Apollena 9th January 2025 Episode Written Update (9/1/2025)


Apollena 9th January 2025 Written Episode Update, Colors TV “Apollena 9 January 2025 Written Update” on TellyUpdates.Tv

Episode Name: Shlok argues with Apollena

Apollena Air Date: Apollena 9th January 2025

Full Written Update: Apollena 9/1/2025 Episode Start with Apollena finishing the kolam in something like 15 minutes impeccably. Mahadev is astonished to see it. He adulated her delightful work. He asks her how could she figured out how to finish it in 15 minutes or less? Apollena says the estimation behind the kolam. She lets him know that science is behind their practices. Our precursors contrasted everything and the science. She gives an illustration of stars overhead with their soothsaying. She shares numerous information on her about the science with them. Mahadev is dazzled with her insight. He says that he don’t have any idea what her identity is? Girdar says that she is his little girl. Mahadev is amazed to see him there. He embraced him. He acquainted his relatives with Girdar. He says that Saraswati used to visit his home to pick up cooking. Everybody chuckles hearing it. He requests that Saraswati apologize to Girdar. She delayed and says that she didn’t perceive grandmother because of unfortunate sign. Girdar prevents her from apologize to him. Saraswati leaves from that point out of resentment. She requests that Radha complete the work pronto.

Shlok requests that she quiet down. Saraswati says that she needs to complete this cooking pronto. Rupa says that Mahadev illuminated her Apollena will assist them with cooking for the visitor. Sarswati requests that she do it then, at that point. She takes Rupa from that point. Apollena hears everything. She loses her equilibrium and figures out how to appropriately stand. Apollena asks him for what good reason is mother furious? He objections that she was sorry to her dad before everybody without her error. Doesn’t she believes it’s off-base. Apollena says that she offended them two times. Shlok denies it thinking his mother won’t lie. She is a liar. She conceal her indentity from him. She says that whom will visit the house where they confronted embarrassment. It’s confidence. Shlok asks her then for what valid reason would she say she is here? She says that Dadi requested that she visit the house and Mahadev welcomed them really. Shlok leaves from that point out of resentment. Sarangi says that he could do without somebody discussing his mom.

Sarangi adulated Apollena’s information. She asks the questions in the material science. Apollena causes her to comprehend about it without any problem. Sarangi said thanks to her for causing her to figure out about it. Radha requests that she serve the dish. Apollena and Rupa are serving the food to the visitor. Shlok’s companion grumbling to him that her camera was broken in light of Apollena. Shlok illuminates it to Apollena. She requests that he give a tool kit she will fix it. He won’t give it to her thinking it cost a ton. She will demolish the camera. Apollena referenced the perfect proportion of that camera and proposed to pay twofold the sum assuming she neglects to fix it. Shlok concurs with her. Afterward, Mahadev values Girdar for brought up his girl well. She is extremely capable and splendid one. He imparts to him that Shlok isn’t working in any way. Afterward, Varun asks Shlok for what reason did he given the camera to Apollena. Shlok says that they will get twofold measure of it. Apollena fixed it which shocks him. Mahadev serving food to the visitor. Shlok’s companion isn’t staying there thinking she can’t sit on the floor and eat the food with her hand. It’s unhygienic. Mahadev chastens Shlok for brought her there. Saraswati says that Apollena knew the science behind theit custom. On the off chance that she cause her to comprehend the purpose for it, she might eat the prasad.

Apollena 10th January 2025 Written Episode Update Precap:


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