Apna Time Bhi Aayega 16th February 2021 Written Update


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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Apna Time Bhi Aayega 16th February 2021 Written Update”

Tv Show Name: Apna Time Bhi Aayega

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date: 16, February, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

February 16, 2021: Apna Time Bhi Aayega Today Episode Start with Rani readies a glue for Veer for his neck torment. She says he will acknowledge my town treatment at long last. Vikram comes and says what’s happening? She says time pass. He says prepare for the gathering. Rani says Nandini got me garments however I am terrified. I have just seen these gatherings in films. He says you can envision the motion pictures. She giggles. He says do you commend valentine’s in the town. She says they don’t have the foggiest idea however I do.

He says that implies you do realize for what reason is it celebrated? She says individuals dance, eat and embrace. He says no you’re failing to understand the situation. this day is for your darling. Couples express love for one another. Like Veer would get you a blessing, I am certain. Did you plan anything? Rani says you confound me. He says if your wound alright? It’s draining a bit. She says I am alright. Vikram says you’re not allowing me to fix it since you need Veer to do it. She says definitely he’s a specialist. He will be back in 60 minutes. He says amazing.. He prods her. Rani leaves.Rani prepares for the gathering.

She does cosmetics. Her stud falls. Veer picks alongside her. They take a gander at one another in the mirror. She takes the stud from Veer and wears it. Rani says I realize I can never look great. I committed an error. You got stunned taking a gander at me. Do I resemble a witch? Individuals are accustomed to seeing me like that? I will take it off. He says stop. You look great. Rani says much obliged. Veer dresses her injury. The melody rangrez piya plays. Rani says I additionally made a glue for you. You will feel much improved. Would it be a good idea for me to apply it at the present time? She brings the glue and applies it on his neck. Rani rubs his neck. The gathering begins. Visitors begin showing up.

Kiara plans with her companions to test rani’s sanity. Vikram hears this. He says Kiara.. He says what are you doing here? She says not to meet you. Rajeshwari says I welcomed her. She says I need everybody to acknowledge that Veer and Rani are a couple. We need to do it for society.Nandini declares on the stage I realize you’re all sitting tight for the new couple. Be that as it may, no more pause. On this extraordinary day.. Valentine’s day. We should welcome, Rani and Veer. Everybody applauds. Veer and Rani meet up at the center of attention. Rani holds his arm. She says do we need to walk this way? It’s abnormal.

He says I know yet you will be alright in a piece. Rani and Veer enter the prty. Rajeshwair says you look generally excellent. Rani says much obliged. Kumud says to Sanjay, the day I sat tight for quite a long time is at last here. Rani acknowledged Veer and Rani. I figure we should come clean with Rani sa. Sanjay says what are you saying? He says we stayed quiet for a very long time. Would you like to disclose to her now? Try not to try and consider the big picture. She says yet Veer has the option to know. Sanjay says please no. Rajmata takes a gander at them. She leaves.

Rajeshwari acquaints Rani with every one of her companions. They are glad to meet Rani. Kiara is irate. Kumud cries in her room. She opens the storage compartment and takes out a paper. She says I realized this day would come sometime in the future. She cries. She embraces a photograph and cries. Kumud says each mother needs to give all bliss to her kid. To give her a ton of adoration. However, on the off chance that fate arranged this, at that point let it be. She bolts it. Someoen comes in. it’s Rajmata. She says what’s happening? for what reason was Kumud crying with that photograph. I need to discover secret in this trunk.In Progress…

Apna Time Bhi Aayega, 16th, February 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Apna Time Bhi Aayega, 16 February 2021 Written Update: in progress

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