Anupama 31st December 2020 Episode Written Update


Anupama 31st December 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Story 31st Months Ki 31st December 2020 Written Update: in progress

Anupama Written Update

Air Date : 31st December, 2020

December 31st , 2020 : Anupama Today Episode Start with Vanraj keeps standing up to Kavya and says his child’s wedding occurred before him and he just could watch from a distance without playing out any custom or gift his child and DIL all on account of her. He proceeds with that when he used to visit home, she was uncertain and when he is remaining with her, even now she is shaky; he left his family for her and now should he penance his life for her. Kavya yells this wouldn’t have occurred on the off chance that he would have taken her along for wedding. He says in the event that he would have taken her, she would have been desirous seeing him performing custom with Anupama. She yells why he does anything which she can’t endure, he didn’t uphold her there and here is supporting Anupama. He says he isn’t agreeing with anybody’s position and is trying to say that she isn’t right.

She says he can’t endure when she is with Anirudh, yet he is consistently with Anu in each capacity, be it pooja, family assembling or family photograph; he cherishes her, however is consistently with Anupama; prior she used to be his companion and had fellowship directly on him, yet about at this point. He says she is his better half now and he can’t take her all over. She says he should deal with her like a sweetheart and rather why he causes her to feel like a keep. Vanraj inquires as to for what reason does she feel that. She says this is reality and without separating from his better half is remaining with her, so in fact she is his keep. He says even she is as yet hitched to Anirudh and what should he say at that point, he left his entire family for her. She yells goodness shut up, she is worn out on over and again hearing that he relinquished his family for her.

He asks didn’t he. She says she generally gets back and plays out all obligations and when she demands for separate, he changes the point, so on the off chance that he needs to rehash same and get over when she demands for his right, she needn’t bother with this relationship, him, his adoration in cause, or his kindness; he should re-visitation of his family where his heart it, if this is his affection, she needn’t bother with it; he should re-visitation of Anupama and beseech her by scouring his nose all over, Anu will acknowledge him at that point; yells to simply leave. At home, Toshu and Kinjal take god’s endowments and afterward Anu’s. Anu favors them and requests to take Baa and Bapuji’s endowments. The two of them favor followed by Mamaji and embrace adolescents. Anu apologizes them for whatever happened on account of seniors and requests to take Rakhi’s favors. They stroll to Rakhi, and Kinjal says she needs a straight answer from her. Rakhi requests that Kinjal trust her.. Kinjal says she believed her and thought she is content with her marriage and needed to perform it with ceremonies. Baa says when they didn’t listen cheerfully, she began show; for what reason don’t she talk. Rakhi says she didn’t imply that. Toshu asks then for what reason did she welcome Kavya.

Rakhi says since she needed to fix up after whatever occurred in hotel, she was feeling regretful, and she didn’t need her girl’s parents in law’s relationship to be spoilt on account of her. She welcomed Kavya for wedding to make her glad and look for her absolution, yet she didn’t realize that Kavya would make a show and ruin her little girl’s wedding; she wasn’t right and truly doesn’t have the foggiest idea what to state; she is truly heartbroken. Baa asks when they had concluded untouchables won’t be welcomed, at that point for what reason did she welcome Kavya. Rakhi says they prior told that Kavya is essential for family. Anu says there is no utilization of these words and they ought to fail to remember this; great that Toshu and Kinjal’s wedding occurred with legitimate ceremonies. Bapuji and Sanjay back her. Anu’s mom says she will leave now. Cart says when something awful occurred, great likewise occurred and they should proceed with festivity. Bapuji says let us have feast together. Everybody stroll toward feasting territory. Rakhi thinks she figured wedding would drop, however Anupama made a huge difference; she won’t leave Anu alone glad for dominating the match this time. Vanraj drops Kavya’s home keys saying he is going out, tosses her photograph from his wallet and says he is eliminating her from his heart; he doesn’t require either Anupama or Kavya.

He leaves house. Kavya understands her mix-up and attempts to run behind him, yet slips and tumbles down. Rakhi strolls towards her vehicle. Anu strolls to her and says she realizes she is Kanhaji’s aficionado and Kanhaji excuses 100 errors prior to rebuffing anybody. Rakhi says she is powerless in checking. Anu says at times one slip-up is equivalent to 100 slip-ups and Rakhi did same today; she stays silent on account of youngsters’ bliss, however on the off chance that she attempts to destroy their joy, at that point. Rakhi asks what will she do at that point. Anu says she saw what she can do and on the off chance that she rehashes her mix-up, a mother can pardon and rebuff both, on the off chance that she rehashes her mix-up, at that point she will get a tight slap; she should assault her and not her family; she previously advised that she needs to prevail upon Rakhi and not her, but rather when its about youngsters, she can vanquish her seriously. She further illuminates that Toshu and Kinjal are leaving for Udaipur as a blessing from Dolly and Sanjay, so Rakhi should leave them in harmony there; Rakhi ought to enter with sweet tongue next time regardless of whether she doesn’t bring desserts, else she will take care of harsh words to Rakhi.

Rakhi stands seething wile Anu leaves. Bapuji discloses to Anu’s mom that after bidayi a young lady’s bliss is her parents in law’s obligation, yet he was unable to satisfy his duty and is upset for that. Baa says Anu is leaving house frequently now a days and they pondered this to her mom. Anu strolls in. Mother says she showed her mom to keep it securely whatever she gets from her sasural, Anu got just distresses from her sasural and she didn’t impart it to even her mom; she didn’t share even joy; her heart and house separated, and still, after all that she stayed silent. She discloses to Baa Anu didn’t advise whatever occurred, however there is a distinction of just 2 paths between her maika and sasural, she heard it from neighbors; a girl remains at home, yet issues can’t; she asks god that she doesn’t need some other mother hear that her girl’s better half left her for another lady.

She goes up against that Baa consistently provoked her in any event, for breaking something little, however didn’t when girl’s home destitute; a young lady’s mom is consistently hesitant to reply in little girl’s sasural, yet today she will address if Baa gave this sort of sanskar to her child. Anu attempts to stop her, however she stops Anu and says she encouraged her little girl to endure her MIL’s insults and scoldings and whatever occurs at home, yet she believes she showed her girl wrong; she ought to have instructed her little girl to both endure and battle for her privileges; in the event that she had done that, the slap which Kavya got ought to have fallen on Vanraj. Baa says they perform aarti on child in-law. Mother inquires as to whether she would have done same as opposed to slapping if Sanjay would have done Vanraj’s error; a relative/MIL is a gatekeeper of house, Baa figured out how to insult from her MIL, yet didn’t figure out how to follow a MIL’s obligation. Anu solicitations to stop.

Mother inquires as to for what reason should she, a mother stays silent for little girl’s satisfaction and relationship, for what reason should she stay silent when there is no relationship left; they state a mother composes little girl’s destiny, however she composed 25 years prison in her little girl’s life; her girl would have been left unmarried as opposed to wedding Vanraj. She demands Anu to get back with her. Baa says yet.. Mother says she is poor, yet can’t see her girl languishing. Anu says this is her home, kids and family and she can’t go this way. Mother says this isn’t just her home, kids or family; she took care of them for a very long time, presently let Vanraj do that. Bapuji and Baa solicitation to stop. Mother says when they couldn’t prevent their child from fouling up, at that point why they are preventing her from reclaiming her little girl. Anu says she came in this house in doli/cart and will go in arthi.

In Progress….


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