Choti Sardarni 24th January 2020 Written Updates | Choti Sardarni Episodes Updates

choti sardarni Written Update

Choti Sardarni 24th January 2020 Written Episode Update, Colors Tv Show “Choti Sardarni 24-01
-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Meher Faints In The Elevator

Airing Date: 24 January 2020

Full Written Update: 24-January-2020 Choti Sardarni Episode Start with

Meher says please give me the papers. We don’t have time. Sarab cries and says stop. I don’t have a clue what to do. I can’t chance three lives. Meher sees him in tears. He says what regarding this blameless youngster? How might you chance his life? Meher says what else would I do? I can’t see my Param leaving from me. If it’s not too much trouble She holds his hand and says I guarantee you I won’t leave from you and Param. It would be ideal if you give me these papers. She takes the papers from him. Sarab says your family? How might I answer them? Everybody comes inside. Meher grins at everybody and leaves. Everybody is in tears. Param’s heartbeat is dropping.

The specialist says please illuminate Sarab we don’t have time. Sarab says to Sanjana I was unable to state no to Meher. Did I do a misstep? Would each of them three be alright? Sanjana says sincerely.. Meher takes a gander at her and beseeches her not to tell. Sanjana says please appeal to God for every one of them. I will put forth a valiant effort. Sanjana says we need medication for Meher. It’s uncommon. We need it in mass. Sarab says I will go anyplace. Sarab leaves. Sanjana calls the specialist and says start the medical procedure.

Amrita says for what reason would you say you are doing this Meher? Your life is in danger. Meher says I just observe Param right now. Kulwant says we as a whole consideration for him. You are my solitary little girl. Meher says nobody should consider me. Kulwant says I realize you detest me. In any case, you will never comprehend my sentiments. Jagga says we as a whole love Param. Bitu says we can’t chance your life. Meher says I have taken my choice. Jagga says God would be with you. Amrita embraces Meher and cries. Meher goes to the OT.

Sarab comes to Param and holds his hand. He reviews their minutes together. Meher comes and touches his face. Sarab says please think by and by. Meher says I will choose the equivalent regardless of whether I think a hundred times. Meher kisses Param’s hand. She reviews their minutes together. Meher goes with the specialist. Meher goes into the lift. The lift stops. Meher frenzies and shouts. Meher says would someone say someone is there? The man says there is somebody stuck inside. Sarab takes the stairs. Meher shouts for help. Her telephone isn’t working either. Individuals shout somebody is inside. Meher says I am choking. They call help. Sarab hears the commotion however goes to take the drug. Meher says I am stuck here. I am choking.

Harleen says Sarab where is Meher? Dolly says she was with you. Sarab says I thought she is here. Kulwant says somebody is stuck in the lift. Sarab runs towards the lift. Individuals attempt to break the entryway and bring Meher out. Meher is exhausted. Sarab says kindly don’t stress Meher. Meher says please get me out of here. I choking. The man says it isn’t opening. Meher blacks out. Sarab says nothing would transpire. Sanjana says we don’t have time. Sarab says Meher, it would be ideal if you state something.

Read More : Choti Sardarni 23rd January 2020 Written Update


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