Choti Sardarni 24th December 2020 Episode Written Update


Choti Sardarni 24th December 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Choti Sardarni 24th December 2020 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 24thth December, 2020

December 24th, 2020 : Choti Sardarni Today Episode Start with Meher inquires as to whether you proceed to vow to not work on whatever will make you lift the weight. Param says I needed to eat pizza yet I realize I can’t. Meher says we will have a pizza today, he says how? Meher says just to see. Kulwant says that these individuals are futile. They couldn’t discover Meher and Sarab. She tells the laborers that on the off chance that you don’t discover my girl in 24 hours, at that point I will take your properties and riches. They all gesture and leave. Kulwant petitions God for Meher and her wellbeing. Meher reveals to Param that we will make veggie pizza today, it’s an uncommon pizza. Sarab says this is the best pizza however where will we discover it? Meher says it’s found in a little town in Italy.

Sarab says we likewise discover it in a little house where an Italian princess lives. Meher grins. She hits the dance floor with Param Sarab hits the dance floor with his family while Meher makes a little veggie pizza. She causes her family to eat. Param says this is the world’s best pizza. The young ladies from the neighbors look inside and says this looks scrumptious. Meher sees them and requests that Param share it with his companions, he gestures. Sarab says I will go to work and won’t pick weight, he leaves.

Sarab goes to the market and the finance manager reveals to him that these veggie merchants are savvy and won’t allow you to sell it so be shrewd. In the event that you don’t sell half of my truck, at that point I won’t give you cash. Sarab says I will sell the full truck, the proprietor leaves. Sarab checks out individuals purchasing from different merchants and looks on. Param imparts the food to his companions, they express sorry to Param for getting him slapped. Param says I won’t ask any longer, I will strive to acquire. Sarab begins singing to pull in clients. He says my vegetables are the best. A lady says he is a lovely man. Sarab offers the veggies to a lady. The lady inquires as to whether he is hitched? He says yes sister, I have two children. She says don’t consider me a sister. Param asks his companions how would they bring in cash? They state we pickpockets. Param says that is taking.

Mondlu comes there running and discards the handbag, he leaves. Param takes the tote and thinks he failed to remember his tote. A cop comes there and gets Param. He says you are one of the guys, I will place you in prison now. Param weeps for Meher. Meher comes running there yet the official is hauling Param away and his pizza tumbles down. Meher stops him and says he is my child, he didn’t do anything. The official says he was found taking. Meher says my child isn’t a looter. You are mixed up. The official drives her away and starts removing Param. Param cries. A lady goes to Sarab’s slow down and inquires as to whether he is instructed? He says yes. She says in the event that he is selling vegetables unexpectedly? I am requesting a few veggies however you don’t have any acquaintance with them. Sarab says I am selling it unexpectedly yet my better half has shown me everything.

She asks how might we check a new bhindi? Sarab reviews Meher’s words that you can cut the tail and on the off chance that it makes a clamor, at that point it’s new. He shows it to the lady. She gets some information about stew, Sarab reviews how Meher inquired as to whether he adores her and how his mouth was touchy to it. Sarab eats the stew and cries due to being harsh. Sarab says it’s hot so take it. All the ladies are dazzled and purchase veggies from him.Meher tells the monitor that he didn’t take. The official says we found a wallet close to him. Meher requests that they stop it, I am attempting to reveal to you that he isn’t a cheat, you should discover where did this wallet come from, we are poor yet we are not hoodlums.

She attempts to take Param from that point however the lock him in the van. Meher attempts to stop the van yet can’t. She holds Param’s hand from the window however it moves pulled as they drive away. Meher attempts to stop them yet they put Param in the jeep and drive away. Param sobs for Meher, she runs behind the van. A child goes to Sarab’s slow down and requests that he give them vegetables quick as they need to return home. Sarab grins and says yes I need to return home to my children as well.Meher is running behind the van however they remove him. She is holding her infant and cries. The proprietor comes to Sarab and says you have sold everything, I am intrigued. He gives twofold cash of 1000 rs to Sarab. Sarab figures Meher will be so glad. Meher comes there running and crying. She reveals to him that the police took Param.

In Progress….


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