Bhagya Lakshmi 11th October 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Bhagya Lakshmi 11th October 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhagya Lakshmi

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (Indian Standard Time)

Telecath Days: Morday To Friday

Air Date: 11, October, 2021

Country: India

Language: Hindi

Today’s Content: Bhagya Lakshmi October 11th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Ayush asking Lakshmi what was the deal? He says gives up home. Lakshmi says he gave us 15 mins. Ayush says did he give or you took. He likes her and says you are marvel machine to persuade Mama ji. Lakshmi says why they didn’t come till now and says all arrangement will be demolished in the event that they get suspicious even a little. Ayush sees them coming and says OK Rani Maa. Rohan says we were conversing with our attorney and he requested that we check your plant papers once. Shanaya asks do you have issue. Lakshmi and Ayush get strained. Rohan takes the record and actually takes a look at the front paper. Ayush thinks different papers are phony. Virender implores Bappa to be with Lakshmi and Ayush and says he will deal with Rishi’s case in court, they will not get caught. Rohan is going to turn the paper. Lakshmi grabs the document from his hand and says I don’t care for in the event that somebody questions me. She says bargain is dropped and asks Mr. Bindra to toss them out. Ayush says Rani Maa.

Lakshmi says let them battle case with Rishi Oberoi, they will go downhill and can always lose the case. She says Rishi Oberoi is a major name and will win the case. She says they will get when they need to pay crores to Rishi, when he records slander case. Ayush requests that Lakshmi excuse them. Lakshmi says they will get when they come on street. Ayush says they are little youngsters. Rohan says we won’t actually take a look at the document. Shanaya says we are prepared to do anything. Rohan asks would we be able to check the cash once. Neelam calls Virender and think what’s going on there. Virender picks the call and says OK Neelam. Neelam says did you meet Lakshmi? Virender says I can’t hear you in rush hour gridlock and says I am coming to there in 15 mins. He thinks 13 mins remaining. Neelam lets Karishma know that he is coming. Karishma requests that she call a public interview and declare that whatever Lakshmi has done, her absurdity, we don’t have a say in her turn. Neelam requests that she call media at Paradise Sherton. She says even Lakshmi will comprehend that we have nothing to do with her.

Lakshmi says you can count, however before that you need to show verifications to us. Shanaya asks what confirmation. Lakshmi says the evidence which will demonstrate that Rishi Oberoi had attacked her. Ayush says we will suffocate him in business and ruin him. Lakshmi requests that they show the evidence and figures Bau ji will come. She says they are burning through such a lot of time. She lets Ayush know that she thought to give them 15% association share in their lodging and they won’t allow Rishi to emerge from prison. Rohan says how to trust you, on the off chance that you let us count the cash, we will consent to your platitudes. He opens the cash portfolio and is going to really look at the notes. Virender comes there and asks what’s going on here? He says you are managing them. Ayush says Mama. Virende says sardar ji, your mom will be recollected. He says you are uncovered, I got the right news that my opponents are meeting them and tells that he will not allow them to succeed. He says Sardar ji and Beeji, Rani Sa. He says you do this in this age, and lets Rohan and Shanaya know that he will give them twofold, and requests that they tell once that Rishi is guiltless.

Lakshmi says we were not discussing your child. Virender says I have a deep understanding of your arrangement, you needed to destroy my business, I will end everything and cover everybody here. Lakshmi thinks exaggerating isn’t required, tells that she won’t hear him and requests that he leave. She takes him leave. Shanaya asks Rohan not to question them and acknowledge their proposition. Lakshmi requests that Virender go and expresses gratitude toward him for coming at the perfect opportunity. Virender says goodluck. She returns. Rohan says we need to converse with Rani sa. Lakshmi returns and says on the off chance that you consent to our deal or will I do some different plans. Rohan says we consent to your arrangement. Lakshmi turns on the video in her portable. Rohan says we have no evidences against Rishi, as he has not attacked Shanaya. Lakshmi says why Shanaya will lie huge, it is matter of her regard. She inquires as to whether Rishi has not done anything amiss with her. Shanaya says Rishi didn’t do anything, he didn’t contact me. She says infact I advised him to give me a task and I will keep him cheerful, and I drew nearer to him, yet he blew up and said that he regards ladies.

She says when I disagreed, then, at that point, he pushed me out of his lodge and that is the reason I blew up and documented phony attack case on him. She says whatever signs and the imprints on me, which all of you saw was finished by me, with my hands, and outlined Rishi. She says I have caught Rishi severely and relax, I will keep on lying like this. Lakshmi says if Rishi demonstrates his honesty. Shanaya says how he will do this, as his lodge CCTV was working and I had heard when I went for the meeting and that is the reason I am catching him with practically no concerns. She says Rishi is honest, yet who will trust him. Lakshmi records the video and ships off Inspector. Rohan takes the plant papers and says we are with you, you can demolish Rishi. He turns the papers and discovers clear papers. He says you are con artists, how could you to do this? Lakshmi calls Inspector there. Controller comes there with Virender and Constables. Shanaya asks who right? Lakshmi eliminates her hairpiece and additional teeth. Shanaya says you are Lakshmi.

Lakshmi says it is past the point of no return. Shanaya says it is acceptable that you came here, Inspector. She lied and called us and is undermining me to save her molestor spouse. Lakshmi slaps Shanaya. She says take my significant other’s name with deference, and you don’t have the right to take his name. She cautions her not to call him molestor. Neelam comes there with Karishma. Karishma comes inside and lets Inspector know that they don’t have a say in whatever Lakshmi has done here, and that is the reason she is just capable. Overseer says she has done this by itself, I thought all relatives are engaged with her. Karishma says we are not involved, whatever happened is finished by Lakshmi as it were. Examiner says we will commend her a great deal as she has demonstrated that her better half is guiltless and Shanaya has charged her significant other in a misleading complaint. Karishma is stunned and asks what? Shanaya says she is lying, I didn’t lie. Rohan says they are lying. Examiner says Lakshmi has recorded your admission and shipped off me. He says I was sitting in the close by room with my group.

She requested that I give 1 hour time, and I helped her seeing her honesty and solid confidence on her better half. He is sorry to Lakshmi and says sorry for whatever I said previously, and says thanks to her for getting the genuine guilty parties captured, and says I was performing my responsibility. He requests that Constables capture them. They capture Shanaya and Rohan and take them from here. Virender says allows to go to the PS and bring your significant other back home. Ayush says OK. Malishka goes to the PS and offers explanation to the media that they heard right, Rishi steers clear of Lakshmi’s activities. Journalist inquires as to whether they will isolate. Malishka inquires as to whether I am a celestial prophet. Journalist says if Lakshmi went to pay off Malishka or to undermine her. Malishka asks what do you need me to say that Rishi is an offender and we are attempting to save him, says there is nothing similar to that. She says Lakshmi is from a town and a sweet young lady, don’t take her activities wrongly like last time.

The columnist asks would you like to say that Lakshmi fouled up. Malishka says don’t incite me, that I will lament. She says as of now you enlightened off-base regarding Rishi. Columnists see Shanaya and her beau. They go to Inspector and asks him for what reason did he capture Shanaya? Controller says I will give official proclamation in the PS, Lakshmi has accumulated a few verifications against them, and they are demonstrated blameworthy. Malishka thinks Rishi is demonstrated liable. The columnists come to Malishka and tell her that she was telling that Lakshmi was fouling up yet Inspector said that Lakshmi uncovered Shanaya. Malishka says Rishi can never slight ladies. Lakshmi comes there. Media goes behind her. Lakshmi says let me go to my significant other. Neelam requests that media let her go, and run the news that her child is blameless, and says many individuals’ lives are connected with the information. The journalist tells that Rishi Oberoi is demonstrated honest and his significant other has demonstrated his guiltlessness because of her agreement and solid trust on her better half. She saved her better half.

Malishka gets vexed. Karishma asks her not to laud Lakshmi like this, and says don’t let her assume the acknowledgment and says this time the matter arrived at media. Woman constable opens Rishi’s lock up and says your bail is finished. He comes out and embraces Neelam. He inquires as to why Shanaya is here? Neelam says it is refuted that they are and you are correct, my child is in every case right. He embraces Virender and Ayush. He sees Lakshmi remaining far. Lakshmi comes to him and gets enthusiastic. Tune plays tera hoke rahun. Rishi says I am fine and your morning dream worked out as expected. Lakshmi embraces him. He checks out Malishka. Lakshmi breaks the embrace and wipes her tears. Rishi takes a gander at Malishka. Investigator requests that Constable lock shanaya and rohan in the lock up. Media comes there for his authority declaration. Investigator says I need to declare authoritatively that the attack charges on Rishi Oberoi was phony and ridiculous, and this is demonstrated by Lakshmi Oberoi. He says she went to our PS early morning and requested our assistance to demonstrate reality, as she was certain that her significant other is blameless.

I saw honesty in her discussions and couldn’t deny her, and I helped her. He says we have admission recording of Shanaya Thakur, in which she has acknowledged that the allegation on Rishi oberoi was phony. He says Lakshmi has saved her better half from the phony allegation, presently Rishi Oberoi is liberated from the allegation and can return home with family and spouse. Rishi checks out lakshmi. Virender grins. Reviewer requests that Rishi sign on certain papers. He then, at that point, asks Lakshmi for her signature and says my girl says that she needs to become like Lakshmi oberoi and has turned into your fan. He says I will ask that each father will get little girl like you. Karishma and Malishka get vexed. Rishi signs on the papers gi
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