Channa Mereya 17th October 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Channa Mereya 17th October 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Channa Mereya

Timings On TV: All times are on the 17th October (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 17th October 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Channa Mereya 17th October 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Aditya consumed her hand now consider the possibility that he consumes her other hand. Golden gets befuddled. Aditya leaves the spot furiously. He gets a call from Ginni and the last option reprimands him for misconception Supreet and lets him know that she is the person who gave Gurkeerat’s bangles to her which she is wearing it now.

Aditya gets stunned. He lets Ginni know this isn’t only that there are such countless things that happened in light of Supreet. Ginni lets him know he can’t redress one misstep by doing another and orders him to apologizes to Supreet and take her with him to partake in the custom then cuts the call. Meawhile Golden asks Supreet and the relatives to let him know what occurred.

Shailaja uncovers Golden abour Aditya’s aggressive statement to Supreet. Golden gets stunned. Supreet begs Golden to not to lash out with Aditya since he is now irate and tells him not to incite him further. She then, at that point, argues the relatives to go to work without her. Aditya goes into the house once more. He goes to Supreet and tells her she ought to have let him know then they ought to have stayed away from this and tells her she knows how delicate he is with regards to his mom Gurkeerat and afterward requests that she go to the customs.

Supreet stays quiet. Aditya tells her Ginni is anticipating that she should be there so requests that she go with them. Supreet acclaims Ginni for her endeavors. She then, at that point, lets Aditya know that she will go to his wedding custom for him as she generally considered him as her most memorable child and ideally one day the distance between them will likewise diminish. Aditya and the relatives goes out. Shailaja blows up that Ginni is settling all the relationship errors as a result of which each other are annoyed with one another through which she get benefits.

The Singh’s comes to the Grewal’s home. Gulabo invites them and favors Aditya. Golden gets astounded tracking down Simran there. Simran grins at him. Golden meanders inside the house. He gets stunned finding Kushwant’s photograph outline. He envisions Kushwant is undermining him to kill him for double-crossing him. He yells no Kushwant which acquires everybody’s consideration.

Both Grewal’s and Singh’s goes to him. Supreet gets some information about his explosion. Golden lies and says that this is an extraordinary day for Ginni’s life and he knows the amount she should be feeling the loss of her dad and he wishes that they all wont let Ginni miss her dad all through the service. They all obliges and assumes their separate position.

Supreet gets some information about Ginni’s wherabouts to begin the custom. Ginni shows up there. Aditya gets entranced seeing her and stands from his place. Both Aditya and Ginni gazes at one another. The relatives grins seeing them. Santo causes Ginni to understand the presence of other’s. Ginni and Aditya understands that everybody is watching them. Ginni takes everybody’s endowments remembering Aditya’s for hustle which makes everybody giggle. Ginni then apologizes to Supreet for Aditya’s way of behaving towards her since she neglected to educate him concerning the bangles.

Supreet says thanks to her and expresses in light of her main they are gradually making stride towards to accommodate their relationship. Gulabo recommends Singh’s to lead the commitment function the following day which Singh’s concurs. Both the relatives plays out the customs. Aditya holds Ginni’s hand and the last option attempts to eliminate it from his and frowns at him.

Golden tells that he needs to make a declaration. He discusses the manner in which he treated both Aditya and Gurkeerat likewise tells that he laments a ton. He further says he may not ready to correct his missteps yet will do whatever it takes not to rehash something similar and says he needs to make a significant declaration and advises his arrangement to change their lodging’s name into Gurkeerat’s which shocks Supreet and Shailaja.

Aditya likewise gets stunned. Ginni grins. Golden offers papers to Aditya to hint it so they can continue for the following. Aditya chooses to sign it yet Golden stops him and asks him dont he need to peruse prior to marking it? Aditya grins and signs the papers without perusing it which satisfies both Golden and Ginni. Ginni tells she will bring desserts for everybody and heads inside.

Golden calls Simran and acclaims her for joining Goldie with his family which will help them additionally says that they ought to be more mindful so as to make their next stride. He then cuts the call. Aditya follows Ginni and attempts to stand out enough to be noticed while she is in the middle of cooperating with the visitors. She then goes inside to bring desserts for everybody. Ginni sees a man who is taking heaps of can from outside in which lamp fuel were kept. She proceeds to address him and the last option affirms somebody requested this and leaves the spot. Ginni goes to the dhaba and says that her doubts are valid.

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Channa Mereya 17th October 2022 updates

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