Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 9th July 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 9th July 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 9, July, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

Today’s Content: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai July 9th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Saxena, Vibhu, TMT and Masterji together. Masterji oin seat and Vibhu beating him with stick. Saxena says to TMT you are feeling acceptable do require one. TMT escape. Ani come and says what are you doing you are beating him with stick don’t you got any way, by the adjudicator will come and ask yo to dispose of everything. Supervisor come and says to Vibhu help me I’m having genuine torment in my stomach if it’s not all that amount trouble, fix me. Vibhu says sure why not and ask support Saxena to take out shoeosprin.

Gupta on telephone talking with somebody in his center saying some to change his lungs and keeps his telephone. Anu come to Doctor Gupta and saying my stomach is tormenting. Gupta says for what reason did you come here you have master in your home. Anu says why are you for and notice to me how compulsion are you getting along individuals of slapping and kicking them, as of now I’ll do one thing I’ll record a report against you and that will go to CM and you’ll go to prison. Gupta says for what reason I’ll go to prison. Anu says you and Prem dont do anything you cause Vibhu to do everything. Gupta says I’m family man and this approach is of Vibhu.

Anu says no concern I’ll request to set an enquiry then we will know it all. Gupta says you came here today to obliterate me. Anu says you are destroying my Vibhu, I need to know what you are doing I need to know as of now. Gupta says engineer behind this strategy is Vibhu me and Prem basically blend something in there food and they goes to Vibhu where he beat them with hands and kick and give them medication which is given by me which help them in there torment for which Vibhu charge costs which help us with welling. Anu says I don’t recognize this.

Angoori in kitchen cooking and singing tune. Anu vome to her and begin singing her. Angoori says when I was vivacious there was wild in my town so I saw peacock there moving in rainstorm, you should have additionally seen this Anu. Anu says yes in my grandma’s town dhurrapremnagar. Angoori gets shock and says my daddy use to play kushti there. Anu says for what reason are you cooking so late. Angoori says Tiwari had paratha in breakfast I need to have saag so I was cooking. Anu says as much you will eat this without assistance from any other person.

Angoori yoi can oblige me. Anu says no I’m on diet except for I need to drink water and Anu blend something in her saag. Angoori brings water and says I would rather not have water I’m feeling something as of now I’ll go. Angoori on telephone conversing with Bhoori saying I had my lunch and looking at there uncle and says I’ll call you later I’m having torment in my stomach and calls Tiwari. Tiwari come and says I’m having outrageous torment in my stomach. Tiwari says we will take you to prepared proficient. Amu watching everything from outside the entrance come and requests Angoori says what happen Angoori. Tiwari says all of unexpected her stomach begin tormenting. Anu says what happen did you eat something frightful what happen are you in torment.

Angoori says yes I’m in torment to such an extent. Anu says to Angoori so may you need to see Vibhu for test. Angoori says yes. Tiwari gets alert says you know how he treats do you truly wnat to go. Angoori yells on Tiwari. Vibhu says what happen upon the client they didn’t come from much long. Saxena says I suspect as much they ended up being more acquainted with about you that you are twisting accurately 10 alpha extortion should have passed on then you were envisioned. Vibhu slaps Saxena. Saxena says sorry now I’m feeling new. Tiwari, Angoori and Anu come to Vibhu. Angoori says my stomach is tormenting. Anu says to Vibhu give her your slaposprin. Vibhu says take her to prepared proficient. Tiwari says then what are you. Vibhuti says I’m specific sort of topic master.

Tiwari is the thing that is other sort. Vibhu says I’m having distinctive methodology to oversee individuals of various kind like TMT. Teeka and Malkhan come and Teeka says how could you impact says that we are not human. Malkhan says what are we then creatures. Teeka says this isn’t commendable. Vibhu says you are male and this treatment is for male not ladies. Angoori says torment doesn’t see its male or female misery is torment. Tiwari says what are you taking a gander at start your treatment. Anu says what are you doing begin her treatment quick. Vibhu says to Saxena separate medication in water and give her. Anu says why medication give you slaposprin.

Angoori says give me quick slaposprin. Vibhu says can’t give you it is for Tiwari and TMT to show them since they use to put me down so I thought I’ll show them first I make them got out and from there on beat them and take cash for treatment. Tiwari says how slaposprin make us well. Saxena says that water I use to give you have remedy in it that fixes patients. Malkhan Teeka and Tiwari detonates and compromise Vibhu. Vibhu escape.

Anu in her room looking at book Vibhu come and says you are not resting till yet. Anu says for what reason are you proposing to assume off to some position and make individuals fool once more. Vibhu says stop don’t humiliate me more I uncovered to you I left everything, let me reveal to you one thing such work are going on in this world. Anu says you are in wrong world individuals are in prison who are doing trickery like this. Vibhu says I wouldn’t worry I’m out of game. Anu says take swear of your mom that you will quit doing all that you are doing with individuals. Vibhu say’s I swear I’ll not do. Something beats on entrance Vibhu goes to entrance. Tillu hollering from out if it’s not all that amount trouble, give slaposprin or, most likely he will flop wretchedly.

Malkhan says open rapid Teeka is passing on. Vibhu open entryway and TMT goes in. Vibhu says where are you going. Tillu says considerately fix Teeka. Malkhan says please slap him quick. Vibhu says I took my mom swaer or I would have slapped you phenomenally hard, this wretchedness is of stone take him to prepared proficient. Teeka says I’ll do my treatment with you. Malkhan says give him 2-3 slaps. Vibhu says attempt to comprehend I can’t slap. Tillu says I liked notification to me what is your cost. Vibhu ssys on the off chance that you will give me 1lakh I’ll notwithstanding not slap. TMT says you need to lift your hand to slap. Vibhu says no in huge voice.

TMT begin beating Vibhu. Malkhan says to Teeka is he deat. Tillu says let me check, he is loosening up. Teeka says adolescents my stomach isn’t tormenting now im fine at this point. Tillu and Malkhan says we are having misery and Tillu says to Malkhan lets do our treatment and TMT begin beating Vibhu. Tillu says I’m sufficient at this point. Malkhan says my cerebral misery is moreover agreeable and TMT begin singing and leaves. Anu come and says what is this noice and takes a gander at Vibhu says who did this to you. Vibhu says as much fan came and give there blossoms.

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