Choti Sardarni 11th March 2020 Written Update

choti sardarni Written Update

Choti Sardarni 11th March 2020 Written Episode Update, Colors Tv Show “Choti Sardarni 11-03-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Location of Ginny and Rana is found

Airing Date: 11 March 2020

Full Written Update: 11-March-2020 Choti Sardarni Episode Start with

Sarab grasps Param and he asks Sarab where Meher is and that he needs her.Sarab uncovers to him she has get back to pass on kid and will get back home essentially after delivering.He deals with him and promises to find Ginny and Rana wherever they are as it’s a matter of pride for Harleen and her family.The next day,entire gathering of Kulwant is endeavoring to search for Rana while Kulwant contemplates where Ginny had taken her youngster.

Also Read: Choti Sardarni 10th March 2020 Written Update

Jagga calls his workers to endeavor to follow them.Meher unveils to them they can’t find him as the person who are helping them is commonly shrewd and cunning.Jagga asks who it is.Meher says its Mummyji.

Everyone is paralyzed and Jagga asks what she is talking about.Meher asks Bittu to check CCTV movie which they showed Harleen and Sarab.Meher says she suspected Kulwant yesterday when she purposely exhibited movie yet remained quiet considering the way that she didn’t require Sarab to think about it.In CCTV movie ,Meher asks Bittu to inquire see in which Kulwant is seen smiling watching them drive away in bike.Meher says everything happened legitimately before her and taking into account her,Sarab is enraged with her and the entire Gill family blames her.Kulwant says she was essentially endeavoring to help two with peopling in love.They requested assistance and she did.Meher asks Jagga to solicit Kulwant where the two from them are else she will be obligated for everything.Kulwant uncover to them Punjab rooms dwelling no.303.Meher and Jagga leave.

Robby endeavors their numbers and says both of them have killed their phones in this way couldn’t follow them.Dolly asks concerning whether they have any news.Robby uncovers to her they will hear soon.Harleen gets Sandhu’s call and she tells Robby and Dolly that Sandhu has called on different occasions since morning to banter with Ginny.Sarab is going to tell justice available as requirements be when Harleen isolate his phone asking him not to take it to police.She unveils to him she haven’t the faintest idea how they will find them anyway Sandhu’s shouldn’t find else they will stop the engagement.Harleen affront him to ask his Meherji as she will in all likelihood know where they are.Just then Meher approaches his phone.Harleen sees it and says she figured he would have hindered her number now. Sarab separate it.

Meher makes a video call to Param asking him where Sarab is.Param turns the phone towards Sarab.Meher expediently teaches him concerning Ginny and Rana region mentioning that he meet them there as she is in travel with Jagga.Sarab leaves without answering.He calls Robby to go with him as he know the territory and stop Robby when he would uncover to Harleen.Sarab reveals to him now they will authentically bring Ginny before Harleen.

Jagga vehicles slows down and Meher endeavors to demand lift.Suddenly a vehicle crossing them takes switch and stops before her.Sarab opens window without looking at her.Meher yells to Jagga.Robby gets down to sit at the rearward guest plan and Meher sits in the voyager seat.Sarab doesn’t start the car.Meher thinks maybe she ignored seat strap anyway then comprehended her dupatta was stuck outside.As soon as she empty it Sarab drives.Meher looks at him sadly yet he continue dismissing her.

Meher takes a water bottle from vehicle to drink.Sarab uncovers to Jagga its undependable to drink old water in vehicle that too from plastic bottle.Jagga demands that her keep it away.Sarab stops near a shop and gets the whole box of water and offers one to Meher.Meher looks at him and says she thought he trust her the most however at this point she comprehend its essentially her imagination.Without a word Sarab keeps the container inside vehicle and start car.Meher drinks water and state thanks.Sarab dismiss.

At the housing Rana and Ginny are playing snake and ladder.Rana issue and Ginny says until they are hitched they will sit back this way.Meher and others show up at motel and Meher demands that social affair call their room.Receptionist uncovers to them they are not picking up.Meher demands that he convey expert key with them.Receptionist deny as its hotel policy.Robby tells Sarab is pioneer of Punjab Dall and gives him money.He takes them in lift.Rana and Ginny hear the phone ringing and the door toll ringing.Rana decides to put a heave on which to answer first ,feeling scared.He gets heads and goes to open approach to find room organization with 4 boxes of pizza.Ginny assembles it and Rana is shocked.He approaches her for what valid justification she didn’t association any Roti for him.

Ginny demands that he become acclimated with it in the wake of wedding her.Rana says he at any rate needs to relinquish in the wake of going to Canada with her.Kulwant calls Bittu and solicitations that he buy Paneer and Bindi as its Meher’s favorite.Since Meher is perturbed she expected to cook her generally wanted to pavify her.Meher and others examines for room.Ginny and Rana are scared to hear doorbell again.

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