Channa Mereya 10th August 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Channa Mereya 10th August 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Channa Mereya

Timings On TV: All times are on the 10th August (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 10th August 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Channa Mereya 10th August 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Adi lets the family know that he can’t wed Harnaaz. All are stunned. Golden says you can’t reply about a marriage like this. Adi says I didn’t anticipate that anybody should like my response. He reviews Ginni’s words to pay attention to his heart. He lets Darji know that he will wed Sam.

Goldie apologizes to Ginni and says I continue to feel that she was Simran. Ginni says how about we simply go. She figures I can’t come clean with him.

Harnaaz advises Adi to get lost and leaves from that point. Sam demands the family to acknowledge her. Golden expresses shut up. Chima says you individuals have offended us, I assisted you with your business however your child is taking part in an extramarital entanglements? You deceived me. Adi says it’s not Darji’s issue. Chima says you are a washout, all of you have deceived us. Sharja says we didn’t realize that they like one another. Chimas furiously leave. Golden frowns at Adi and says I will break your self image. I won’t give my business to you, get lost from my home. Adi says I never took on your business so I couldn’t care less. Golden requests that he shut up. Darji requests that Amber leave. He asks Adi for what valid reason did you lie saying she was your companion as it were? Adi says I can’t come clean with you yet on the off chance that you need, I can return to Canada with Sam. I won’t adjust my perspective so I will leave with Sam. He disappears. Darji cries and tumbles down. Armaan and others hurry to him. Adi brings water for him. Darji tells Adi I can’t let you go once more, my life is in you. Adi says then I will stay put. Darji embraces him and cries.

Scene 2
Akash is playing a tabletop game with Supreet. She is in contemplations, Akash says that the beast could remove my game. Supreet says don’t call him that. Golden comes there and is intoxicated, he says Akash is correct, that Adi is a beast. Supreet attempts to control him yet he yells at her that you needed to track down everything about Sam yet I got offended before Chimas and you could do nothing. Golden tumbles down on the bed.

Armaan gives a beverage to Adi and inquires as to for what reason would he say he is wedding Sam for simply a custom? I can’t figure out you. How might you be certain that child is yours? Adi shows him the coin and says I am wedding Sam for that child. I got lucidity from Ginni, imagine a scenario in which I deny Sam today and later on I figure out that child is mine. How might I allow exactly the same thing to occur with this child that happened to me in my life as a youngster? Armaan says I don’t have the foggiest idea what to say, you are risking your life for this as it were? Adi gets Ginni’s call. She says unfortunately might you at any point make me converse with Simran? Adi says I don’t have a clue about any Simran. He closes the call.

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Channa Mereya 10th August 2022 updates

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Written Update.

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