Choti Sardarni 26th December 2020 Episode Written Update


Choti Sardarni 26th December 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Choti Sardarni 26th December 2020 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 26th December, 2020

December 26th , 2020 : Choti Sardarni Today Episode Start with Sarab weeps for Param. Param is crying in the vehicle. Sarab takes a gander at Aditi and says Dr. Aditi, Param and Karan are portions of my heart. I will bite the dust however won’t abandon my children. My God is with me. Param is crying. He cries daddy… Sarab holds his hand. Constable comes and says get the children out. We need to deliver them. We got a request. Sarab embraces Param and cries. Sarab says Meher ji… God tuned in to us. Aditi is irate. Aditi says for what reason are these children delivered? Reviewer says since we captured their chief. She will be rebuffed not them. He says it’s a lady. She admitted. Sarab is stunned. Sarab comes in.

Meher is with the woman constable. Constable says she gave up. She made the children take. Constable says to send her in the van to Amritsar prison. She will be there for quite a long time. Sarab says what? What did you do Meher? Reveal to them it’s obviously false. Meher is bolted inside the prison. Param says mom for what reason did they lock you here? Sarab says I have just two hours. I won’t release you to imprison. Sarab goes out with the children. The vagrant children are tossed in a shed. He says were your hands rusted that you took just a single wallet? The thugs hit them and state on the off chance that you make a sound Gunja Paa ji will cause you to ask with your hands cut.

He says Monty go there. Gunja paa ji is calling you. Monty comes to him. He says something to Money.Vikram opens his eyes. His head is hefty. Vikram sees time, he says 4 hours? Did I rest for 4 hours? Halreen calls him and inquires as to whether he could discover about Meher and Sarab? He says my men are looking. Harleen says we are at Khushi’s lodging. Please text in the event that you discover anything about Meher and Sarab. Manav attempts to get up yet he depends on the bed. His head is tipsy. He sees the slice close to him. He breaks the cup out of frustration. Monty goes to Sarab’s home and says Param.. He says Ganja paa ji will cut everybody’s feet and hands. Param needs to accompany me. He says Param.. Where right? He comes out. Rana inquires as to whether he has seen these individuals? He says this is Param. Rana says do you know where they are? Montu runs.

Param and Sarab see Montu attempting to take a child with him. Sarab says what’s going on with you? Release him. Montu says for what reason did you discharge that kid. He will cut my kin’s hands and feet. Sarab says who? Montu says Ganja paa ji. Said he will cut their appendages in the event that I don’t take two additional children to them. He makes us take things. It would be ideal if you give me your children. My kin will be saved other insightful he will cut their appendages. Hooligan says all of you will have your feet cut. In the event that Montu brings two messes with you will all be saved. Mogli says he is here. Mogli comes in with Param. The goom says where is the other child? Sarab says here.. Sarab punches him. He falls in Ganga paa ji’s feet. Param reviews Meher advised him to advise dad to discover the one who makes kids take things.

When that uncle is discovered, the police will deliver mom. Sarab says you need kids? You will make them take and ask? Come out Ganja. Where right? Mogli says there. Ganja says who has welcomed his passing by going to the lion’s cavern? Sarab places Karan in a container. He says don’t be terrified. Ganja says who right? He says Singh father. Sarab says Singh dad will fix everything. Sarab says get up. Meher is concerned. The constable says the van will be here in an hour and send you to Amritsar prison for a very long time. Meher says I trust Sarab will precede 3. Sarab says get up. Ganja paa ji holds up. Ganja comes before Sarab. He is huge. Sarab is stunned. Ganja says I am before you now. Sarab says will you accompany me? He says where? Sarab says to Azadpur police headquarters. I was inquiring as to whether you will accompany love or.. Sarab says or you will be beaten. My Singh dad will beat you. Ganja chuckles and says this little man will beat me? Sarab likewise chuckles with him. Param says father, we need to get Meher mom out.

Sarab says to Montu don’t be frightened children. Cheer up Singh father. They all cheer up Sarab. Sarab says dad will you kick him or punch him? Sarab says anyway Ganja paa ji likes. Ganja says you have one moment do what you need. I won’t contact you. Sarab says bless your heart. He says however on the off chance that I don’t fall in brief you will bite the dust. Sarab takes a gander at the clock and says I have just 50 minutes to save Meher. The detainee pushes Meher. She says how could you contact the pot? Meher says I needed water. The other detainee says you need our consent. Meher says who right? You’re a detainee like me. They hold her and toss water on her.

Sarab runs and hits Ganja on the head however nothing happens to him. Sarab continues punching him however nothing happens to him. The constable says what’s going on here? Go to prison and battle there. The van has left. It will be here in 30 minutes. Meher says Sarabjit ji.. Sarab attempts to hit Ganja with a pole. He breaks a block on his head yet nothing occurs. He snickers. Meher is stressed.

In Progress….


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