Mithai 20th July 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Mithai 20th July 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Mithai

Timings On TV: All times are on the 20th July (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 20th July 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Mithai 20th July 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Sid tells Shubham that Mithai has gone distraught, I was not with her. Shubham says I am feeling remorseful, Mithai is attempting to save you. I got Kishore’s location yet I was unable to meet him. Sid says he is the one in particular who can come clean with me. Shubham says I will give you his location. Sid figures the reason why did Kishore lie in the court? he recalls all that and thinks just Mithai and Shubham attempted to save me. I’m certain Mithai sat idle. Apeksha comes there and says I have made soup for you. Sid says to put it down. She says I simply maintain that you should be demonstrated guiltless. I might have lied that we were in the lodging together and everybody would have acknowledged it. Sid says don’t let it even cross your mind. Sid gets a call and leaves. Apeksha is miserable so Girish comes there and says simply relax, I will get you hitched to Sid soon.

Mithai is sitting alone and says even Sid didn’t grasp my aim. I need to demonstrate him guiltless, I will go to prison for 1-2 years however I am simply stressed over my mom. I trust Dadu and Sid. God will deal with my mom. Mithai emerges from the house and hears individuals insulting her. They say she needed cash so she laid down with a rich man? Mithai lashes out and says you individuals ought to be embarrassed. The individual says you are indecent. Sid comes there and gets the man. Mithai removes him.

Indu comes to Dadu and Dadi. She says I don’t have the foggiest idea what to do, Mithai isn’t paying attention to me. What will befall her? For what reason did she assume the fault on herself? Kindly follow through with something and save my Mithai. She lets Dadu know that you have done a great deal for us yet we ought to have left some time in the past. Dadu says I am heartbroken and I will converse with Mithai, God will show us the way. In the event that God needs, Aarti’s commitment will be satisfied.

Mithai tells Sid to not follow her, she isn’t taking off. Sid says for what reason did you lie in court? I realize you sat idle. Do you need cash? What amount do you really want? Mithai says you understand what I need? I need Dadu’s bliss just, might you at any point give me that? In the event that you can’t then let me be. She begins to leave yet Sid says I will proceed to meet Kishore. Mithai says I previously met him, I will take you there. Sid takes her cycle and Mithai sits behind him. Sid begins cycling and they disappear.

Pramod lets Girish and Abhishek know that we did a misstep. Girish says I can’t confide in you any longer. Abhishek says we ought to remember to save Sid. Girish says I will get him hitched to Apeksha and she will get everything from him and afterward I will get the business back.

Sid and Mithai show up at Kishore’s home. An individual says he previously left from here. Sid asks what did she find when she came here previously? Mithai doesn’t say anything, for what reason would it be advisable for me to let you know what I need to do? You should thinks why just you were captured and presently Girish or Dadu? Sid looks on.

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Mithai 20th July 2022 updates

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Written Update.

Update For: Mithai 20th July 2022 Written Update Episode Upcoming twist.


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