Anupama 16th September 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Anupama 16th September 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Anupama

Timings On TV: All times are in IST

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday (India Standard Time)

Air Date: 16, September, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDi

Today’s Content: Anupama September 16th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with. Bapuji cautions Baa to stop. Baa asks on the off chance that she can’t inquiry. Toshu backs Baa and says Baa isn’t yelling in any event. Samar cautions him to dial back. Toshu yells back and says as a result of him, Anuj/AK went into their home. Samar asks when he had gone to confined house, why he restores day by day to watch shows. Toshu says on the off chance that he had not come here, he wouldn’t have know how solid AK and Anu’s companionship has developed. Anu yells at him to quiet down and asks Baa for what good reason didn’t she question when Kavya visited their home for a very long time as Mr Shah’s companion, Toshu used to adulate Kavya and commend her birthday, she used to get ready tiffin for her, why didn’t anybody question; fellowship was certifiably not a terrible word for a very long time and presently abruptly why it turned out to be awful;

AK is his companion and was simply contemplating in her school; what’s up if AK offered her business association, even Mr Shah upheld Kavya in office for a very long time and saved her from many mix-ups. Vanraj says he has gone through this sort of companionship and knows its results. Anu says counterfeit coin thinks all coins in stash are phony. Vanraj says truth will not change with these clarifications. Samar cautions him to act with his mummy. Vanraj cautions him to act with his dad. Kinjal says mummy is correct. Bapuji backs Kinjal. Toshu asks when AK is only a school companion, why he comes here regular. Baa says AK and his uncle are consistently anxious to visit here. Toshu yells all as a result of Samar. Samar says AK saved him. Toshu says perhaps AK coordinated that mishap to go into this house. Kinjal says this isn’t a film scene, AK took a chance with his life and saved Samar’s life, Toshu is questioning AK since he is mummy’s companion. Toshu says it’s anything but a happenstance.

Bapuji says AK sorted camera out around their home and saw when he went out, went to meet his companion, and halted to purchase jalebi fafda; Toshu should think carefully at any rate. Toshu says he is renouncing truth. Samar says truth is Toshu, Mr Shah, and Kavya can’t deal with mummy’s prosperity. Kavya says his mummy didn’t turn into a PM to be desirous of her prosperity. Kinjal says mummy’s one stride ahead is sufficient for Kavya’s envious and the present moment mummy is miles in front of Kavya. Toshu says this is a result of AK’s approval. Samar says mummy prevailed with her diligent effort. Kinjal says AK is anything but an awful man. Samar says each individual isn’t care for Kavya’s significant other. Vanraj yells.

Kavya says Samar doesn’t know to act with his dad. Kinjal says just Kavya knows conduct, they ought to address just reasonable individuals here, basically they will get mockery. Bapu yells at everybody to quiet down. Baa says asks Anu not to work with AK as its bad to work with a more odd man. Bapuji says Baa’s reasoning is excessively modest. Baa demands Anu. Vanraj with an insidious smile all over says once karkhana is sold, he will give her a spot for Anu’s dance and in any case AK has given her ghungroo, she should simply say no. Anu requests that he actually take a look at a schedule and recollect that he isn’t his significant other any longer. Baa says she is mother and is requesting her to say no. Anu sees offer letter.

GK gets some information about advance which is on Anupama. AK says once Anu acknowledges his association offer, he will offer her another proposition. Vanraj gets back to his room with Kavya and yells how dare AK is to dismiss his proposition, he had effectively chosen to endorse Anu’s proposition. Kavya requests that he unwind and think smoothly that they getting what they needed, AK extended to her employment opportunity and vowed to give him a task sometime later, soon he will likewise purchase their karkhana, let Anu become his colleague and do anything she desires to. He inquires as to whether

she understood what she is talking. She says Anu is not any more his significant other and it doesn’t make any difference whatever she does. He says Anu shouldn’t work with AK. Kavya inquires as to for what reason is that so. He says the two of them will be AK’s representatives and Anu will be accomplice, they will be working under Anu. She asks as though Anu will acknowledge his request. He says Anu should acknowledge Baa and her child’s orders, a bird which cherishes its home than sky can’t soar, Anu needs to say no for house’s tranquility.

Kinjal asks Bapuji how might they power Anu to reject a decent proposition. Bapuji says it’s anything but another thing, individuals from ages don’t need lady to succeed and need her to simply turn into an educator or open a salon without upsetting her home timetable of planning breakfast and getting back and planning supper; lady is given a tiny world which has just spot for her family and not a companion. Samar says AK met mummy following 26 years and saw her ability in 3 days, however family saw just fellowship.

Bapuji says he can’t accept his family thinks so low, they acknowledged Vanraj and Kavya’s fellowship and today they are scrutinizing Anu’s companionship. Kinjal says individuals act as are they, they didn’t care for mummy from previously. Samar says they will uphold mummy at any expense and requests that Bapuji disclose mummy not to take any choice under tension. Bapuji says a couple of issues can be clarified by a companion and not father or child.

Anu moves recollecting Vanraj, Kavya, Baa, and Toshu’s modest reasoning. While eating, AK reveals to GK that ghungroos will look great on Anu. GK insults him that he is becoming flushed, Anu will lose her heart in the event that she sees his reddening face. AK says Anu will just acquire from hereon, not showing his affection 26 years prior was an error and showing it presently is additionally a misstep. GK says don’t have the foggiest idea when will Anu answer. Devika visits Anu and requests that she quit turning into a casualty, Bapuji called her and clarified everything. Anu says not today. Devika inquires as to what difference would it make. Toshu reveals to Vanraj that dealing with a 5 star eatery isn’t workable for mummy as she hasn’t done lodging the board course, AK is insane to give her organization. Vanraj says he is saying same that

Anu will demolish their pride, individuals talked terrible with regards to him and Kavya’s undertaking and won’t extra even Anu. Toshu says he can’t endure anybody talk sick with regards to mother. Anu exhaust on Devika that in light of her insults, her family are provoking her. Devika says its her life and family shouldn’t trouble. Anu inquires as to whether she is fouling up, why she insults her. Devika says AK isn’t a side of the road romeo that Vanraj Shah is behind him. Anu says even Baa and Toshu are behind. Vanraj says he wouldn’t fret Anu’ achievement, however his folks and youngsters need to pay for it. Toshu says he can’t endure AK around mummy. Devika says Baa isn’t her mom however ex-MIL, so she should reveal to her that she needs to work; she should slap Toshu and show him something new. Anu says she isn’t understanding.

Devika says lady need to see others cheerful yet not herself, her child moved to her MIL’s confined house in covetousness of an additional room, her better half had an unsanctioned romance for a very long time, her MIL simply insults all day, every day and aimlessly upholds her child; she should adore them, yet love herself moreover. Anu says she got enormous love from that house and Bapuji loves her like a dad. Devika says Bapuji is best individual in that house and himself sent her here. Vanraj requests that Toshu power Anu to dismiss AK’s proposition. Toshu concurs and inquires as to whether he thinks if AK actually prefers Anu. Vanraj says he is thinking this as AK is as yet single. Toshu says he won’t extra AK if something wrong occurs. Anu says Baa will feel awful as she upheld her against her child. Devika says Baa’s child was off-base and even presently Baa upholds her child, Toshu is his MIL’s manikin. Anu demands not to incite against her family. Devika says she is simply clarifying her and will proceed until she gets it.

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