Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 16th December 2024 Episode Written Update (16/12/2024)

Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua

Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 16th December 2024 Written Episode Update, Star Plus “Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 16 December 2024 Written Update” on TellyUpdates.Tv

Episode Name: Jahnvi’s Vile Act

Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua Air Date: Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 16th December 2024

Full Written Update: Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 16/12/2024 Episode Start with Chirag tells Deepika that Prithvi will track down his satisfaction in Nikita. Deepika inquires as to whether he would have hitched another person under his mom’s tension. Chirag solaces her. Prithvi and Nikita are at a café when Jahnvi strolls to them. Prithvi gets apprehensive seeing her. Nikita asks who is she. Jahnvi says she saw
a wonderful and came to meet them. She offers espresso to Nikita and leaves without conversing with Prithvi. Prithvi runs behind her. She goes about as in melancholy and hits her vehicle’s entryway. Prithvi stops her and requests that she control herself. Jahnvi says she began adoring him, however his mom unloaded Ms Rajasthani and picked Ms Dubai for him.

She goes about as attempting to end it all as she can’t survive without him. He says self destruction isn’t an answer. She programs him that endeavoring self destruction is the answer for their concern; they will show his mom that in the event that they can’t live respectively, they will kick the bucket together. He says tomorrow they will end it all and be together until the end of time. Jahnvi embraces him and gives an abhorrent smile. She gets back blissful. Shobha and Manorama thinks she is acting odd in wretchedness and attempt to comfort her. She says she isn’t excessively feeble to inconvenience herself, she gives pressure to others all things considered.

Deepika keeps on stressing for Prithvi. Chirag requests that she unwind and requests that she have some green tea. Prithvi strolls in and says he will get ready green tea for her. Chirag inquires as to whether he is disregarding his sibling. Prithvi says his sibling is awesome. He goes about as being exceptionally blissful subsequent to meeting Nikita, appreciates tea with them, and leaves. Deepika asks Chirag for what valid reason is Prithvi acting like this. Chirag says perhaps he is cheerful after Nikita and trusts Prithvi fails to remember Jahnvi soon.

Next morning, Deepika talks her dad who illuminates her about additional orders at his bloom shop and looks for her assistance. She joyfully concurs and illuminates chirag that she can’t go to Lavanya’s organization’s commemoration capability as she has blossoms to convey and she needs to see Lavanya cheerful on her extraordinary day without her presence. Chirag differs at first however at that point settles on her demand. Deepika then serves breakfast to the family. Lavanya as expected passes embarrassing remarks on her. Prithvi acting extremely blissful looks for her favors and expresses gratitude toward her for her choice. Family thinks he is truly blissful. Lavanya requests that Chirag get back early today and says they all will meet at 4 p.m. this evening.

Chirag lets Deepika know that he will drop her to her blossom shop. Lavanya asks reason. Deepika says her dad is sick, so she will assist him with conveying blossoms. Lavanya syas Mittal family DIL won’t sell blossoms on street and will not let her go.

Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 17th December 2024 Written Episode Update Precap:


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