Anupama 21st June 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Anupama 21st June 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Anupama

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 21, June, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

Today’s Content: Anupama June 21st, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with..In Progress…

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Anupama 21st June 2021 10starupdates
The episode starts with Baa keeps an eye on Geeta with her binocular reasoning Kavya gave all the house’s obligation on Geeta, however she can’t believe Geeta as she may plunder the entire house and departure. She sees Geeta pouring entire box of washing powder in clothes washer, runs and stops her and chastens that she can wash entire house’s garments with such a lot of washing powder. Geeta inquires as to for what reason is she meddling as though its her washing powder. Baa says it is and Kavya didn’t acquire it her endowment, gives her 2 spoons and orders to wash al garments with. Geeta figures she can’t work with Baa’s obstruction, so she needs to request that Kavya partition their offer.

Nandini fixes tubelight in their dance foundation and inquires as to for what reason didn’t they recruit an electrical technician. He says since electrical expert was requesting 2000 rs. She slips. He holds her and gets heartfelt. She says let her work. He says they should figure out a period for sentiment during work. He runs behind her and they fall on a bed. She says she missed him. He says even he missed her and communicates his anxiety for Anu due to Kavya’s an excessive amount of obstruction. Nandini says even she feels abnormal and gets apprehensive considering remaining with Kavya after marriage. Samar says he has an answer. She asks what arrangement. He says they will buckle down in this dance institute and bring in cash to purchase their own home where Baa, Bapuji, mummy, Kinjal and his kin can remain joyfully and they don’t need to confront Kavya’s dramatization. Nandini says lets do it.

Geeta over telephone tattles with her companion that her new manager has 2 spouses remaining under same rooftop, one is separated and second is recently hitched, new wife consistently tracks down an opportunity to affront old one, old one is dedicated, most concerning issue in the house is their MIL. She gets apprehensive seeing Anu hearing her discussion and anxiously says she was visiting with her cousin. Anu doesn’t answer. Geeta inquires as to whether she doesn’t feel abnormal to remain with her sautan under same rooftop.

Anu says she is Mr Shah’s ex and Kavya his current spouse, Baa and Bapuji didn’t release her and henceforth she is remaining here with Baa Bapuji and kids, inquires as to whether she needs to know something different. Geeta gets more anxious. Anu says tattle is accomplished for undertakings and not for relationships, she can prattle about it with whoever she needs to however ought to talk just truth and on the off chance that she needs to add masala, she ought to in great all things considered. Geeta says she feels terrible for her. Anu says an individual who works for her is Jhilmil and she resembles a sister for her, Jhilmil turned into her companion subsequent to acquiring her trust, so Geeta can’t turn into her moment companion. She leaves encouraging her to dry garments in conceals as they are colored one.

Baa asks her not to give such a lot of tolerance to worker. Anu says she, Kinjal, and Kavya are additionally laborers and why they feel glad to work in office and call themselves as working ladies and feel sickened if a lady works at home and call her a house keeper. Baa says she ought not believe Geeta as she isn’t trustable like Jhilmil. Anu says she didn’t trust even Jhilmil at the asking and simply attempt to confide in Geeta likewise. Geeta sits in front of the TV. Baa chides that a servant is paid to sit in front of the TV. Geeta says she completed her work and is staring at the TV. Baa says TV entertainer is excessively loquacious.

Geeta says she is in a roundabout way admonishing her. Bapuji strolls to Baa and asks his specs. Baa requests that Geeta give Bapuji’s specs from table. Geea says she needs to turn out just for 2 individuals. Bapuji says its OK, he will pick himself. Baa chastens Geeta. Geeta says on the off chance that she helps, presently, they will request that she turn out in any event, for them. Baa says helping seniors is acceptable and she ought to figure out how to address elderly folks. Geeta says she isn’t her chief. Baa says she is her manager’s chief and MIL. Geeta says she is manager’s MIL and not hers. Baa turns off TV. Anu attempts to quiet Baa down.

Geeta says she will watch sequential on TV. Baa turns off wifi. Geea says she has 4G organization. Baa says her tongue works quicker than 5G organization. Their contention proceeds with when Vanraj strolls in. Geeta changes her tone and goes to get ready tea for them. Baa whines Vanraj that his significant other left an issue on them. Vanraj requests that she quiet down and educates about his new position offer in his companion’s enw cafeteria, asks Bapuji’s assessment. Bapuji says he is seeing him grinning after numerous months, so he ought to acknowledge this proposal as no work is enormous or little, destiny has opened another way before him and it might take him towards progress. Vanraj takes a gander at Anu, Anu grins in endorsement and supplicates god.

Geeta watches them and thinks their are separated, yet associated. Vanraj discloses to Bapuji that he will buckle down in his new position and goes to spruce up. Baa discloses to Bapuji that she is seeing a grin on her child’s face after quite a while. Bapuji says she is exceptionally skilled and trusts he gets changed in his new position.

Vanraj figures he should try sincerely and substantiate himself in his new position and desires to close his kids and spouse’s mouth with his persistent effort. He recalls his previous days and afterward Anu’s empowering words and says thanks to Anu for her help. Kavya calls him, he doesn’t pick it. He then, at that point spruces up and goes for lunch. Geeta serves him bubbled vegetables and salad saying madam requested her to serve him this. Vanraj attempts to leave.

Baa stops him saying his mom is as yet alive and serves him appropriate food. Geeta insults when he needed to have his first spouse’s pre-arranged food, when for what reason did he make set it up. Vanraj blows up and requests that Baa control her. Baa says he should control his better half to control Geeta. Vanraj appreciates food. Bapuji sees Anu strained and asks reason. Anu trusts Kavya doesn’t battle with Vanraj for having her pre-arranged food.

After at times, Baa appreciates litchi organic product with Samar and Pakhi and says organic products have gotten extravagant. Anu says they can’t have same thing day by day. Pakhi says why they have bottle gourd every day. Samar says since its sound and modest. Anu chuckles. Kavya gets back from work tired and lays her legs on table disregarding Baa. Baa controls her resentment. Anu offers litchi to Kavya. Kavya says she will get herself on the off chance that she needs to have it, it’s anything but a feverish day. Baa jokes in the event that she goes to office or drives cart.

Kavya says she can converse with even her. Baa says she, at the end of the day, advised in the first part of the day not to converse with her and that she got FOMO. Kavya inquires as to whether she knows the significance of FOMO. Baa says dread of passing up a great opportunity, an individual can learn anything aside from regard which a couple of individuals can’t learn at any expense. Kavya holds down her legs and inquires as to whether something occurred in her nonattendance. Baa grumbles exhaustively what Geeta did. Kavya says Geeta is her servant, so Baa shouldn’t trouble her. Baa overlooks her. Kavya inquires as to whether Vanraj came. Geeta says he came, yet didn’t have her pre-arranged food. Anu says

Vanraj doesn’t care for olive oil, so she should attempt desi ghee. Kavya shouts on the off chance that she asked her assessment. Baa says she ought to understand what her significant other necessities. Kavya hollers its an issue of her significant other’s wellbeing. Anu says Kavya’s better half is additionally Baa’s child. Kavya says she realizes that, yet what is he to Anu. Anu says she isn’t keen on her and her better half. Kavya shouts for what reason is she meddling then, at that point. Anu says she is keen on her kids, Baa, and Bapuji and Kavya realizes she can’t endure their affront; Kavya can’t live like a companion, however ought to figure out how to regard in any event.

Kavya shouts she needn’t bother with her gyaan and cautions to quit serving food to V and draw her. Anu says how frequently she ought to advise her that she isn’t interesed in her or her better half. Kavya shouts then she should quit peering toward on other’s better half. Anu says everybody dislike Kavya. Baa insults Kavya. Kavya orders Geeta to set up the food she arranges as she is liable for V’s wellness and can’t anticipate wellbeing anything from unsuitable individuals. Baa says she is moronic not to comprehend that propensities change over the long haul and not immediately, a man gets disturbed on the off chance that he doesn’t get the food he loves. Kavya hollers not to meddle among her and her better half.

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