Imlie 3rd February 2021 Written Update


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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Imlie 3rd February 2021 Written Update on”

Tv Show Name: Imlie

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date:  3, February, 2021

February 3, 2021: Imlie Today Episode Start with Trapathi family women prepare for Savitri pooja. Nidhi acclaims Malini that her face is sparkling and asks which cream she employments. Taiji backs her. Aparna says a recently hitched lady looks excellent with spouse’s affection and portrays how Savitri battled with Yamraj to save her better half Satyavan’s life and take steps to follow him to yamlok in the event that he doesn’t extra her significant other’s life. Malini says she depicted an old story so without any problem. Imlie hears their discussion and thinks back saving Adi. Nidhi asks Imlie how will she help her better half. Imlie says she will pulls Yamraj’s buffallo’s tail and can even bear a projectile for her significant other, thinking back the occurrence. They all giggle.

She at that point sees string packs and inquires as to for what reason are they for. Taiji says they tie it around tree for spouse’s long life. Imlie says she will pick one. Aparna inquires as to why she needs without marriage. Nidhi says she should keep saula somwar/16 Monday quick before that. Malini says she might need to save it for what’s to come. Taiji requests to pick one string pack. Anu checks blessings she purchased for Tripathi family and takes every relative’s name. Daadi asks she failed to remember somebody. Anu says obviously not. Dev says she failed to remember presents for Sundar and Imlie. Anu yells he should tell his genuine aim. Their contention begins. Daadi requests that they stop and says she would not like to meddle among a couple, yet the two of them are in an age where they ought to clarify this and rather they made scene in Malini’s home and expectations they won’t once more; if Anu can’t take presents for Sundar and Imlie, she will. Anu quiets down and says she will orchestrate presents for even them. Aparna requests that Rupal prepare soon.

Rupal gets disturbed and inquires as to whether she should quick for her ex, he should have another person to quick for him. Imlie perks her up saying she has arranged pakoras for her, family needs her to wear great dress and take selfies with them. Rupal grins and says even Imlie should wear new garments. Imlie concurs. After at some point, Anu with Dev and Daadi arrives at Tripathi house. Family welcomes them. She snaps her fingers and orders workers to bring endowments. Workers keep blessings on table. Bright and Tinkle demand to check endowments. Anu says 2 presents are for them and rest for the family. Dev inquires as to whether she didn’t bring Imlie and Sundarf’s endowments. She calls workers again and says one present is for Sundar. Sundar expresses gratitude toward her. She says she didn’t have the foggiest idea about Imlie’s dress size, so she brought her and Malin’s old creator garments after cleaning them and these are costlier than different endowments. Dev consumes out of frustration, yet Daadi requests that not make a scene in girl’s home once more.

Adi enters and expressing gratitude toward Anu for her blessing says Imlie isn’t habited to get such exorbitant endowments, his family knows Imlie’s decision and he will bring new garments for her, so Anu can reclaim her endowments. Anu irately requests that workers discard them. Imlie stops workers and says since they are Malini’s, she will wear them. She at that point strolls to kitchen unfortunately. Dev enters and offers her chocs. She says he helped her to remember her companion Bindi’s dad who gives her laddoos at whatever point her mom reprimands her. He asks is it and endowments her more chocs. She says thanku. Malini sees that and figures for what reason didn’t dad offer chocs to Imlie before everybody, possibly he needed to evade mother’s show. Tripathi family women play out their spouses’ aarti. Daadi reveals to Anu that spouses perform multiple times parikrama/adjusting around tree and afterward take their better half’s favors.

Imlie does pooja at home taking a gander at Adi’s photograph and does parikrama around a plant. Mai Suhagan Rahun… melody.. plays out of sight. Women at that point contact spouse’s feet and embrace them. Imlie thinks this day is excellent as she played out all the customs without bearing Adi’s chastening and in any event, satisfying Amma’s desire. She sees family returning, covers up pooja thali quietly and attempts to leave when Anu stops her and seeing sindhoor in her hairline asks whose name sindhoor she has applied. Everybody take a gander at her in stun. Aparna asks Imlie for what valid reason she applied sindhoor. Imlie apprehensively yaks that she tought. Anu says just wedded ladies apply sindhoor, for what reason did she apply and for whom. Tauji says Anu is a straightforward young lady and followed family women. Taiji says Imlie is a child and did an error. Anu says it is anything but a child’s play and just wedded lady applies it. Aparna requests that she excuse the child for her misstep. Anu says on the off chance that she has done a mix-up, she will clean it at this moment.In Progress…

Imlie, 3rd, February 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Imlie, 3 February 2021 Written Update: in progress

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