Agar Tum Na Hote 15th Feburary 2022 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Agar Tum Na Hote15th Feburary 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name:Agar Tum Na Hote

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (Istian Stastath Time)

Telecast Days: Mothay To Friday

Air Date: 15,Feburary, 2022

Country: India

Language: Hindi

Today’s Content:Agar Tum Na Hote Feburary 15th, 2022 Written Update Episode Start wist..Mr Panday asks Niyati how Abhimanyu is when Niyati discloses that she needs to converse with him in private when Amma jee asks what can she not talk about before them all anyway Niyati discloses pretty much nothing remains to be stressed over except for she simply needs to discuss the wellbeing of Abhimanyu so why upset them, Mr Panday shouts that he feels Niyati is right as it is better that he chats with Niyati.

Amma jee strolls down the steps when Mami jee makes reference to they have been residing in this house yet that young lady requested that they leave anyway she doesnot feel it isn’t right when Amma jee questions for what reason are they battling with one another, realizing what is happening in this house yet they are as yet battling anyway the two of them leave out of resentment.

Mr Panday shouts he doesnot realize what botch he has made in the pas that his won child conflicted with him to the degree that he doesnot even need to see his face, he acknowledges that he couldn’t give time when he wanted him the most yet how might have he treated when they came from Bihar, they needed to start from the very beginning again as he had lost everything so to indeed accomplish everything for his family, he disappeared from his own child, Niyati shouts that a child doesnot disdain his dad in the event that he can’t give time so did he make an effort not to discover the explanation, Mr Panday answers he attempted to know the explanation from Manaroma jee however she said that kids carry on like this while developing p, some of the time he feels that Manaroma raised him all alone yet she never had any grievance and he realizes she raised him well yet committed an error and it was that she didn’t end the distinctions which he has with his child, and this aggravation eats him from within.

Manaroma sitting alongside Abhimanyu considers past night when she got hitched to Mr Panday while Amma jee had a kid and that da when Abhimanyu was hitched to Niyati, she begins hearing the calls of a youngster in her brain thus clears off her tears then, at that point, gradually removes the sarree from under his head prior to leaving.

Mr Panday shouts what has happened is before and he can’t transform it however presently she has come to his life and he needs her to give her best for make him solid indeed, Niyati guarantees Mr Panday that she will take the necessary steps to help Abhimanyu, he favors her wishing that she carries on with a blissful life.

Niyati calls Dr Subash inquiring as to whether he has seen the record of her significant other so would he be able to give any idea in Lucknow when he specifies that Dr Rakesh would be an ideal best for her better half’s case, he is at the city clinic in Lucknow and she can give his reference. Niyati hurries into the vehicle with the record, Manaroma sees her from the overhang so calls her men educating him, he additionally gets in the vehicle prior to following Niyati.

Niyati at the gathering of the city emergency clinic gets some information about Dr Rakesh yet she is educated that he has gone to London, she asks when he will return however is stunned to discover he will return following ten days, Niyati requests an arrangement similarly as he returns, she dismisses with a document yet is stunned to see Aanad remaining before him, she doesnot even pay attention to him prior to leaving so questions assuming he was following her when he makes reference to he came to meet his cluster mate, she says that he needs to talk even after how he has treated, specifies they all think how off-base he has treated he was additionally violated as she was going to wed him yet disappeared with Abhimanyu so how is it that he could acknowledge it, Aanad guarantees that he didn’t change the medication of Abhimanyu and can’t return to Mumbai without looking for the conciliatory sentiment from the whole Panday family.

Abhimanyu awakens when he calls his mom, he questions how he rested as of now and where is Niyati when Manaroma clarifies that he can go to the city emergency clinic as she is likewise there and he can leave with her, Manaroma thinks how she was educated that Niyati is meeting with Dr Aanad at the city emergency clinic.Aanad illuminates that he can’t begin practice without looking for the conciliatory sentiment from them, and when she excuses him then he can go with a perfect heart, he even proposals to assist her in any capacity with the instance of Abhimanyu, Niyati clarifies she to be sure requirements his assistance, Aanad and Niyati are siting when she illuminates Aanad that he has gotten two assaults in which he behaves like a seven year old youngster, she doesnot realize what has befallen her Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu arrives at the city clinic and starts looking for her yet she can’t be found, he begins calling her anyway she decays it asking Aanad how treats think when Aanad clarifies that he feels this is the situation of parted behavioral condition and he feels it is a genuine case, Abhimanyu questions for what reason is she not noting his calls, so he attempts to search for her.

Aanad shouts that he is certain that this is the situation with Abhimanyu, with anything she let him know then he discovers that he assumes control over the other character and it is perilous for him, she said that he attempted to end his own life yesterday while today attempted to kill his own dad, and she said that his response was something similar in the two situations when he feels that Abhimanyu experiences any compelling feeling then his other character dominates, Niyati begins crying when Aanad grasps her hand and he guarantees the two of them would have the option to fix him, Abhimanyu sees them both sitting while Aanad is holding her hand, he can’t bear it so leaves.

Niyati questions what can be the reason when Aanad answers that he feels that this split character would be the reason for any youth injury, he questions how treated tell him that he behaved like it, she will not let him know when he questions how might he play out an analysis on it, he says to sum up everything there is something in his youth that made him be like this as it occurred with the assistance of certain meds and the additional shocks, so everything is a result of that youth injury, she reviews what Manaroma said so inquires as to whether they can fix him in the wake of discovering reality, Aanad illuminates assuming she discovers what occurred in his youth which he couldn’t battle then she can doubtlessly assist him with getting solid. Niyati is soothed.

Abhimanyu goes into the house when Manaroma comes asking what occurred since he was going to go with Niyati anyway Abhimanyu says that he couldn’t observe her since the call didn’t associate, she questions what is he stowing away however Abhimanyu answers nothing remains to be covered up and she will return inevitably, Manaroma figures she will presently get what will happen when she wouldn’t acknowledge her alerts.

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