Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 12th July 2021 Written Update

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

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By TellyExpert: “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 12th July 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 12, July, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

Today’s Content: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai July 12th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Angoori in kitchen arranging food Vibhu come and says sonnet and plays with her. Angoori says I don’t have a clue what all you say its dependably tangled. Vibhu asks what are you cooking. Angoori says Tiwari was divulging to it seems like it will rain so cooking pumpkin pakoda for him. Vibhu says I dont like tempest it disturb. Angoori says I love plunging I love to get wet in downpour and dance while pouring, my mom use to say who might have managed without storm his advanced age is close.

Vibhu says I love storm, its prem who said I could manage without downpour then I slapped him hard told its splendid environment and begin playing with her says we will get wet and dance in storm. Angoori says Tiwari is here I need to give him breakfast and getaway. Anu visiting on telephone with Anjali looking at there life and says I’m fortunate considering how Vibhu is here so my life is direct and asks how’s going on with you. Anjali begin crying and says my life accomplice is having seriou unlawful associations and I thought I’ll leave her after 2 issues in any case he got 36 issue yesterday.

Anu says as of now separate is a solitary choice, he doesn’t work at all and accomplishing chatter work generally. Anjali asks am I advancing pleasantly. Anu says yes there is no decision then free, when he will get notice for discrete starting there he will perceive what he has lost, till then behave like you love him. Vibhu listen everything and departure crying. Anu hungs up call, thankgod my Vibhu isn’t actually partake in that.

Tillu and Malkhan remaining close to tea upset talking yo one another. Tillu says do have any land pack where I can open a planning plant of 1000corer. Malkhan says no I don’t have beside I have where you can open creation line of 2000corer. Teeka says I’m sorry I have as of late 1000corer considering the way that I can’t pass on more money then that. Malkhan says I could manage without cash I like essentially important stone. Tillu says I have significant stone as per my point of view, Ill beat you with my shoe and cut whatever jewel tumbled down.

Tiwari come and says what trash are you doing. Malkhan says nothing we were basically destroying about. Tiwari asks did you see Masterji. Tillu says discussion of Satan. Villain is here. Masterji come and Tiwari says I’m searching for you there two or three issues with my own assessment papers and they have gripped my record, my sales is comming and for that I need to give 2lakh rupees so on the off chance that you will credit me will return you in 8-10days. Masterji says you are deriding a weak teacher coming about to asking 2lakh rupees. Tiwari says I comprehend you have sold your familial land and yoi got cash from that.

Masterji says that cash is for my youngster wedding. Tiwari says I can’t take from market on the off chance that they ended up being more acquainted with about that they will grab that sales from me. Masterji says when no one trust you so how you think I’ll trust you yes I have cash yet will not give you and leaves. Tillu and Malkhan snickering. Tillu says now you should go with us. Malkhan says now you will be likewise similar to us poor and the two of them escape. Tiwari says to himself now from where may I have the alternative to get cash. Pelu sitting close by gives him chit saying I can help you. Tiwari asks how. He keeps a plate in his hold.

Angoori in kitchen managing work. Vibhu come. Angoori says when did you came and you didn’t welcome me, what happen upon you your face looks dull you are cheerful impeccable what happen for you. Vibhu begin crying. Angoori says quit crying. Vibhu says Anu is leaving me as displayed by her I’m jobless, I don’t accomplish any work urge me is that right. Angoori says yes she is correct yet this is a huge choice she’s been with you from different years, uncover to me one thing in this savage world did she will get a laborer who can accomplish all family work.

Vibhu says disdainfully a commitment of appreciation is all together for upscaling my standpoint, and says I wish ready to accomplish something and satisfy Anu. Angoori says why not start business. Vibhu says I have everything for business with the exception of cash, and begin crying. Angoori says quit crying If I would have cash I’ll give you yet as of now you have as of late a singular decision that is to implore. Vibhu says I’ll go now and leaves her. Tiwari come to Anu and welcomes her, says you are drinking espresso. Anu says I’m having green tea.

Tiwari says the way where you have remained mindful of yourself I figure I ought to comparably begin having green tea and become fit like you. Anu says it’s problematic green tea you need to exercise and control your eating routine which you can’t do. Tiwari says I was not feeling commendable considered commitment to you don’t think like I’m referencing something from you there is one from my pal who needs treatment so from market I took cash in any case 2lakhs are left, don’t have the foggiest idea about the main thing how I’ll save his life he got kids as well.

Anu says I can save your mates life regardless you are saying that you needn’t sit around idly with assistance and it’s about presence I have 2laks on the off chance that you need I can help you. Tiwari says how might I take cash from you yet its about presence and passing on the off chance that you will assist you’ll with getting enrichments. Anu says he’s your accomplice he will return cash right. Tiwari says its concerning 2days he will return despite I feel provisional getting some information about cash. Anu says as much you needn’t waste time with cash. Tiwari say its alright so you are giving me cash.

Anu in her room getting magazine. Vibhu come and gets enthusiastic with her. Anu says I’m feeling moderate. Vibhu says regardless you are looking at. Anu says this is my last page. Vibhu says after that we will do feeling, yoi don’t have thought the entirety I love you I can do anything for you. Anu says would you have the choice to contact celing while lays on bed. Vibhu says what trash are you talking. Anu says I’m resting don’t angry me and don’t talk with me. Vibhu begin singing sad tune and says to himself everything over everything is done she doesn’t see the value in me any more drawn out I’m a looser.

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