Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai 29 th June 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai 29 th June 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name : Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in the 29 th June (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 29 th June 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai 29 th June 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Pappu going to Shanti and Mishra with the proposal for the benefit of Mirza. Shanti says why Mirza haven’t come? Pappu inquires as to whether I am any more abnormal. Mishra requests that he return and says I won’t empty the haveli. Pappu says I had come alone, will accompany Bittu. Bittu tells Sakina and Mirza that Mishra will call the hooligans and they will toss their stuff out. Noorjahan inquires as to whether Ramesh told this. Mirza says no, he is adding up and says I won’t clear this haveli. Bittu says you have guaranteed that you will clear this haveli. Shanti says nothing means quite a bit to her, than Babu ji. Babuji says I need to go to crematorium ground for once what not. Bittu requests that Mirza sign on the papers, that peruses that he has no privileges on the haveli. Mishra likewise signs and gives papers to Pappu. Mishra and Shanti get back home. Sakina asks how we will take all the stuff. Mirza requests that she pick up the pace and says he would rather not see Mishra’s face. Noorjahan cries. Mishra requests that Shanti bring significant stuff and says I would rather not head inside. Mirza emerges from the house and calls Sakina, says they would rather not see their face, yet saw them. He salutes Mishra and says you got the haveli. Mishra inquires as to why you are saluting us? Shanti says don’t have the foggiest idea who is blissful and who is miserable? Sakina says Bittu let us know that you have scored that sweepstakes and requested that he slap cash on us. Mishra says Pappu let us know exactly the same thing.

Brij says there is a disarray. Shanti asks who has won haveli then, at that point? bittu and Pappu come there. Bittu says I have won it and skilled this haveli to my developer companion Sanjay. Mishra says the game was being played by Mirza and me, then how could you win? Pappu says he is a player. Bittu requests that Mishra and Mirza leave with their families. Mirza and Mishra beat Bittu. Brij and Noorjahan requests that they leave bittu. They leave Bittu. Bittu says you will say thanks to me and tells that he gave 50 lakhs each to them and you individuals are punching me. Pappu says we gave you 50 lakhs each. He says we will get you leased house assuming you need. Bittu says tractor will be carried following 2 days to break this haveli. He asks brij to say hari now. Shanti requests that Mishra follow through with something. Mirza says we need to abandon this haveli lawfully. Noorjahan says I will stay put, I am unwell and asks bittu to give them 2-4 days time. Bittu says you can rest for 2 days and afterward third day tractor will break it. Noorjahan swoons. Mirza takes her inside the house. Shanti cries. Sakina brings juice for Noorjahan and says I feel that something has happened to Ammijaan. She expresses out loud whatever Mishra ji will say to take something. Mirza says lio. Sakina says might be BP is low. Noorjahan says she was acting to be unwell. Inaam says naughty.

Mishra and Mirza sit on the patio and discuss their life as a youngster minutes. Mirza tells that he had composed their names’ initials on the railing. Mishra asks where? They twist down to see it. Kudelal and BBC come there and accept that they are ending it all. They give them vow not to do as such. Mirza says we were not doing something like this. Kudelal says he has brought vanilla flavor (wine bottle). Mirza says I won’t drink. Mishra requests that they make two stakes and says he will drink for Mirza’s sake as well. Mirza says we had remained here and battled as well, however our affection never got less, unfortunately this haveli is going to the third individual. Mishra drinks and becomes inebriated. He says Bittu and Pappu have fouled up. He says I will make them, takes something and draws Bittu and Pappu on the railing holder. Brij comes there with Shanti, Sakina and Noorjahan. Mishra says he won’t leave Bittu and Pappu. Sakina says this is wine bottle saying. Shanti requests that Mishra take the bat and hit. Mishra raises a ruckus around town holder. Mirza tracks down the symbol inside the holder. Brij says it is a symbol. He says it is favorable that the icon is found.

Inaam brings paleologist there who investigates on the memorable things. The classicist takes a gander at the symbol and says it very well may be 100 years of age. Our group need to assess your home, it will be in govt’s care until we search each corner. He says on the off chance that it is legacy property, you need to deal with this to govt. He leaves. Mirza tells that Sanjay can’t make complex here. Mishra says we need to return 50 lakhs. Mirza says govt will take our haveli. Shanti says we will lose cash and furthermore haveli.

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Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai 29 th June 2022 updates

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Update For:Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai 29 th June 2022 Written Update Episode Upcoming twist.


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