Kaamna 24 th June 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Kaamna 24 th June 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name : Kaamna

Timings On TV: All times are in the 24 th June (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 24 th June 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Kaamna 24 th June 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Niharika is standing by tensely when Vibhav acclaims making sense of they are lovely, he shouts they all would it be a good idea for one of them so when Manav sir comes to the workplace then they would wish him, Niharika makes sense of that Manav wouldn’t come so the party is dropped. Vibhav stops her mentioning her to drink the espresso yet she sees him out of resentment, Vibhav imagines that she has a misconception that she claims everything except he is the truly proprietor, all things considered, and would possess it actually soon yet she is so possessive about Manav so he really wants to take care of business.

Akanksha is strolling in the house supposing assuming that her mom would have the option to persuades Manav, she think he has never commended any birthday without her so she should likewise go there.

Manav strolls into the house with Malti aunti when they all wish him blissful birthday and even wish him, Manav with a grin makes sense of this is the second time he was embarrassed, he begins praising with Yatho who demands him to stop, Manav says thanks to them for coming to the party, Yatharth demands for ten minutes referencing he will go with his dad who requirements to prepare for the party, Manav leaves with him mentioning for ten minutes.

Manav is halted due to the cloak that is over his head, he pulls it off and isn’t even ready to take his eyes of her, Sakshi mam is remaining before her, Manav is left shocked so he continues to gaze at her. Yatho calls him doubting how can his Sakshi mam look, he answers that she is looking truly lovely, Yatho calls her Patola when he concurs however at that point Manav asks from where is he realizing this large number of words, yatho specifies the web hearing that Manav makes sense of he feels that he would need to limit his use, Sakshi mam additionally grins when yatho shouts he could remove the use yet ought to simply acknowledge Sakshi mam, manav asks what did he say when yatho asks how might he accomplish his office work when the web is cut off. Yatharth makes sense of he can laud him regular yet ought to simply adulate his Sakshi mam.

Manav makes sense of that she truly deserve all the recognition as they can’t contend her today and she would definitely win Manav makes sense of that he wouldn’t have the option to rival her, Sakshi mam says that he ought to request that his dad change the garments after which they would see who looks more great, Manav is left aw struck as is going to go into the room of Sakshi yet Yatharth illuminates that his room is on the opposite side.

Sakhi mam goes to see the value in Swati and every one of them for coming, she sees that both Mr Holkar and Ayesha are strained so goes to them inquiring as to for what reason did they not have anything to eat, mr Holkar answers he is fine and Ayesha needs to return early so she can accompany her mom.

Manav emerges in the wake of changing the garments when Yatharth lauds him, saying he is seeming to be the legend from a film, manav begins saying the discourse shouting they would have heard his name however yatho says that he has not heard it, Manav plunks down so yatho requests that he rush since he has found a young lady who will suit with him, Manav is going to see the current when he gets a text so goes to check it, Sakshi mam delighted she is going out so he really wants to deal with the visitors particularly Mr Holkar and Ayesha. Manav leaves with yatho.

Manav and Yatho enter the party, karan request that Swati perceive how well is Manav looking as this is what they get after their own battle, Manav accomplished everything with his own will while there is Vibhav who simply flaunts his riches, Bubbly shouts for what reason is he contrasting their Manav jiju and Vibhav. That’s what swati shouts on the off chance that Akanksha had not cheated with Manav then her life would have been unique, Karan makes sense of that it is an extremely modest thing however makes an enduring difference.

Akanksha questions what is he doing since the list of attendees that he is checking was made on her request, she requests that he check her name when she uncovers she goes by Niharika however similarly as she is going to enter the other watchman stops her making sense of that he cautioned her to not actually come near this Bungalow. Akanksha demands them to allow her to go inside the party.

Manav is in the party when he sees Mr Holkar and Ayesha so goes to welcome him, Swati stops yatho addressing where is the ladies he has chosen to wed Manav since she really wants to converse with her, Yatho murmurs in her ear addressing assuming she would have the option to persuade his dad since this is the last opportunity that they would get. Swati inquires as to whether she is welcome to this party, Yatharth illuminates she is the person who has coordinated everything except he can’t track down Sakshi in the party.

Niharika is sitting in her home when Vibhav asks how would it be a good idea for him he manage the food since the cooks were requesting it, he is sorry saying that he took the choice to have the food conveyed among the poor without her consent. Vibhav makes sense of anything Manav did today isn’t right since he isn’t the supervisor of the organization however has begun to feel that she wouldn’t have the option to run this organization without his assistance which isn’t the least bit obvious, she should move in an opposite direction from him, Sakshi coming notices she realized he would be attempting to control Niharika mam, in light of the fact that Manav isn’t that sort of an individual who might destroy the organization that pays him, and does Vibhav not understand what his world is, he asks her so she uncovers he is a termite who eats exactly the same thing which invigorates him, Vibhav attempts to caution her.

Niharika questions Sakshi what is she doing here, Sakshi answers that she simply needs to chat with Niharika alone thus Vibhav leaves. Niharika makes reference to that she doesnot have any affections for Vibhav so Sakshi should not stress, Sakshi answers that Niharika jee isn’t tolerating it now however she actually cares deeply about him. Sakshi makes sense of that she has come to take her to Manav’s birthday celebration since everybody is pausing and even Ayesha is truly miserable without her mom, Niharika and Manav both are a group which alarm Vibhav since he knows just Manav can demolish his arrangements so he is following the strategy of Divide and rule. Niharika thinks for this situation she would need to additionally reinforce her companionship with Manav.

Ayesha gives Manav a gift, he in energy makes sense of that today he will get a ton of presents, Mr Holkar grins however Manav says thanks to her expression he didn’t get the gift which would make him generally cheerful and she can give it to him. Ayesha doesnot see so asks him, he demands her to grin for him. Malti aunti takes the gift from Manav, he demands both Ayesha and Mr Holkar to encourage prior to uncovering he has an arrangement, he calls Yatho thus they generally hurry to begin the party.

Akanksha is standing when she sees that Niharika and Sakshi both have shown up to the party, she is dazed seeing that both her foes are together, Niharika stops Sakshi so she arranges a red velvet cake for Manav, Sakshi answers that she has previously prepared it however Niharika makes sense of she could never have eaten a more delectable cake then it.

Niharika and Sakshi both enter the party, Ayesha promptly grins seeing her mom thus races to embrace her, Manav grins seeing that Niharika has at last shown up, Ayesha uncovers that Niharika needed to wish him for his birthday, he answers he is happy that she came to the party as they all were truly strained without her, Sakshi begins getting envious seeing them together. In any case, she then, at that point, pulls Yatho for the dance and even Manav goes along with them both, but Yatho rapidly leaves. He remains close to Ayesha flagging how their arrangement would succeed.

Manav and Sakshi both are moving together and are partaking in a ton, everybody likewise supports them yet sooner or later Niharika stops Manav making sense of she needs to chat with him alone, Sakshi gets strained perceiving how she removed Manav.

Precap: Niharika demands Manav to not walk out on her in the center, Manav specifies that he and Sakshi were furious in light of the fact that they need to safeguard her, she while crying shouts he should demonstrate it. Malti aunti hears their discussion so goes to Sakshi and is truly strained. Akanksha sees the vehicle of Niharika, she covertly figures out how to conceal in the secondary lounge of the vehicle.

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Tellyexpert Kaamna 24 th June 2022

Kaamna 24 th June 2022 updates

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Update For:Kaamna 24 th June 2022 Written Update Episode Upcoming twist.


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