Kaamna 13th July 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Kaamna 13th July 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Kaamna

Timings On TV: All times are on the 13th July (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 13th July 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Kaamna 13th July 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Swati is truly stressed addressing assuming Akanksha will be fine, the specialist answers nothing remains to be stressed over and all future great, the specialist makes reference to that he really wants to discuss Akanksha and taking Swati to the corner makes sense of that when she was conceded in the medical clinic. He thought something was off with her so he got a few additional tests yet she has terminal malignant growth, Swati can’t hear the news and starts crying, she questions assuming they can finish the tests appropriately and give her the medication then all eventual great, the specialist answers that nothing can happen now so she should areas of strength for stay Akanksha stays blissful in the couple of days that she has left. He is staggered that Yatharth has heard their whole discussion.

Swati returns to Niharika and Sakshi when they ask assuming all is well, Swati answers the specialist simply needed to illuminate her about the precautionary measures and release, the medical caretaker comes to call the specialist who hurries into the ward. They leave after some time when they are pulling the cot, they are dazed reasoning she could have kicked the bucket however are feeling better since it is another person. Niharika guarantees that all future great and even Akanksha would get the release actually soon.

Akanksha in the ward awakens, she in the wake of standing verifies whether every last bit of her body parts are fine and afterward shouts that she ought to be given the honor for the best presentation, she reviews how Vibhav called her prompting that she really wants to bounce before Manav’s vehicle, she got alarm addressing imagine a scenario in which something wrong occurs and she winds up dead or experiences any injury, Vibhav answered she talks a ton so uncovers she simply needs to go about as though she is harmed, he guarantees of undermining the vehicle of Manav that will offer her the chance to act. She simply needs to toss a major stone first which will cause it to appear as though a real mishap has occurred. The specialist calls her from behind inquiring as to whether he can let everybody know that she has recaptured awareness, she answers she would initially eat Chinese and afterward put on some more cosmetics.

Vibhav is sitting drinking liquor; he thinks this is the everyday routine he should experience which is that of King however Niharika has made him into a worker yet she has embarrassed him a ton so presently it is his move. He figures up thinking he has out Manav so presently it is the turn of Niharika, her dad believes that him should separate from her, for what reason does he figure Vibhav would sign them so her misfortunes the control of her whole business realm, Vibhav shouts he could never make it happen.

Sakshi and Niharika both are taking a gander at Yatho, Sakshi signals Niharika to chat with him, she sitting inquires as to for what reason is he so particularly miserable as the specialist made sense of she is improving and she would get fine actually soon however he isn’t the least bit answering, she inquires as to whether he might want to accompany her. Sakshi stoops mentioning him to go with Niharika since she is available in the medical clinic, Yatho questions what might be said about Dada as how might he go through the night alone, Sakshi makes reference to he would certainly stay with him in the wake of accomplishing the bail yet he can’t go there, Yatho demands either going to meet his dad or remaining with his grandma, Niharika says she is only a summon yet he should not be stressed, she leaves.

Sakshi sits with Swati guaranteeing all eventual great, she is stressed however at that point questions assuming Swati is concealing something from them, to which Swati answers there is no such thing. Sakshi answers that Manav made an honest effort to save Akanksha however she felt as though Akanksha accompanied the choice to hop before the vehicle, Manav can never hurt anybody she knows it, Swati answers that she realizes Manav is guiltless and the destiny of her girl is the issue. Sakshi guarantees of returning simply thirty minutes when Yatho shouts that she will meet Manav, he answers she can go since he will remain at the emergency clinic.

Niharika returns home when Mr Holkar questions how is Akanksha, she answers that Akanksha is better and with respect to Manav she has conversed with the legal counselor who is saying they can’t accomplish the bail with such ease, it will be conceivable after the explanation of Akanksha, she inquires as to whether Vibhav returned when Mr Holkar shouts he feels as though Vibhav has gone out and her life, she answers it can’t occur when Mr Holkar questions for what reason can she not fail to remember him, Niharika makes sense of she can’t fail to remember him since he destroyed seven years of her life yet she considers recording a body of evidence against Vibhav they will figure out how to track down him. Vibhav remaining in the corner thinks she by and by needs to get him captured and afterward she will slap him, he promises to not allow it to happen at any point down the road.
Manav is dozing when the constable makes sense of somebody has come to meet him, he seeing Sakshi dismisses to clear off his tears, she requests that he not conceal them as it wouldn’t be of any assistance. She guarantees that Swati aunti has guaranteed she would chat with Akanksha to give the assertion for his benefit, he answers on the off chance that she is understanding the arrangement since the call to redirect their consideration and the breaking of their headlights isn’t an occurrence yet he feels it is an arrangement of Akanksha, she needs to by and by wed him which isn’t the least bit reasonable as she probably is aware he could never consent to it so she will ask something which he can’t give, Sakshi inevitably contemplates Yatho. Manav shouts Akanksha would get his authority till the time he is in jail and, surprisingly, after that she wouldn’t allow him to take the guardianship, as she will attempt to demonstrate that it was an endeavor to kill. He shouts he can’t live with his child, Sakshi consoles him prior to leaving.

Vibhav goes into the room of Niharika with a wire in his grasp, he gradually strolls over to her and covers her neck with it so he can choke her, Niharika begins feeling some misery in her rest.

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Kaamna 13th July 2022 updates

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