Fanaa – Ishq Mein Marjawan 29 th June 2022 Written Episode Update

Fanaa - Ishq Mein Marjawan

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By TellyExpert: “Fanaa – Ishq Mein Marjawan 29 th June 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name : Fanaa – Ishq Mein Marjawan

Timings On TV: All times are in the 29 th June (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 29 th June 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Fanaa – Ishq Mein Marjawan 29 th June 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Pakhi requesting that Mohit be with Shanaya and pursuing the hooligan who went after Shanaya. Ishan joins Pakhi. Anand gets that thug and hauls him to Agastya. He says that he got to realize he is in the medical clinic in the wake of following his telephone, he could hurt Shanaya so he informed Agastya and police right away. Agastya requests that the hooligan tell who requested that he assault Shanaya.

The thug says that he didn’t see him, he just gave directions through calls. He said to fault Agastya assuming he gets found out. Agastya expresses Anand to actually take a look at his thug. He obliges. Ishan and Pakhi are searching for the hooligan. Ishan says that he should be in the storeroom. Pakhi asks how he is so certain. Ishan says that the main void spot in the medical clinic so he might have concealed there. The hooligan asks Agastya and says that he wanted cash this did as well.

Agastya requests that he get up. He gaves him cash. Pakhi and Ishan come and see this. Agastya expresses him to not put the fault of assault on Shanaya on him. Anand says that Pakhi family realizes that Agastya saved Shanaya. Anand cautions to beat him in the event that he accuses Agastya. He further says that it’s great they catched hin else he would have told all that Agastya went after Shanaya.

Pakhi is utter stunned on hearing this. She pushes ahead, however she cannot talk because of shock. She leaves from that point crying. Ishan and Anand trade approval. A FB shows Ishan paying off Anand and training to cause Pakhi to accept that Agastya went after Shanaya. Agastya shares with Anand to deal with the thug to the police so they can proceed with the examination. Anand leaves taking the hooligan with him.

Pakhi drops the gift pack and cries reviewing Agastya asking telling the hooligan to not fault him for Shanaya’s assault. Ishan comes there and says that Pakhi and Agastya’s relationship bankrupt until the end of time. Sameer is asking Mohit where Pakhi is.

All of a sudden Pakhi comes there reviewing specialist and Agastya’s words. Sameer sees Pakhi and inquires as to whether she got that hooligan. Ishan comes there and asks why Pakhi isn’t saying reality to Sameer. Pakhi says that she was unable to get that thug. She requests that Sameer return home taking Shanaya. She will return later as she needs to examine with specialist about Shanaya. Sameer inquires as to whether she’s fine. Pakhi says that she has no choice.

Ishan yells that why Pakhi told nothing to Sameer. He mellow his tone and inquires as to whether she’s fine. Agastya accepts Dadi’s call. He says that he was unable to track down the guilty party, yet guarantees that he will find him soon. Dadi inquires as to whether he will let Pakhi know that the thug who went after Shanaya came to the clinic. Agastya says that he will tell as he would rather not recurrent his last time botch. He says that Pakhi will trust him.

Pakhi shares with Ishan that she can’t come clean with her family and hurt them again on account of Agastya. She laments getting tricked once more. Ishan says that she’s not fool, however he created a full verification plan which can be accepted by anybody. Ishan shares with Pakhi to not fault herself, he comprehended it prior that he will hoodwink her in the future. He asks what she will do now.

Pakhi thinks. There Agastya shares with Dadi that he is going Pakhi’s home to meet and tell her beginning and end. He likewise says that Pakhi needed to meet him to tell an uplifting news. Dadi says to impart the uplifting news to her as well. He concurs and hangs the call.

Pakhi cries reviewing her and Agastya’s minutes. She says that Agastya bamboozled her and her affection, so she will not excuse him this time. Opposite side Ishan and Meera are in call and cheer their triumph of isolating Pakhi and Agastya. Ishan tells Meera that he will choose how to manage Pakhi ahead. Meera concurs.

Ishan says that he collaborated with Meera just to isolate Pakhi and Agastya. He detests Agastya, yet not Pakhi. He says that he will get Pakhi not on the grounds that he cherishes her, yet she picked Agastya over him. He says that this time he needs to pick him and he needs to win in the fight among him and Agastya.

Agastya comes to see Shanaya. Prema says thanks to Agastya for saving Shanaya by giving blood as well. Agastya asks where Pakhi is. Shanaya says that Pakhi is in the emergency clinic. She says that the hooligan who went after came to the clinic and Pakhi pursued him to get him.

Agastya says that he knew this and his investigator catched him and took the police headquarters. They will before long get to realize who gone after Shanaya. Pakhi is strolling out and about recalling Agastya’s words. Pakhi says that allowed parcel of opportunities to Agastya, yet presently she settled on her choice and she understands what to do now.

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Tellyexpert Fanaa – Ishq Mein Marjawan 29 th June 2022, Episode Written Update

Tellyexpert Fanaa – Ishq Mein Marjawan 29 th June 2022

Fanaa – Ishq Mein Marjawan 29 th June 2022 updates

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Update For:Fanaa – Ishq Mein Marjawan 29 th June 2022 Written Update Episode Upcoming twist.


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