains that this engraving isn’t what she thinks it is. Diya enters basically by then. MJ encourages her to reveal to Antara. Antara encourages Diya to unveil to her like reliably. Diya rather asks MJ who gave these engravings to him. Did you find another youngster or have you restored a past adoration intrigue?

Antara uncovers to MJ she has unveiled to him usually to get his poo a long way from this house! She exits appearing to be a piece provoked. MJ asks Diya what has come to pass for her. she says you by and large express that I am crazy. Genuinely, I have lost my mind. There is someone in your life! He requests there isn’t by the by she uncovers to him she is pregnant. Maya gets their convo. She mixed something in Diya’s refreshment. You are an expert yet you have reliably been MJ’s specialist your entire life or you would have understood that there is no pregnancy here. This fake pregnancy will bring out everything before the world.

MJ asks Diya how he could permit it to happen. She cries. Is everything my imperfection? He is grieved. I need you right now. I am with you anyway you understand we can’t go up against this issue right now. She is dazed to hear him consider their kid an issue. He says you understand we needn’t mess with this kid. Rashly end this youngster! Diya motions. There are burdens in our relationship. Maya grins. The assist you with requiring will transform into your anxiety very soon, MJ!

Diya finishes her tests yet watches nothing on the screen from the start. For what reason is it not exhibiting anything? Was the test wrong? Am I not pregnant? She surprisingly hears the beats and gets excited. Rajeev uncovers to Maya he put the fake sonography on time or they would have been gotten. Maya asks with respect to whether the work is done. He agrees. She says there is one greater action now.

Rudra asks her what work is she discussing. I wont mind failing miserably whether or not you butcher me with your own hands! He gives her another gift. She smiles hearing his joke. He says the alternative to make you smile will reliably be mine. She uncovers to him she can work from home. I am a writer taking everything into account. He requests. I am your boss. You should come. She says I am your boss. He signals. In actuality I miss you especially in office. Will you come? She denies. He makes a bleak face. She says it is okay. I wont assuage you. He calls her mean and stone hearted. She does show and he ends up smiling. Give me something in perspective on which I wont miss you to such a degree. She demands that he close his eyes. He merrily yields. She mumbles I love you in his ears. He says I love you too yet something other than what’s expected would have been something more. She sends him outside and closes the gateway. The passage opens again. She has her back went to the door and thinks it is Rudra again yet it winds up being MJ. He calls her Manvi.

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