Choti Sardarni 29th December 2020 Episode Written Update


Choti Sardarni 29th December 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Choti Sardarni 29 December 2020 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 29th December, 2020

December 29, 2020 : Choti Sardarni Today Episode Start with Meher asks the lady are you OK.. She says on the off chance that he sees I won’t have the option to converse with you. He isn’t what he resembles. He professes to be decent. He will execute me. Meher says for what reason would you say you are so stressed? Who needs to execute you? Disclose to me the name. Sarab and children come there. The lady takes a gander at them. She runs. Meher says where did she go? Sarab says what was the deal? MEher says I met a lady she was truly stressed. She said he will execute her. Aditi calls MAnav. She says where right? He says do you by any chance know where they are living? I won’t stand by any longer. Aditi says today is the day of choice.

Manav says what are you intending to do? Aditi says everybody will see. Meher and SArab return home and see a tractor attempting to break the house. Meher says what’s going on with you? Aditi says I bought this house. I will break it. Meher remains before the house and says you won’t break our other hosue. ADiti says I will break it. SArab remains before the house and says enough. I cherished you regardless of what you did. Yet, I won’t allow you to hurt my family and contact my home. Meher says I will perceive how you break our home. Harleen says you will endure Aditi. Kulwant says we are all with you Sarab. Nobody can do anything. They all substitute front of the house.

Kulwant says I will toss you under this tractor. Amrita says Sarab is your sibling. Aditi says this is my home. I can break it. Manav says stop this ineptitude. Aditi says I will break this house regardless. They all clasp hands and remain before the house. Aditi requests that the tractor start. She sits in it. Police show up there. They stop the tractor. Attorney comes and meets Harleen. He shows her the papers. She shows the papers to SArab. Harleen says you demonstrated you’re a sneak Aditi. I will show your world to everybody. This is Aditi Bedi, she made phony papers of her mom’s marriage and requested that my sibling take off from his home. My attorney have demonstrated that it was clearly false. This is a phony marriage declaration. Also, this is truth, our parent’s marriage affirmation. My sibling will return home and you will go to prison for this extortion.

I never envisioned our own sister will belittle us. She requests that the auditor capture Aditi. Aditi gets an asthma assault. She swoons. Sarab holds her. Sarab says Guddi would you say you are alright? Manav and Sarab pick Aditi and take her to the vehicle. Manav rubs her hand thus does Sarab. Sarab says open your eyes. Meher warms the water. Kulwnt says put this material on her head. Meher puts dupatta on her heard. Aditi reviews what she did. Manav brings siphon and gives her siphon. Param brings a stool and says Aditi bua sit on this. At the point when I came here, it hurt me sitting on the floor. Kulwant says you dozed on this? He says no I dozed on father’s stomach. Amrita says would you say you weren’t cold? He says we as a whole embraced one another and we were warm.

In Progress….


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