Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 30 th June 2022 Written Episode Update

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

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By TellyExpert: “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 30 th June 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name : Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in the 30 th June (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 30 th June 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 30 th June 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Angoori is locking the entryway. Tiwari asks her, what’s going on with she? Angoori answers that she is locking the so Manhoos Kanpuri can’t break in. Tiwari ridicules her since she called Manhoos Kanpuri with wrong name.

TMT are drinking together. Malkhan says that now we came know that how significant is liquor for us. Tillu concurs and says that they ought to say thanks to them since he was the person who advised them to purchase that.

Dr. Gupta is sitting in his center terrified from Vibhuti

Ace ji has additionally locked himself inside his washroom to dave himself from Vibhuti. He’s frightened on the grounds that he is distant from everyone else in his home.

Vibhu and David comes to Modern settlement and Vibhu discusses a verse, and after that full province gets passed out and everybody gets terrified.

Prem requests that Anu’s authorization leave, however Anu flies off the handle and denies and advises him to sit with her.

TMT additionally gets extremely terrified and Malkhan recommends to get inside cover. Tillu additionally concurs and they sets down.

Prem and Anu are sitting and a few thumps on the entryway. Anu requests that Prem proceed to keep an eye on it. Prem requests that she come aswell. Anu concurs. They comes towards kitchen’s window and Prem really takes a look at the window. Out of nowhere, Vibhu and David springs up. Vibhu discusses a verse right in of Prem. Prem gets sacrosanct.

Angoori and Tiwari are sitting together in obscurity room. Tiwari advises Angoori to quietly sit. Somebody thumps on the entryway, and Angoori inquires as to whether she can go to mind the entryway? Tiwari differs and tells her put down. The two of them hear Angroori’s mom calling from outside. Angoori says she ought to open the entryway beacuse its her mom as it were. Tiwari says that he imagines that something’s off-putting and says that she her mom is truly something else he will take her in and goes to really look at outside. At the point when Tiwari is outside he see Vibhu and David standing together and Vibhu is again recounting a verse. Tiwari gets frightened and returns in.

TMT are dozing and their sweeping reveals their face solidly all alone. Everybody says that who pulled the sweeping and checks inside it, they see Vibhu and David inside their sweeping and gets terrified.

Dr. Gupta is sitting in his center. Some woman calls him from outside. Gupta checks outside and sees Vibhu and David standing directly before his window. Dr. Gupta gets terrified and moves down the drape.

Ace ji is distant from everyone else in his restroom and ingites a candle, and when he goes close to the mirror he sees impression of Vibhu and David on it and gets stunned. Later on, he likewise hears a woman calling him from outside. He checks and find Vibhu and David presenting verse. Ace ji shouts and falls back.

Each and every individual who got saw Vibhu the previous evening are sitting together. Tiwari is crying and saying that he will get devorced on the grounds that Vibhu gave him a spell. Anu expresses that there’s nothing similar to that he’s simply getting frightened for not a great explanation. Angoori says that Tiwari is experiencing a great deal it. Chief says that a typical human can’t stop Vibhu. Tiwari proposes that Vibhu is relentless and we ought to take him some place far away and leave him there. Anu quiets him down. Prem faults Anu for this. Anu answers, I didn’t set up a party right? Prem additionally quiets down. Angoori says that Anu is too severe on Vibhu that is the reason we are languishing. Dr. Gupta gets Baba Salim and tell everybody not to stress since he will deal with Vibhu. Dr. According to gupta, Baba let him know that Manhoos Kanpuri like moves without a doubt.

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Tellyexpert Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 30 th June 2022

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 30 th June 2022 updates

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Update For:Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 30 th June 2022 Written Update Episode Upcoming twist.


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