Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 30th June 2021 Written Update

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

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By TellyExpert: “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 30th June 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 30, June, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

Today’s Content: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai June 30th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Angoori in kitchen and gets call from Ammaji. Angoori welcomes Ammaji and says I’m exceptionally focused on Tiwari doesn’t allow me to rest entire evening. Ammaji says Tiwari’s dad in addition doesn’t allow me to rest entire evening. Angoori gets shock and says father in law besides have issue of not resting, he keeps his eyes open and when he shuts his eyes he mixes yelling no I suspect as much some calamity happened at any rate I think everything is going exceptional.

Ammaji says Tiwari is mishap on the off chance that he wouldn’t be here we both would be living easily. Angoori says reveal to me how I make him rest. Ammaji says there is one fix, make some different men rest in your lap who gets beatun up from his adored one alright by and by I’m going and hungs up call. Saxena in his home course of action book. Anu and Vibhu go to his home and welcomes him. Anu says we came here say you grateful.

Vibhu says to Saxena I have undeniable sort of intuition for your individual at any rate you are very bewildering thanks a ton Saxena. Saxena says thankyou and urge nothing will happen to your relationship till I’m here. Vibhu saya you are single at any rate how might you offer such unprecedented course. Saxena says I can’t lay eggs yet I can cook better omelet then chicken. Anu says you helped us what is your charges. Saxena says I dont need cash. Vibhu handle and begin slapping him.

Angoori brings breakfast for Tiwari and calls Tiwari. Anu come and says do you have some espresso mine is done. Angoori says you come at right opportunity show up eat. Anu says forget about it Angoori Vibhu made breakfast for me and I actually had that. Angoori says uncommon you found some useful task to fulfill accomplice in your better half you are fortunate.

Anu says yes I’m fortunate we battle a piece I’m fortunate to have Vibhu I love him. Angoori says when I was vivacious my mother use to uncover to me that housewife of cuty are so wamp thy beat there mate resulting to eating, I ask you have this love with Vibhu forever. Anu says espresso. Angoori says smart sit I’ll bring. Tiwari come and sees Anu and try to move away. Anu says what happen Tiwari. Tiwari says sorry I have some work to do and get away.

Angoori in kitchen cutting vegetable Vibhu come and welcomes her. Angoori says right by and by I’m here in any case I’ll we going out to request that my companion ask who all beats there buddy, Ammaji revealed to me a response for bring back Tiwari’s rest. Vibhu requests what kind from fix. Angoori says I need to discover a mate who gets beatun up from his better half and make him rest in my lap. Vibhu says impressive freedom. Angoori says I recall your accomplice who says I have stores of cash I have seen red inscriptions on his cheeks.

Vibhu says what are you saying you will make any dim individual rest in your lap, Prems partner love him an uncommon game plan she interminably bring bed tea for him and from that point take him to washroom she regards him a ton, says I’ll come in evening and will uncover to you directly at present I’m going to office. Angoori asks what occur. Vibhu says yesterday I put somewhat salt less in vegetable so she beat me and it’s and inside beating. Angoori says I don’t really recognize that this I talked with Anu and she uncovered to me you love each other to such an extent. Vibhu begin saying more gab.

Angoori says I can’t really recognize that it I thought you both are luvi duvi couple. Vibhu says in the event that you don’t actually acknowledge that me I’ll show you I’ll submit bumbles before you and Anu will beat me at any rate guarantee me you need to make me rest in your lap. Angoori say’s OK then my Tiwari will truly have to rest. Vibhu says I’m going to clinical focus and leaves.

Vibhu passes on Angoori to his home and says to Angoori you keep on looking for cover behind this entryway I’ll show you how Anu treats me. Angoori says I don’t believe Anu is a shocking woman she won’t do. Vibhu says Anu will come in some time and I’ll reveal to her that I consumed your saree which mother gave you. Angoori hollers and says what you will consume saree given by mother do you see how much basic and critical is saree. Vibhu says I need to eat up something to make her upset.

Angoori says I wouldn’t worry eat up anything you need I need to see you getting beatun up. Vibhu says OK do one thing Anu is coming go stow away. Anu enter and makes appropriate colleague with him. Vibhu says so you came and begin meddling with Anu. Anu says OK I’m crushed and what happen why you are in so appalling character. Vibhu says I consumed your saree while crushing which mother give you.

TMT close to tea impede sitting and singing. Teeka says I got a suggestion from my sweetheart Lucy we need to sing to her dad. Gupta come and TMT begin running. Gupta says where are you running come sit and says you locked down I woke in evening at any rate uncover to me one thing there were some cash in my wallet did you took that cash. Tillu says what are you talking you are erroneously charging us and TMT begin yelling on Gupta. Tiwari come and ask Gupta for what advantage reason are you locks in. Tillu says to Tiwari we were not doing battling genuinely Gupta was adulating us.

Gupta says to Tiwari they have open another relationship to make individuals nod off TMT adolescents’ tune pvt. ltd. Teeka says we don’t have nay branches. Malkhan says we don’t have any establishment as well. Gupta says I couldn’t nod off from many time in any case these individuals make me nod off in 10min. Tiwari asks would you have the choice to make nod off anybody, so go to my home around evening time since I’m not ready to rest from different days I’ll pay your the entirety of the charges basically in the event that you make me nod off. Teeka says don’t pressure we will make you nod off.

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