Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 5th Mar 2020 Written Update :Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega (5/3/2020)


Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 5th March 2020 written update, “Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega Zee Tv Serial” episode 5 Mar 2020 written update” Reading and Stay With

Current Episode Title: Guddan And Kunal’s Engagement

Serial Schedule & Channel: 5/3/2020 & Zee Tv

Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega Written Update: Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 5-3-2020 Full Episode Written Update

Durga says AJ please give the way Kunal is conceding. Guddan says would lean toward not to surrender? AJ says for what reason would I stop you. Durga says this commitment would be a falter for AJ. Make the essential strides not to expand dadi it’s everything of the a show. Dadi says how as for we start the commitment. Media comes there. The gatekeepers attempt to stop them. Revati says who called them? A writer says two immense stars are getting hitched. We will cover our story. Saru says in heart nobody in any case I could do this. The entire game is in my control.

Also Read: Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 4th Mar 2020 Written Update

Durga says who called the media? Kunal says media is incessantly after us. Laxmi says yet someone most likely let them know. Kunal says they will cover this commitment. Dadi says what will we do with our methodology by then? Guddan says this dedication won’t happen. I am basically AJ’s. Laxmi turn the lights off on the ideal time.

The cutoff starts. Media asks Guddan to make Kunal wear the ring. Guddan says in heart please stop me AJ. She drops the ring. It moves towards AJ’s feet. Guddan says astutely don’t attempt to abstain from freezing state something. AJ and Guddan study their minutes together. Saru says AJ.. Give me this ring I will offer it to Guddan. She will be perky after this obligation. She has suffered through a lot in these four years. AJ comes to Guddan. He gives the ring to Guddan. Guddan is shocked. AJ says I believe you get all the fulfillment on the planet. The journalist says what are you checking things for? Start the dedication. Kunal makes Guddan wear the ring. Guddan is flabbergasted. Saru praises. He widens his hand. Dadi says what will happen now?

Laxmi goes to butcher the lights. Saru comes and says obligation is going on outside what are you doing here? Laxmi says leave my hand. Saru says we ought to go in and regard the dedication. Laxmi says leave my hand. Saru pulls her. Guddan requests what reason didn’t laxmi turn off the lights. Kunal says Guddan give me your hand. Saru pulls Laxmi back to the vestibule. Guddan is crippled. Kunal makes Guddan wear the ring. Saru recognitions. Everyone is vexed.

Guddan says what happened to AJ? For what reason didn’t he stop it. Additionally, Laxmi for what reason didn’t you turn off the lights? Laxmi says Saru stopped me. AJ says this isn’t right. I bring to the table reparations by being with her not against her. Guddan says I changed the finger on the perfect time. Guddan says to Kunal this obligation and wedding is a show to make AJ give up. AJ gets this. AJ says you were acting very well Guddan that you changed over a lie into a reality. AJ says enough I won’t let this happen. In a little while see what I do.

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