Anupama 15th December 2020 Episode Written Update


Anupama15th December 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Anupama15 December 2020 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 15th December, 2020

December 15, 2020 : AnupamaToday Episode Start with Vanraj washes his hand in the wake of eating and thinks he had appropriate food after endless days. He turns and sees Anu standing, requests that towel wipe his hands. She says she didn’t realize he was coming, else she would have kept it. He asks in what capacity will he wipe hands at that point. She says she can’t give him pallu like previously and cautions him to keep his untruths aside and go into house as she doesn’t have the foggiest idea why he returned this time. He yells Anupama. Toshu strolls in. Vanraj says he needs to address Toshu. Anu leaves. Baa with Samar watching this remarks that little girl should resemble Anupama who lost significant relationship of her life, and, after its all said and done she didn’t lose confidence on connections and left Vanraj and Toshu alone. Samar says Mr. Shah didn’t do anything for mummy till now and expectations he accomplishes something for his child in any event. Vanraj discloses to Toshu that he realizes Rakhi is a self-important and disturbing lady and was not content with Toshu and Kinjal’s collusion, so she was simply hanging tight for a possibility.

He says he realizes how to deal with Rakhi and Toshu should confide in him. Toshu inquires as to whether he should confide in a man who left them; its not Rakhi’s mix-up, imagine a scenario in which Pramod uncle was in daddy’s spot in the retreat, Baa and dad would have responded same like Rakhi however with a superior language; his life’s misfortune that he and Kinjal are rebuffed for others’ slip-ups and undertakings. Vanraj yells Toshu. Toshu says he just closes adversary by yelling; in the event that he would not like to hear truth and came for him, what will he talk with Rakhi, in what manner will he face her, indeed he didn’t do anything till now while mummy did everything and even fixed his and Kinjal’s coalition and knows to fix things, yet he knows to ruin the issue like previously and even this time, so he and Kinjal needs to do whatever they need to. He leaves expressing gratitude toward him for his anxiety while Vanraj stands stunned.

Vanraj sees Anu and inquires as to whether she was hearing their discussion covering up. She says she came in when Toshu was leaving furiously, what did they talk. He says Toshu figures they can’t do anything for him, so he and Kinjal will accomplish something for themselves. Anu inquires as to whether he told this. He says he fears that Toshu may accomplish something incorrectly, so she ought to disclose him not to commit any error out of frustration. The two of them stroll down when Kavya approaches landline and requests that Anu offer telephone to Vanraj. Vanraj picks collector. Kavya shouts that he discovers approaches to re-visitation of that house, in the event that he needed to re-visitation of his home, for what reason did he go to her home. Vanraj says he came here for Toshu as he got fit of anxiety, presently he is going; she should state on the off chance that he should re-visitation of her home or register to an inn. Anirudh sings Yeh Tera Ghar Yeh Mera Vanraj says he found his solution and disengages call saying he will look into a lodging. Anirudh says he won the wager.

Kavya gives him cash saying she lost, she can lose everything except for not Vanraj, Anirudh can take everything except for rather disregard her and Vanraj. Anirudh says life is about viewpoint, the spot she is standing, she thinks he is meddling among her and Vanraj, however where he is standing, he thinks Vanraj meddled between their relationship and he won’t let any hostile stare fall on their relationship, he won this wager today and will win back her one day. Toshu runs outside house out of frustration. Samar and Nandini watch him quietly. Anu thinks it isn’t all in all correct to address Toshu now and will address him later. Nandini reveals to Samar that Toshu looks upset. Samar says bhai is both furious and defenseless, here he is irate and Kinjal is crying on the opposite side; mummy can’t cry attempting to comfort Toshu; love consistently stings. Nandini seeing her tattoo says, he is correct, love consistently stings.

He says she can impart it to him as mummy says love gives wounds and fellowship gives medication, he will simply hear her out as a genuine companion. She is going to talk when Toshu reveals to Samar that he needs to meet Kinjal at this moment, its not in dad and mummy’s control now and he can’t see mummy’s affront once more, so he needs to meet Kinjal at the present time. Nandini says Rakhi aunt won’t let Kinjal out right now. Samar says if Rakhi aunt discovers, she will call police, they can think something different. Toshu flees saying on the off chance that they can’t help, he will discover an answer himself. Nandini asks Samar to go behind Toshu and thinks for what valid reason there is no joy for sweethearts. Baa sees Anu accomplishing something and asks what’s happening with she. Anu says she is tying Toshu and Kinjal’s named strings together to join their beliefs. Baa inquires as to for what reason is she joining her confidence with teekhi mirchi/Rakhi, trust she would have tied her and Vanraj’s named strings together.

Anu says whose hearts don’t join together, their beliefs likewise won’t; Toshu and Kinjal’s hearts are joined together, so she is doing this. Baa gestures yes. Some Time Ago; Anu briskly performs pooja when she hears landline ringing and picks it. Rakhi yells where is her little girl, she is absent since the previous evening, she is certain she should be at her home or Toshu would have stolen away her. Anu calls Toshu. Rakhi says he has run off with Kinjal without a doubt, so she is accompanying police. Anu calls Samar and Toshu. Entire family strolls to her. Anu says Rakhi called and told Toshu ran off with Kinjal. Baa inquires as to whether nagin went frantic, for what reason would Kinjal be here. Anu gets stressed for Kinjal and asks Samar to call Toshu. Samar stands quietly and afterward says Bhai was extremely vexed the previous evening and demanded to meet Kinjal and in the wake of meeting her requested that he return home and not educate about them to anybody, he doesn’t have the foggiest idea where they are currently. Anu requests that he call Toshu. Samar attempts and says bhai’s telephone is off.

Anu requests that he call Kinjal at that point. Samar attempts and says even Kinjal’s telephone is off. Anu stands strained. Vanraj in a lodging peruses Kayva’s messages and seeing Samar’s call picks it thinking even he needs father’s assistance now. Samar illuminates that Toshu and Kinjal are absent since the previous evening, so if Vanraj can return home at this point. Vanraj likewise stands strained. Anu asks Samar to check with Toshu’s companions. Samar says he attempted all over the place and no one knows where bhai is. Anu thinks where Toshu more likely than not gone. Vanraj runs in and inquires as to whether she found where Toshu is. Anu says no. He asks when did she discover Toshu is missing. Anu says when Rakhi called her at some point prior. He yells she was resting and didn’t have the foggiest idea where her child is. Baa signals him to quiet down. Anu says they should record police grievance first. Bapuji says bahu is correct.

They all leave and see Rakhi with police. Baa thinks she truly accompanied police. Rakhis yells where is my little girl. Family strolls to her, Anu says their youngsters missing, we both are in distress and should realize that kids won’t get back with their yelling. Rakhi yells shut up. Vanraj says you shut up. Rakhi says how to confide in this family, don’t have a clue who is with whom, he had gone to a pariah leaving his significant other and now is supporting his better half, why they fear show while their entire family is a dramatization. Anu inquires as to whether she will get back her girl in the event that she yells. Rakhi yells her girl is missing and gripes investigator that this family caught her little girl by sending their child to an expensive training organization. Vanraj says for the better future. Rakhi says precisely, he made sure about his future by catching her little girl, keeps yelling..

In Progress….


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