Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 8th October 2021 Written Update

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

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By TellyExpert: “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 8th October 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (Indian Standard Time)

Telecath Days: Morday To Friday

Air Date: 8, October, 2021

Country: India

Language: Hindi

Today’s Content: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai October 8th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Vibhu and Saxena close jhakar katti. Happu Singh come and asks what are you doing in greenery. Vibhu inquires as to what are you doing here. Happu Singh says I’m worried from various days. Vibhu says why did your life partner got you. Happu Singh says no I’m getting some unusual messages from various days. Vibhu and Saxena micks him. Happu Singh says you both are sending negative messages on police site. Vibhu says you are youngster that we will message you. Happu Singh says you both are posting respectful tunes in greenery. Vibhu says we didn’t record any comment for you.

Happu Singh says you are being gotten now go with me to police base camp. Saxena says do we get third degree torture there. Happu Singh says that is similarly a game for you so I coordinated fourth degree for you so come and falls behind.

Happu Singh beating Vibhuti and Saxena in police central command and ask them let me in on the thing game are you playing against me. Vibhu says we are not playing any game. Happu Singh says to you both were playing rummy in supports. Vibhu says that comment was ofr Tiwari it has nothing yo do with you. Happu Singh says you are a lier and says to Saxena you are ideal individual so told me game you playing against me. Saxena says I’ll not tell until you don’t beat me bean stew covered stick. Happu Singh says I have fat stick for you and start beating him. Happu Singh says at present recognize your bad behavior of posting negative comments. Saxena says we are not commenting on police site we are basically playing somewhat game with Tiwari we have no association with you or your site.

Vibhu says endeavor to fathom we are playing with Tiwari. Happu Singh asks then who is intruding with me. Vibhu says use some savvy instinct if any individual commented on police site from his PC can be gotten with no issue. Happu Singh says is there any valid reason why i wouldn’t have the option to get him. Saxena says since he isn’t using his own PC. Vibhu says these bad behavior are done from advanced bistro. Saxena says you should continue to glance through all Cyber bistro. Vibhu says I’m sure you will geta any clue. Happu Singh says Tiwari moreover opened advanced bistro. Vibhu says OK start starting there. Happu Singh solicitations to assault on his bistro. Saxena says do it in Ajay Devgan’s style. Happu Singh beats Saxena.

TMT at computerized bistro having pakido. Tillu demands that Teeka record piece of criticism for law. Angoori go with nibbles and sees man in dull pieces of clothing says did you eat anything or not. TMT invites Angoori. Angoori says I made some sweet for youm TMT expresses profound gratitude to her. Angoori says you are my customer, finish this first I’ll get more. Happu Singh walks around computerized bistro and shouts nobody will move. Tiwari come and says we is dirtying my computerized bistro environment and walks around him.

Happu Singh says I suspect as much your bistro is dirtying environment of ehole kanpur that is the explanation I have strike your computerized bistro, from this bistro some criminal shows are happing. Tiwari demands what kind from violations and who edified you concerning this. Happu Singh why should I tell you. Angoori come and asks what’s happening. Tiwari says he is saying a few violations are going on from.our bistro yet my record is at this point hacked. Happu Singh says a couple of customers are here too I’ll banter with them.

Angoori says you have confusion. Happu Singh says don’t pressure believe in me I’ll not hurt your bistro, I have question that stunt against me is been done from here and demand that TMT continue to sit in vehicle outside. Teeka says I feel befuddled taking into account development illness. Happu Singh slaps him and ask Angoori not to permit him to enter inside. Happu Singh sees a man in dull dress walks around him and says go with me and solicitations that he show his face. He take out his hoodie and wound up being Manohar.

Happu Singh says you were against this, I think you as of my more energetic kin and you unloaded me go from here. Tiwari says I don’t know what’s happening in my advanced bistro. Anu walks around computerized bistro with shock says whatever is going on isn’t satisfactory. Tiwari says what are you saying Bhabhiji. Anu says don’t take my name. Angoori asks what happen. Anu rebukes Tiwari. Tiwari says atleast focus on me. Anu says I’ll lead rallies against you for negative comments on my accounts, yet lower some portion of story is that you have acted devilishly with me. Happu Singh says to Anu stress no one can raise hell with you when I’m here, I’ll do his experience.

Anu says uf you don’t have a clue about all that then, don’t say. Happu Singh says I know everything, by and by ask who acted devilishly with you. Anu asks who did. Happu Singh says he is your soul mate Vibhuti Narayan Mishra chhapar University cherry on top and you understand he recognized everything in police central command and Saxena was with him. Anu says I’m sorry to Tiwari.

Anu and Vibhuti in room. Anu getting comments and ask what all did you made explain me. Vibhu says leave it. Anu says I need to know whta you mean while making this here read it. Vibhu gets comment and says whatever I did is to show a novel, new thing to Tiwari. Anu says you insulted me. Vibhu says my point were not that, I just need to train him. Snu says then what way was this to show him representation.

Vibhu says as much should I shoot him, I did the way wherein he did to me. Anu says I don’t know why did you drag me in how should you make these things for me. Vibhu says I’m genuinely sorry you are most magnificent plot for me snd apologize to her and start singing for her. Anu smiles and gets inside cover with her.

Tiwari in his home. Ammaji snd Angoori come. Ammaji says I’m feeling hungry do you wayto eat something and how much calculation you’ll do. Angoori asks hiw mush advantage did we make. Tiwari says get some data regarding mishap and insults her. Ammaji says what are you examining her don’t you have any shame. Tiwari says in advanced bistro complete theory was of 1 lakh yet it wound up being 2.5 lakhs, your young lady in law have offered food to anyone whoever come to computerized bistro and she use to give a wide scope of paratha and sweet also. Ammaji says you never made sweet for me. Angoori says Bhoore showed me actually I’ll obviously make for you.

Tiwari mocks her and hollers on her. Angoori says why are you hollering Ammaji showed me if a lion go to your home nevelet him leave voracious and those all were my customer. Tiwari says expecting you need give them tea, coffee. Ammaji says I’m happy for her she have positive schedules of food godess. Angoori says its real nobody take off from hungry from Ammajis house. Tiwari says niw you both will tell me what I should do. Ammaji says keep your PC in side and shut down. Angoori says OK do what Ammaji is saying I was moreover not loving advanced bistro, I love cooking and demands that Ammaji start what else business we can do. Ammaji says you can go for salon lets start this business and the two leaves.

Happu Singh beating TMT in jail. Happu Singh says you were intruding with me, I’ll record contention against you three of traitor. TMT gets paralyzed and says what are you saying. Teeka says we will protesting against you to Commissioner. Happu Singh beat them and says I’ll gile example of sneaking too on you three. Happu Singh gets out jail and walks around Manohar. Manohar says this is shamefulness. Happu Singh how are you standing when I went inside I rebuked down slant down and criticizes him says you commented against your senior and slaps him. Manohar says them quit irritating your lesser, leave TMT yet I’m a person. tMT explodes and hollers.

Happu Singh says focus on me first. Teeka says we understand you will demand pay off. Tillu says we will not give you anything. Happu Singh says at first focus on me. Malkhan says as much we ought to examine you sister in law. Happu Singh says that is the explanation I could do without them not ready to mull over. Teeka says you have reliably unloaded us when come to mull over. Manohar says at first focus on Happu Singh. Tillu says what are your conditions. Happu Singh says now you are talking right, you have do positive comments for me. TMT says we are ready. Happu Singh says okay then every one of you are free. Teeka says okay we will handle your work.

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