Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 23rd June 2021 Written Update

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

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By TellyExpert: “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 23rd June 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 23, June, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

Today’s Content: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai June 23rd, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Tiwari and Angoori close to eating table, Vibhu and Anu go into Tiwari’s home. Tiwari and Angoori invite them. Anu and Vibhu welcomes them. Angoori says a great deal of thanks and ask Vibhu how is your success, I wish to god he ought to be sound come what may. Anu says god zeroed in on you he is fine at this point. Angoori says to Anu you should give Vibhuti goat milk. Anu says you are correct it have enhancements, mineral and generally splendid for success, Anu asks Tiwari for what good reason are you so very. Tiwari says I was basically slanting to you and goat milk is important for circulatory strain patients.

Vibhu says to Anu did he basically say about Blood pressure patients. Anu says no he is discussing BP and milk, Anu says to Tiwari you are correct they have mineral since they eat typical food. Tiwari says one time saw a record on that and he begin singing. Angoori says stop it will you tell entire documentry by singing. Tiwari gets energetic and begin saying his story. Vibhu begins freezing and break from Tiwari’s home and hids in the background in his home. Anu come and says what are you doing here I’m not goat I’m Anu your life partner, I don’t get a handle on if Tiwari’s words sway you such a lot of why you perceived supper inviting.

Gupta enter Vibhu’s bed and asks Anu what occur. Anu says his pollution is disturbing me altogether, whatever he tunes in external he envision me same he listen an anecdote about a goat now he confides in I’m a goat. Gupta says this is marvelous condition and says to Vibhu come out and ask what does Anu take after to you. Vibhu says she resemble a goat. Gupta what do I resemble to you. Vibhu says you look like Buffalo. Gupta leaves.

Angoori and Tiwari in there room. Angoori says to Tiwari I don’t have the foggiest idea for what reason do you get excited freedom to time. Tiwari say’s I’m shockingly I don’t have a clue why I get energetic. Angoori says what happen for you for what reason are you getting so lively. Tiwari says I’m not doing purposely, have you whenever got some answers concerning dam where water is dealt with so at whatever point you open entryways of dam everything streams away with that water same is occurring to me. Angoori says whatever I don’t see in any case I have a deals for you please says sorry to Vibhu and welcome him on supper. Tiwari says I besides feel horrendous for him I’ll apologize to him.

TMT sitting and drinking. Malkhan says our giggling ought to be connecting so Vibhu ought to comparatively laugh resulting to listening it. Teeka gives a demonstration of giggling. Tillu says to Teeka uncover to me one thing when did you gatekeepers came to comprehend that you are brought into the world as ass. Teeka says mind your language. Malkhan says the way wherein you were chuckling it appears as though ass was crying. Tillu says giggling ought to be in way that Vibhuti begin snickering with us.

Malkhan says I’ll show how might be the snickering and Teeka derides him on his laughing. Tillu says enough with this staggering as of now lets quit messing about and we need to fulfill Vibhu sfter that Anu will reimburse us. Malkhan says on the off chance that you are that dexterous show us how could be the chuckling. Tillu says if climate is worthy receptive will comparatively feel extraordinary he will chuckle and we will be changed.

Vibhu, Anu Helan Saxena TMT sitting together in Vibhu’s waiting room and snickering. Vibhu says to Helan it’s anything but’s a reasonable joke. Helan says there is no words for my experience with what’s truly cunning and I was singing before swarm in my collection and an ass begin hollering and an adolescent from back begin saying he is commending your tune and he needs to wed you so I addressed her your life partner is saying to prod you he is ideal for you. Vibhu says too fantastic what a joke and says to Anu she is a particularly sharp ladies. Saxena says Helans engaging inclination made me unbelievably satisfied.

Angoori come and welcomes everybody and says to Anu I need to talk something fundamental to you and calls Tiwari inside. Anu says I demand you to liberally take him from here Vibhu isn’t feeling better. Angoori says if it’s anything but’s a tough spot, go to our home for supper and Tiwari says please while getting vivacious. Anu says to Tiwari altruisticly attempt to abstain from freezing everything is going on as a result of you. Vibhu says request that he go and says to Angoori admonish me. Angoori says I’m saying considerately come. Anu says no sorry Angoori and Vibhu you won’t go. Angoori and Tiwari leaves. Vibhu says lets get to our humor.

Prem sitting close to tea thwart Masterji come and ask Prem how are you. Prem says I’m commendable how’s your leg. Masterji says currently it’s anything’s several social event get some information about my real issue I thought my leg is no more. Prem says reveal to me who was that. Masterji says first name was Tiwari. Anu come and ask did you see Doctor. Prem says no I haven’t any clue beside how is Vibhu. Anu says his estimations have demolished my life I disdain energetic individuals.

Tiwari posting everything and talks with himself Anu disdain fiery individuals. Anu says I like individuals who make everyone laugh. Gupta come and says its hard to track down individuals like this now a days. Anu says where were you I called you yet you didn’t pick it. Gupta says last night mice eat my telephone. Prem mocks Gupta. Gupta asks Anu what occur. Anu says I don’t what befall him from the past evening he is set out to such an extent.

TMT, Anu Helan Vibhu and Saxena sitting in waiting room. Vibhu gets migraine and says my circulatory strain is shooting. Saxena says I suspect as much he is getting troubled in this typical things feel strange and the converse route around. Gupta come and says you are correct Saxena and requesting that Anu loosen up past arrangement as could really be expected. Vibhuti says I’m as of now graduated for what reason should I take demand. Gupta says I’m looking at affirmation for psychological facility. Vibhuti says are you furious glance at him as of now take a gander at me. Gupta says I’m urging as per signs and it has just one fix we generally need to hurt Vibhu inside.

Angoori drying pieces of clothing in overhang Tiwari come and says center around me. Angoori tosses pieces of clothing at him and says I might not actually want to chat with you, from such unlimited days I’m seeing your affinities you overall undertaking me. Tiwari ssys what I’ll get in the wake of upsetting somebody. Angoori says that is I’m’s evaluation at any rate why you are doing this. Tiwari says I did a certified misconstruing do one thing call Anu we will welcome them again this time we will make Vibhu laugh.

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