Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 17th May 2021 Written Update

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

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By TellyExpert: “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 17th May 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 17, May, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDi

Today’s Content: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai May 17th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Angoori in kitchen singing tune, Vibhu visits Angoori at window and pushes. Angoori says go from here I don’t wanna listen any raag from you dont sing raag you sabotage individuals, you were threating Tiwari with front line. Vibhu says I was not threating him I was singing Chaaku raag in that you need to pass on forefront while singing that raag. Angoori says first you murder individuals and some time later say I was singing raag. Vibhu says raag doesn’t butcher individuals it showed life.

Angoori says you are lying you assaulted Tiwari, you are a joke get lost from here and Angoori leaves the kitchen. Masterji visits Vibhu and says that commended skilled worker Pandit Suresh Shashtriji kicked the bucket today morning when he slipped himself from 500m above and he was having a thumb in his mouth when he passed on. Vibhu surveys what he visited with Guruji concerning the Guru dakshina and begin crying with Masterji. An alcoholic man comes toward Masterji and Vibhu and begin crying with them

Vibhu in his entrance rehearsing TMT visits vibhu. Teeka says to Vibhu for what reason are you singing raag Samshan. Vibhu says I’m feeling wretched while saying that our Guruji Shree Suresh Shashtriji is no more at whatever point I visit him he all things considered asks me for my thumb yet he didn’t uncovered to me which thumb he need so today we will sing a raag in his memory and Vibhu TMT begin singing. Vibhu says to Teeka that you are leaving tune. Malkan says to Vibhu after the annihilation of Guruji one age has gone of expert.

Teeka says whill you keep getting ready us or will quit doing that. Vibhu says for what reason will I stop I will keep on showing you his inheritance. Teeka says Guruji very likely left something from his will. Vibhu says what he left is his raag in will those are the fortune of an entertainer. Happu Singh and Manohar visits Vibhu and says generally phenomenal go with us to police headquarters and requests that Manohar get Vibhu. Vibhu says to Happu Singh don’t you comprehend me I’m Music Emperor for what reason are you getting me.

Happu Singh says do you understand what you Music Emperor did. Vibhu says what I did. Manohar says to Vibhu each miscreant says that and gets some information about TMT. Happu Singh says get them as well. Tillu says for what reason are you getting us. Teeka says what guruji we dont know him who is this disgusting individual. Vibhu says you have no clue about your ruler. Malkan says nothing you have educated us. Tillu says for asking he caused us to accomplish his family work in free catch him.

Teeka says we will demand against him. Tilly says he is misdirection and TMT got away. Happu Singh to Manohar you wound up being so languid before he run get him. Vibhu says do you have any information about music. Happu Singh do you think me as bonehead I consider music and solicitation that Manohar get. Vibhu says I need to sing a raag for you he begin playing and got away.

Angoori cutting vegetables in corridor and Vibhuti enetr her home through window and drops the utensils. Angoori yells punk yet Vibhu says its me your Vibhuti. Angoori says what are you doing go from here. Tiwari come running towards them. Vibhu put a bleeding edge on Angoori and requesting that Tiwari take his protest back. Tiwari says what are you saying and says to Vibhu first you leave Angoori and the two of them begin doing combating.

Happu Singh rings the doorbell, Vibhu says to Tiwari to take his fighting back and don’t uncover to him I’m here and cautions him. Tiwari opens the passage and Manohar says to Tiwari to fix his doorbell. Happu Singh makes fun on his doorbell. Tiwari says what waste are you talking and what’s the explanation you came. Happu Singh says to Tiwari, Vibhu got away does he came here. Tiwari offering him clue and saying he didn’t came here and says go from here and don’t trouble us.

Vibhu says to Tiwari what sign were you obliging him. Happu Singh and Manohar goes into Tiwari house from his kitchen window. Vibhu says yo Happu Singh, Angoori is in my ownership in the event that you didn’t take my protest back I’ll hurt her. Happu Singh says to Vibhu how might I do that it ought to be finished by the individual who has announced it. Vibhu says I was simply singing raag for Tiwari. Tiwari gest a call from Ammaji and urges to Happu Singh that Ammaji uncovered to me my neighbor will assault me from front line on the off chance that you don’t recognize we hear her out.

Ammaji says to Tiwari that pandit Ramphal called and said inadvertently he saw another person horoscope and said that Vibhu is no danger for you, Angoori welcomes Ammaji, Ammaji says I’ll chat with you later and hungs up. Tiwari says I take my fighting back. Happu Singh censures Tiwari and requesting that Manohar leave. Vibhu says sorry to Angoori, Angoori says no issue these things occur. Tiwari says appreciate will you quit singing. Vibhu chats with himself and begin singing.

Angoori in her room and analyzing her journal and says today I’ll make the work which I thought today. Tiwari come and asks Angoori aren’t you resting. Angoori says I was going to yet a work enlivened an enthusiastic reaction. Tiwari says this is silly movement. Angoori says after such a huge load of time I got pen. Tiwari says to Angoori hold that pen down I’m feeling moderate. Angoori says benevolently listen my sonnet its a vigorous piece, while Angoori was uncovering to her work Tiwari rests and begin wheezing. Angoori gets vexed and rests

Angoori offering water to plants and singing tune

Vibhu visits Angoori and calls her. Angoori says to Vibhu I’m vexed. Vibhu asks for what good reason are you so disturbed. Angoori says to Vibhu that Tiwari never consider me he doesn’t revere me these days, I was portraying an impassioned work for him at this point he snoozed while looking at that. Vibhu says he rested how might he.

TMT and Masterji sitting close to tea deferred down. Masterji asks TMT how are you. Tillu says to Masterji with respect to having dear. Masterji begin spurring TMT and leaves. Teeka says he was correct retailer begin singing and TMT leaves

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