Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2 13th June 2022 Written Episode Update

Bade Acche Lagte Hain 2

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By TellyExpert: “Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2 13th June 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name : Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2

Timings On TV: All times are in the 13th June (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 13th June 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2 13th June 2022 Written Update Episode starts with the gatekeeper asking what is this stud doing in your sack. Priya says I didn’t take it. Shweta says I was getting it, it was on the counter. Smash contends with Priya and Sara. Priya requests that the gatekeeper look at the cctv film and find that she didn’t take it, don’t make an assessment. Smash suspects as much occurred yet she will in any case insult me. Monitor says we will check the cctv film, take your sack. He goes. Priya says express gratitude toward God, Pihu hadn’t arrived. Sara asks how did the stud come in your pack. Priya says don’t have the foggiest idea, I realize I didn’t foul up. Pihu says one cup cake for 1000rs. Maitri asks what is it that you need to eat, choose it. Pihu says I m not ravenous, take me to mumma, sorry to burn through your time. Maitri says no, its alright, we will go to washroom first. Pihu says you proceed to come, there will be yuck smell. Maitri says guarantee me, you will remain here, I will come in two mins. Pihu says guarantee. Maitri goes. Pihu feels hungry. She says I can’t make mumma miserable, I feel more eager at this point. Smash comes there. Pihu checks him out. Priya says in the event that Pihu and Ram meet, what will occur.

Sara requests that she unwind and have water. Priya says no good thing will occur, request that Maitri get Pihu. Slam converses with Adi. He says I disdain Priya, I need to concentrate how to dispose of that young lady, I really want assistance. Adi says that was your old GF. Slam says Shweta is after me and my cash. Adi asks what. Slam says you are bothering me. Pihu thinks he is disturbing me. The two of them request the choco chip cupcake. She says I m the youngster here, cupcake is mine. Smash says I have cash, I don’t think she has the cash. She says my Maasi will come and pay. He requests that the man give it to him. He sees Shweta and figures how to dispose of her. She says you were yelling, everybody was tuning in, ask anybody. They contend. She says I will save you from that aunt, you purchase this cupcake for me. Priya says Pihu knows to bargain things well. Pihu requests that Ram guarantee, pinky swear. Slam reviews Priya. Priya asks what will they say each other Shweta comes to Ram. Pihu says I love you Papa, I can do anything for you. Smash asks what. Priya says its not filmi. Sara says I will petition God for this marvel in the future. Priya says no, Pihu and I are cheerful, petition God for Ram, he is separated from everyone else. Shweta inquires as to for what reason is she calling you, father. Pihu says he is my father, I will call you mumma. Shweta says make her calm. Pihu winks to Ram. She contends with Shweta. Slam says she is my little girl. Tu jo mila… ..plays…

Shweta says I will swoon down. Pihu says then weak, we will hold you. Shweta says I will call you later. She goes. Smash and Pihu chuckle. Pihu says she won’t ever call you now. Slam says you got along admirably. He asks do you call anybody your father. She asks do you call anybody your little girl. He says I have no little girl. She requests her cupcake. He says I m breaking my commitment. She says not fair. He says such is reality. He goes. Maitri looks on stunned. Pihu says I m brilliant, that cupcake will go in my stomach. Smash imagines that young lady surrendered with such ease, fail to remember it.

The woman requests that they see the young lady. Smash comes to see. Maitri asks Pihu what occurred. Pihu says I can’t breath. Maitri goes to call Priya. She calls and asks Priya for what reason didn’t you call, Pihu has asthma. Priya says no, she is solid. Maitri says she can’t inhale, where are you, come soon. Slam says clear out, let her relax. Maitri says I called Priya here, on the off chance that Priya sees Ram and Pihu together… . Smash asks Pihu are you fine. She requests water. He gives it to her. She hydrates. He asks how are you feeling now. She says I m fine, guarantee, my commitment isn’t phony like you, I have asthma, I will get fine when mum gets the siphon. Smash requests that Pihu have the cupcake. She asks truly, much appreciated. He goes. She thinks I know to rebuff the people who break guarantee. She eats the cupcake. Maitri asks are you fine, you had an asthma assault right. Priya and Sara come. Priya asks what occurred. Pihu asks what could befall me. Maitri says she couldn’t relax. Pihu says I m fine, I was acting, that uncle took my assistance and did cheating, so I tricked him. Priya says take nothing from any more bizarre, who was he. Pihu says some pompous man. Priya thinks did you see him. Maitri figures I can’t tell you. Pihu says he didn’t say his name. They return home. Priya says how might you be so untrustworthy. Maitri says I needed to go to washroom, she said she would rather not come. Pihu thinks mum is furious, I need to follow through with something. Maitri apologizes. She says I m inclination tired, I m going to the space to rest. She goes. Priya requests that Pihu not move, she will return and talk. Pihu says Maitri got chastened due to Ram.

Slam converses with Adi and Vikrant in the workplace. Adi asks how would you eat this cupcake. Smash says you ought to have met that young lady. Adi asks who, Shweta, how could you ditch her. Slam reviews Pihu and grins. Adi says you are grinning, did you see another person. Smash gets some information about gatherings. Adi says you have a video call with Ishaan, you dropped every one of your gatherings, are you certain. Smash says OK. Adi says Ishaan is Sara’s child, utilizing him dishonest. Smash says that family is a revile.

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Tellyexpert Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2 13th June 2022

Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2 13th June 2022 updates

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