Choti Sardarni 6th January 2021 Written Update

choti sardarni Written Update

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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Choti Sardarni 6th January 2021 Written Update on”

Tv Show Name: Choti Sardarni

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date:  6, January, 2021

January 6, 2021: Choti Sardarni Today Episode Start with Qawali challenge begins. Meher hits the dance floor with her group and Sarab with his group. She watches out for Tarkash. Kulwant plays drum. Sarab sings hai agar dushman. Sarab puts his hand on flame. Meher stops him. Param carries Meher to the cneter. Meher hits the dance floor with Sarab. She hits the dance floor with Sarab. Param brings Ritu. She moves also. Tarkash is furious. Everybody is intrigued. Tarkash stops her and takes a gander at her with outrage.Harleen says it’s an ideal opportunity to declare the champ. She offers go-ahead to Param. It gets 12 and lights go off. Everybody is confounded. Meher agrees with Arti to a particular position.

Meher says kindly don’t stress. I am with you. Uncover your better half today. This is the best change you got. I won’t have the option to help you and RItu after this. you can do this. I am with you. Take mic and tell everybody. She takes the mic. Tarkash comes begind Meher. Mic drops from Arti’s hands. Meher grins at him. Arti leaves. Harleen tallies down till 12. Everybody yells glad new year and they all celebrate. They embrace one another. Tarkash says glad new year to his significant other and little girl. Param says cheerful new year to everybody. Meher and Sarab embrace and kiss their children. Meher and Sarab wish each other too. They take a family photograph. Param says mother I recorded something, kindly observe. Meher goes close arti. Param says mom please observe. I wishes glad new year to my companions. See this video. I recorded everything, see it.

Meher overlooks him and says in heart Tarkash doesn’t disregard arti for a second. Harleen calls Tarkash. Tarkash says in heart can’t disregard Arti. He reveals to her I am coming. Meher goes to arti. Sarab stops her and says where is your psyche? Param has been mentioning and you’re disregarding him. Meher sees the video. In the video Meher sees something. Meher goes to Tarkash out of resentment and slaps him. Everybody is stunned. Meher says no you will likewise understand what torment is. Smack isn’t on face. It harms your spirit. Sarab requests that Param take Ritu inside. Meher says this man.. Sarab yells enough. Harleen says Meher what is this? How did you slap him? Sarab says with no confirmation, with no information you slapped an honest man. Meher says this man hits his better half and he hits his little girl too. He’s a creature. Sarab says this is every one of the a falsehood.

Meher says this is truth. Sarab says what evidence do you have? Simply your ridiculous uncertainty? You did exceptionally off-base. Furthermore, express sorry to him for your mix-up. Please. Meher says if considering a creature one a mix-up, yes I did an error. On the off chance that uncovering a monster a mix-up, I am off-base. On the off chance that saving a lady and her little girl isn’t right, yes I am off-base. At whatever point required, I will do this error. There are such countless ladies like arti who endure their significant other’s maltreatment however stay quiet with the goal that their regard stay unblemished..

They continue passing on inside on the grounds that they’re informed that spouse is God. Is this how God is? He isn’t so much as a human. He’s monster. Sarab says enough Meher ji. Meher says what happened today was significant. Until creature like these profess to be guiltless world doesn’t let out the slightest peep. They misuse their spouses and children and professes to be decent. At the point when men think ladies are frail, ladies have option to pick the weapons and show she’s the most remarkable. Wrong ought to be halted at the perfect time. Kulwant says you’re correct Meher. Jaggga says man like this ought to be rebuffed. Harleen says Tarkash ji.. I can’t accept this. Who advised you? Tarkash says Meher ji show me on the off chance that you have any verification against me. On the off chance that I am off-base, I will leave this city. Meher says tell everybody Arti. Tarkash takes a gander at her out of resentment. Arti is frightened.In Progress…

Choti Sardarni, 6th, January 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Choti Sardarni, 6 January 2021 Written Update: in progress

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