Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 17th Mar 2020 Written Update :Happu Ki Ultan Paltan (17/3/2020)

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 17th March 2020 written update, “Happu Ki Ultan Paltan &TV Serial” episode 17 Mar 2020 written update” Reading and Stay With tellyupdates.tv

Current Episode Title: Rajjo Acts As Chimti Maiyya

Serial Schedule & Channel: 17/3/2020 & &TV

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan Written Update: Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 17-3-2020 Full Episode Written Update

Kamlesh coming to Kat and says howdy. Kat says hello and tells that she is keeping things under control for him since long. Kamlesh says okay. He asks what is she looking? Kat says she is scrutinizing book on relationship. Kamlesh asks with respect to whether we are in relationship.

Also Read: Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 16th Mar 2020 Written Update

Kat says for sure, every one of my family members are having relationship. Kamlesh asks concerning whether they are partaking in an extramarital entrapments. Kat edifies that she is talking in regards to relationship they have with each other. Rajjo goes to the asylum and begs God. Hritik and Rajjo ask Pandit ji to turn out. Malaika unveils to Pandit ji what to do. Pandit ji gets alarmed and says this is an offense, I won’t do.

Rajjo says this is the best way to deal with get her benefits. Pandit ji says he won’t achieve the work. Rajjo gives him 500 Rs. Pandit ji says he can smell sin from this note. Hritik blackmails him and recovers the money. Rajjo keeps the money down. Pandit ji says he will achieve her work.

Beni uncovers to Happu that he will never have any youngster in his life beside Vimlesh. He tells that he has seen a dream. Happu asks what is the dream? Beni says he saw a full plate of chicken in the house, comparatively as I was set up to eat it, two lips diverted out from it. happu says it kissed you.

Beni says no, some voice turned out and asked me who right? Beni says I am Beni. The lips ask who is he in human structure. Beni tells that he is staggered and asks Happu to tell who right? Happu says I am an Inspector. Beni says it is your work and asks who right? Happu says I am my people’s adolescent. Beni says no. Happu says I am 9 youngsters’ father. Beni says he will glance through request.

Malaika keeps something in Rajjo’s articles of clothing. Hritik comes and gives his all the best to Rajjo. Happu comes to room and jolts the passage. He says everyone needs you and tells that he needs her the most and gets in touch with her. He gets electric paralyze and tumbles down from the bed. He starts hearing the haven ringers and shank sound. Rajjo sits as if she is doing thought. Happu folds his hands.

Amma goes to her room. Dadaji asks what is the issue, for what reason would she say she isn’t drinking today? Amma asks did you think me as alcoholic. Dada ji says you are a significant rich. Amma says you made me drink powerfully. Dada ji says when I was drinking, you started drinking. Amma says I was thinking what I was thinking and tells that tomorrow is puja at home. Dada ji says that is the explanation you are not drinking.

Amma says she will appeal to God for him to get amicability to his soul. Dada ji says my soul finds a feeling of happiness and gets some data about herself. She moreover hears the ringer sound and shank and gets amazed.

Pandit ji does puja in the initial segment of the day and asks Happu to present natural items, etc to his father. He by then methodologies Happu to appeal to God for his father. Amma stops him and approaches Pandit ji not to appeal to God for her life partner’s serenity, yet ask that she gets a comparative life partner for seven births. Hritik says I will be your significant other in next birth.

Amma says you can’t manage me. Pandit ji goes about as he recognized some great power. Happu uncovers to Amma that he felt current in Rajjo. Amma says when you contact plastic, it happens. Hritik cases to pass out, everyone gets worried for him and solicitations that he wake up. Rajjo comes there giving her hand and chimta in her other hand. A radiance diverts out from her hand.

Pandit ji says she is a Devi and falls on her feet. Amma asks what is this new acting? Rajjo talks with Amma in Punjabi and says she isn’t Rajjo. Happu demands that he treat his kid. Rajjo contacts hritik with the chimta and he finds a functional pace. He demands that everyone state Chimti Maiyya ki Jai. Happu and Amma are dazed.

Also Read: Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 11th Feb 2020 Written Update


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