Ek Duje Ke Vaaste 2 29th January 2021 Written Update


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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Ek Duje Ke Vaaste 2 29th January 2021 Written Update on Tellyupdates.tv”

Tv Show Name: Ek Duje Ke Vaaste 2

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date:  29, January, 2021

January 29, 2021: Ek Duje Ke Vaaste 2 Today Episode Start with Shravan getting ready Suman for the match. He requests that she focus, he needs to see her success. She says you won’t be here at the hour of my match. She gets dismal. He says I can’t see you pitiful, I realize that we need to reconsider when its about feelings. She makes statements were simple when you were with me, yet now, you will get posting elsewhere. He brightens her up. He says on the off chance that we don’t go now, at that point I will be left here, after marriage, I think… . Colonel Gujral comes and compliments them.

He asks are you energized for the advancement party, its following 2 days, you will be coming right. Shravan says truly, I can’t miss her glad second. Gujral says great to know. He goes. Shravan inquires as to for what reason didn’t you educate me regarding the gathering. Suman says what could I say, you are disappearing. He says I will be there, my better half is doing simply extraordinary. Kavita prepares food. Ragini says its all Shravan’s fav food. Kavita says truly, don’t have the foggiest idea where is he.

Suman assists Shravan with preparing. She says its a spouse’s correct. Shravan says you need to pack my garments consistently at whatever point I go out from now. She concurs. He holds him. Ek duje… .plays… . They grin seeing one another. She asks are you not getting late at this point. He goes. Beena requests that Kanchan get onion from the market. Kanchan says I m going to meet Suman, she is as yet my sister, our connection didn’t change. Kanchan goes to meet Suman.

She embraces him. She requests that Suman be solid. Suman asks wouldn’t i be able to cry on a darling’s leaving, wouldn’t i be able to remain tragic. She says don’t have the foggiest idea where is Shravan getting the new posting. Shravan meets his family and leaves in the vehicle. Suman grins and waves to Shravan. Shravan is likewise tragic. Suman cries. Shravan calls Suman and says you didn’t say bye to me. Suman says I came out, however… He requests that she please the porch soon, accompany an exquisite grin and say bye.

Suman goes on the patio. She waves to Shravan and grins. Shravan waves to her. He leaves. Kanchan says I see you both and this association, at that point I get a trust in adoration. Suman says I likewise didn’t trust it previously, you know it. Kanchan says you used to be so impolite. Suman says I will go to the cantonment now. Kavita requests that Beena have tea. Beena says I didn’t come to meet Suman, I came to give you the month to month lease, Shravan has paid the credit, we talked about it previously.

Kavita says Shravan needs to go on a major mission, lets see where he gets the exchange. Shravan meets his senior. His senior says we as a whole are glad for you, well done, you are posted in Bhopal brigade. Shravan says I didn’t comprehend, for what reason did I get posting there. Senior inquires as to why, wouldn’t you be able to work in Bhopal. Shravan expresses gratitude toward him.In Progress…

Ek Duje Ke Vaaste 2, 29th, January 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Ek Duje Ke Vaaste 2, 29 January 2021 Written Update: in progress

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