Anupama 17th May 2024 Episode Written Update (17/5/2024)


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Anupama Air Date: Anupama 17th May 2024

Full Written Update: Anupama 17/5/2024 Episode Start with..Yashdeep takes pictures of Anupama for social media. Anupama suggests Yashdeep to post everyone’s picture everyday. Yashdeep liked this idea. Rahul thinks that Anupama wants to promote Paritosh. Anupama says that seeing the crowd makes her happy. Yashdeep asks Anupama to be careful with customers. Yashdeep talks about Gulati. Anupama told Yashdeep that Gulati also offered a job.

Yashdeep says Anupama also rejected Hitachi’s offer. Anupama wonders why Gulati went to their hotel. Dimple decides to reveal her past to Taitu. Adhik fears that Dimple’s past will ruin his relationship with Titu. Titu asks Dimple not to worry about the past. Dimple tells Taitu that she should know about the past. Anuj gives milk to Shruti and Aadya. He asks Aadya to call Anupama by her name. Shru is telling Annij and puncha he has placed the wedding. It says that the wedding will be in the next month. Aadya is excited. Anuj is stunned. Yashdeep meets Gulati. Gulati asks Yashdeep to introduce Anupama. Anupama apologizes to Gulati for not replying to her email.

Dimple tells Titu that she can break her relationship with him if she wants to. He apologized to Titu. Titu asks Dimple to stop apologizing. He says whatever Anupama and Dimple do is good. Dimple thanks Titu for understanding. He says that in love, everything should be a way. Titu agrees with Dimple. Gulati tries to make Anupama guilty for rejecting his offer. Vikram and Rahul talk about Gulati.

She tells Rahul that Gulati’s kitchen is not good. Paritosh overhears Vikram and Rahul’s conversation. Titu is worried that Vanraj has come to know about the past. He is afraid of Vanraj. Paritosh tries to befriend Gulati. Gulati brought Paritosh. Anupama gives a befitting reply to Gulati. Vikram asks Anupama to let Paritosh go away from Gulati. Anupama decides to leave Paritosh away from Gulati.

Vikram asks Anupama to make sure that the other waiters are not safe because of Paritosh. Vanraj notices Titu’s injury and confronts him. Titus found an excuse. Vanraj doubts Titu.Anuj talks about Aadya’s birthday. Aadya asks d’aller en Inde. Anuj insists on Aadya. Shruti asks Aadya to go with Anuj so that she can make Anupama leave. Adya was convinced. Vanraj did not chase Titu. Titu Trompe Vanraj. Vanraj wonders why he can’t trust Titu.

Anupama 18th May 2024 Written Episode Update Precap:


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