Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 8th September 2021 Written Update

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein

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By TellyExpert: “ Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 8th September 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 8, September, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDi

Today’s Content: Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein September 8th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with.Chavan family women make game plans for Janmashtami pooja. Sonali admonishes Karishma to cut natural products for pooja appropriately. Their nok jhok begins. Bhavani sees Pakhi drawing rangoli and commendations her. She then, at that point abuses about Sai and says she didn’t do anything and left for school. Ashwini shows Bal Gopal support and pooja room design and says Sai embellished it and afterward headed off to college for some significant work.

Bhavani shouts that she generally commends her bahu superfluously. Sonali grins and backs Bhavani. Mansi inquires as to whether she arranged bhog/prasad. Ashwini says quite a while in the past and its made by.. Bhavani says she will flaunt her bahu set it up. Ashwini says Pakhi arranged chappan/56 bhog/dishes and it feels great when Pakhi does things joyfully. Devi calls Bhavani and says she will reach soon for pooja. Ashwini requests that she bring along damadaji/Pulkit.

Sai gets back and races to washroom to prepare for janmashtami pooja. Virat receives in return and looks genuine. Sai gets strained reasoning he more likely than not discovered that she held his exchange orders with DIG’s assistance. He sees her sack and saw it in DIG’s office. She asks when is he leaving, in the event that she ought to set up a tiffin for him, how is he voyaging, and so on He says his exchange is held. She says he should discover the explanation. He says she is the justification holding his exchange and requests to tell in the event that she accomplished something which she shouldn’t. She apprehensively says she didn’t do anything. He asks where was she during day then when there was school occasion for Janmashtami. She figures he will be more furious on the off chance that he discovers truth and falsehoods that she went to

Pulkit jiju’s home to get notes. He stops her and inquires as to whether she took that sack to Pulkit’s home. She implores god to save her and says she took an alternate pack and inquires as to for what reason is he addressing about sack. He inquires as to whether she is telling truth. He inquires as to for what reason would she hold his exchange. He says she needed to. She says her desires don’t make any difference, very much like he went to meet Pakhi even after her solicitation not to escape house. She says one ought to gain from her to change the subject. She keeps acting. He says she can go and figures Sai should not be the purpose for his exchange hold, then, at that point what should be the explanation.

Sai says she previously chose his dress for pooja. He asks that implies she realized he isn’t going this evening and his exchange is held, how did she respond. She says she held his exchange, on the off chance that he thinks she is a PM or CM who can hold his exchange request; when her better half doesn’t pay attention to her, for what reason will police division pay attention to her; let her proceed to prepare before his family chides her. He says he previously told family that he is leaving this evening, what will they feel now. She says they will feel great hearing that and thinks why she is feeling acceptable with his visit back. He figures when will Sai comprehend his affections for her, possibly she will not. She grins and strolls to washroom.

Around evening time, Chavans assemble for pooja. Devi and Pulkit stroll in. Ashwini welcomes them in and embraces Devi. Devi likes improvement. Bhavani says let her little girl meet her. Devi embraces her and asks how is she. Bhavani says masta. Devi then, at that point joyfully embraces Samrat and asks where was he, she missed him. He says even he missed her and Pulkit’s wedding. Devi says his jiju Dr. Pulkit. Samrat expresses gratitude toward Pulkit for damaging Devi and says he never saw Devi such a great deal more joyful prior. Devi says Pulkit takes a decent consideration of her. Bhavani discloses to Pandit that Pakhi and Samrat will light the light today and reveals to Pakhi that she is getting her right today. Sai and Samrat light and sit with family for pooja.

Bhavani and Ninad inquire as to whether Virat left or is he going to pooja. Virat strolls down and sits with them. Pakhi inquires as to whether he didn’t go. Sai energetically says his exchange request is held. Pakhi says she didn’t ask her and says she didn’t realize Virat has saved a representative for him. Virat says he won’t commit Sai his representative even by error. Samrat inquires as to for what reason are they reproving Sai when she is communicating her energy. Devi says Pakhi consistently affronts Sai. Bhavani requests that she quit griping and start pooja. They start pooja. Shivani says soon there will be 3 laddu Gopals at home, so for what reason don’t they let Pakhi, Sai, and Karishma keep laddu Gopal in support. Bhavani says its a decent idea. Sai says for what reason are they hauling in this when they all since her and Virat’s marriage is only an agreement and not genuine.

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