Channa Mereya 20th July 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Channa Mereya 20th July 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Channa Mereya

Timings On TV: All times are on the 20th July (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 20th July 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Channa Mereya 20th July 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Ginni tells Gulabo that I got a rundown of food that we need to make. Gulabo says such countless dishes in such a brief time frame, how might we make it happen? Ginni reviews her dad’s words to never lose trust and get a move on when there is less time. Ginni tells Gulabo that I will begin cooking.

Goldie lets Pasha know that on the off chance that we don’t get the agreement then how might I go to Canada? Pasha calls Adi, Adi says I am coming to meet him. Pasha advises Goldie that Adi is coming to meet him.

Ginni begins cooking and Gulabo helps her. Adi and Armaan show up there. Ginni presents every one of the dishes shortly. Ginni says I even made additional dishes. Armaan tastes her food and says it’s so heavenly. Adi tastes it and looks on. Ginni says I satisfied my test. Adi says we will call you for the agreement. He begins to leave and is going to fall into the fire yet Ginni holds him and recoveries him. Ginni requests that he get off his flying pony. Adi leaves.

Goldie meets Adi and implores him to not drop the agreement. Adi says this agreement is greater than the dhaba. Goldie says simply allow us an opportunity. Adi says you need to provide me with an assurance of the dhaba to get this agreement. Armaan says you will take care of your advance and we will assist you with going to Canada too. Goldie says dhaba is in mummy’s name. Adi says then inspire her to sign the papers in 48 hours, we will keep the dhaba papers with us till the agreement is satisfied.

Chachi yells at Chacha how might they give the agreement to a little dhaba? Supreet comes there and says Darji gave the agreement to them. Chachi says you couldn’t care less about my little girl. Supreet says we need to control the financial plan of the house.

Goldie lets Adi know that he acknowledges the arrangement. He says in the event that we are giving you the dhaba, we really want 30 lacs. Adi says bargain done. Goldie settles the arrangement with them.

Adi calls Ginni and says you will get the agreement papers tomorrow. Ginni is astonished. Adi lets Armaan know that on the off chance that they do a misstep, we will get the dhaba. Armaan says we can commit them do an error. Adi says Ginni will lose the dhaba.

Chachi lets Supreet know that quit attempting to control everything here. Adi comes there. Chachi says Amber needs to keep command over everything, Gurkirat was upset in this house since she was unable to express anything there. She was from a rich family however Amber controlled her to such an extent. Adi reviews Amber taking part in an extramarital entanglements with Supreet. Chachi says just God knows why Adi consumed your hand. Golden causes Supreet to do every one of the terrible things, you don’t have a girl and you are stressed as Adi is back. He is the genuine proprietor of this abundance. Supreet requests that she stop it, on the off chance that Amber knows this, she will be halted. Adi says this house has a place with Darji and this family including my mom Gurkirat, she have some control over her significant other as it were. Darji comes there and requests that they stop it. Darji tells Chachi that I gave the agreement to that dhaba, you can go there and taste their dishes. She says alright I will go there, she leaves. Adi says Chachi was correct. He lets Supreet know that you gave such a lot of agony to my mom. Darji says stop it, he requests that Adi accompany him.

Goldie is intoxicated and returns home. Ginni inquires as to for what reason did he drink? Goldie says I was stressed over the agreement. Ginni says I got the agreement. She says we will try sincerely and complete this agreement.

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Channa Mereya 20th July 2022 updates

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