Channa Mereya 23rd September 2022 Written Episode Update

Channa Mereya

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By TellyExpert: “Channa Mereya 23rd September 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Channa Mereya

Timings On TV: All times are on the 23rd September (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 23rd September 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Channa Mereya 23rd September 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Aditya gets stressed seeing Ginni’s condition. He calls the specialist and lets him know that Ginni is battling to breath. He then, at that point, adhere to the specialist’s directions and gave her medication. Ginni have it.

Aditya requests that she remain even-tempered and take rest. He then, at that point, takes a gander at the soup and scents it and gets stunned. He then have a spoon loaded with it and gets enraged. He then requests that Ginni take rest he will return. He goes to the cook and yells at him for blending tamarind in it. Supreet sees this. Shailaja asks what occurred.

Aditya determines what occurred. He then, at that point, tells here after he will cook for Ginni and without his insight nobody ought to do give anything to Ginni and requests that they leave. Supreet gets blissful however Shailaja gets stunned. Aditya then, at that point, begins cooking for Ginni. He gets content with the food he made for her. Later Ginni battles with her dress. Aditya comes there prior to going into the room he enquires Armaan about the shooter’s data and requests that he find out soon.

He then, at that point, sees Ginni is battling with the dress. He reproves her for not paying attention to specialist’s recommendation to take rest. He then demands to help her and goes behind her. The two of them wavers first. Aditya then, at that point, assists Ginni with her dress. The two of them draws nearer to one another a bit. Later Aditya and Ginni makes a distance between themselves. Aditya then, at that point, take her to the bed and help her with the excess things. The two of them gazes at one another.

Aditya requests that Ginni take rest and he will be here likewise assuming she wants assistance she can call him whenever. Ginni stays quiet. Aditya grins and leaves the spot. Ginni gazes at Aditya’s withdrawing back.

Later Aditya and Ginni is running from that point. An individual comes there with a weapon and focuses at Aditya. Both Aditya and Ginni looks stunned. The man discharge the projectile at Aditya’s course. Aditya tumbles to the ground unknowingly. Ginni yells Aditya Ji and awakens. Aditya hurries to her and tells her he is fine and requests that she quiet down.

Ginni tells Aditya in her fantasy she saw somebody is shooting him. Aditya requests that she quiet down. Ginni cries and embraces Aditya. Aditya gets astounded yet embraces her back. Ginni shares her stress over him that he might get injured once more. Aditya requests that she loosen up saying that he and Armaan is attempting to figure out who the shooter is. Ginni tells him yet they didn’t find what its identity was at this point and she is stressed that the shooter’s strength make him his objective.

Aditya tells her with great individuals the beneficial things that comes in their fantasy will just work out and guarantees her that he will figure out who is the shooter and who is behind it. Ginni advises him to find out soon. Aditya gestures then, at that point, places her into rest. He then strokes her head and ponders internally that he dont care about him yet Ginni is stressed over his security so he will figure out the individual and his thought process behind this.

The following day Aditya and Ginni is resting calmly on the bed together and Ginni’s head is in Aditya’s chest. Ginni awakens and gets stunned and amazed seeing their dozing position. She attempts to awaken without upsetting Aditya yet the last option awakens and gazes at her. Aditya assists her with sitting on the bed.

Ginni apologizes to Aditya for dozing near him like that truism she was in profound sleep in view of the meds. Aditya prevents her from talking. He then tells her that its better assuming she rests like this so that when she awakens she dont need to look for him if incase she get upset by a fantasy and needed to promptly see him. He then tells her as a youngster he battled to rest because of bad dreams so he realizes the feeling good.

Ginni gets close to home. Aditya turns away. He then asks Ginni to new up and he will prepare nourishment for her. He then sees Ginni is gazing at him so he tells her he will prepare nourishment for her in her dhaba style however Ginni tells she loves the manner in which he cooks so she is completely fine with what he makes for her. Aditya asks her then the thing she is sitting tight for.

Ginni tells that she used to both first prior to having food. Aditya jokes that he will help her which made Ginni to chide him and toss a pad at him. Aditya tells her he is simply joking then leaves the room. Ginni ponders internally Aditya looks so lovely when he acts along these lines. The cook illuminates Aditya that the specialist is hanging around for Ginni’s treatment.

Aditya requests that the specialist go to Ginni’s room and begin her treatment which the specialist obliges. Ginni adheres to the specialist’s guidelines yet experience difficulty. She likewise get injured while attempting to adhere to the specialist’s directions. Aditya comes there with food in his grasp.

He flies off the handle at the specialist for harming Ginni so he yells at her and makes her leave. He then sees Ginni is grinning at him so he asks her the purpose for it. Ginni lets him know that she used to be forced to bear his resentment however today he reprove somebody for her which satisfied her.

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Channa Mereya 23rd September 2022 updates

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