Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 1st March 2025 Episode Written Update (1/3/2025)

Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua

Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 1st March 2025 Written Episode Update, Star Plus “Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 1 March 2025 Written Update” on TellyUpdates.Tv

Episode Name: Deepika Determined To Take Ragini Home

Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua Air Date: Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 1st March 2025

Full Written Update: Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 1/3/2025 Episode Start with In order to keep both of her daughters content, Deepika makes the decision to separate Ragini from Chirag. Mishka, on the other hand, is terrified that she might lose Chirag after seeing Deepika’s darker side. Mishka rejects Janvi’s suggestion to team up and is mocked for being foolish. As Mishka’s plans begin to unravel, Janvi urges Mishka, desperate, to claim Chirag. Despite his family’s assurances that everything will be fine, Chirag is devastated by the idea of being apart from Ragini. Chirag feels even more helpless when Chandu visits Ragini.

Omkar, on the other hand, notices Ragini’s distress and inquires about it. Ragini asks Deepika, perplexed, whether SM is her mother. Ragini embraces her as Deepika approaches, asking where she had been all these years after Omkar confirms it. Chirag is in tears when Chandni hugs him and comforts him. Chirag is also comforted by Chandu, who asks who made him cry and wipes his tears. Chandu takes Chirag to see Ragini after Prithvi tells her Ragini is upset. Ragini tells Deepika that she had always desired and awaited her mother’s return. Omkar begs Deepika to reconsider her assertion that it is time to take her home. Deepika, on the other hand, is determined not to leave without her daughter now that they have been together for five years.

Ragini replies that she is Deepika’s sister when Chandni inquires about her identity. The sisters embrace in celebration. After that, Chandni states that if her mother is present, then her father must also be. She turns to Chirag and asks if she can call him her father, which makes him completely speechless before she gets a hug from him. Deepika insists on taking Ragini and Chandu home despite the emotional moment. However, Chandni will not leave without her father. The family begs Deepika not to separate Ragini and Chandu as she takes them in front of everyone. Deepika is confronted by Chirag, who asserts that she is unable to remove his daughters. Ragini steps in and begs them not to fight, but Deepika tells Baldev to take Chandni and Ragini. She resists Chirag’s attempts to stop her, challenging him.

Chandni and Ragini are confused and upset, so they ask Baldev why their parents are fighting, but he doesn’t explain. Ragini, realizing that both Chandu and she need their father, wants to pursue Chandni because she is overwhelmed and runs away. Chirag is challenged to fight for custody if he dares, knowing that no court will rule in his favor, and Deepika declares that Chirag cannot defeat her. She asserts that Chirag has no claim to Ragini and that Chandu and Ragini are solely her daughters. Chirag begs her to not take Ragini away, desperate, and willing to do whatever she asks.

Deepika asks Chirag to acknowledge that she never betrayed him. Mishka accuses Deepika of taking advantage of the situation, but Deepika responds that she does not require approval from anyone. After that, she insists that Chirag recognize Ragini and Chandni as his daughters. Chirag declines, describing Chandu as the result of her error. Deepika prepares to leave with her daughters, feeling pity but determined, unaware that Chandni has overheard the entire conversation between her parents.

Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 3rd March 2025 Written Episode Update Precap:


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