Imlie 9th February 2024 Episode Written Update (9/2/2024)


Imlie 9th February 2024 Written Episode Update,Star Plus “Imlie 9th February 2024 Written Update” on TellyUpdates.Tv

Episode Name: Agasyta’s fake contractual marriage with Binni.

Imlie Air Date:Imlie 9th February 2024

Full Written Update:Imlie 9/2/2024 Episode Start with Agasyta thinks that Bijli will not accept him again. Agasyta asks Ashu to be angry with him for marrying another girl. Ashu tells Agasyta that he is a bad person and he will not speak to him again. Govind tells Agasyta that it is time for subh muhurat. Imlie comes to attend the wedding but Govind tells Imlie to go and forget them forever. Alka tells Govind that they will accept Imlie. Imlie saw Agasyta and Binni coming. Pandit ji told Agasyta to fill the hair with vermillion. Agasyta thinks he convinced Binni to sign a fake contract with him. Agasyta is full of vermilion and Agasyta carries mangalsutra and Bini. Imlie was angry to see the marriage. Pandit ji announces the end of marriage. Navya comes to meet Amma ji. Navya thanks Amma ji and says she is happy to see them destroyed. Avi tries to control Navya but she tells Avi that today her revenge is over. Navya brings Bhola with the gift. Bhola enters the house slowly. Agasyta and Bini received blessings. .

Bulbul tells Biswa that Imlie went to Agasyta’s wedding. Biswa tells Sonali that Chaudhary and Imlie’s lives are in danger. Bhola slowly walks towards Imlie but sees Ashu coming to meet Imlie. Ashu tells Imlie that she will no longer stay with her grandparents but Imlie convinces her to stay with her family. Imlie took the bike and saw Agasyta watching her from the window. Bini closed the window. Bhola slowly walks towards Imlie but Biswa comes to save Imlie. Biswa tells Imlie that she cannot wander like this as her life is in danger. Imlie gets angry and tells Biswa not to touch her. Sonali tells Imlie that Biswa was right that she can stay here but Imlie refuses to stay here and leaves. Biswa tells Sonali that she will make security arrangements for Imlie. Agasyta thanks Binni for helping her and asks her to sleep on the bed as she wants to sleep on the mattress where Imlie sleeps.

Biswa asks Surya Reddy to give police protection to Imlie as he will arrest her killer in next few hours and hand him over. Surya agrees to Biswa’s position. Biswa asks Navya for closure. Navya tells Biswa that she doesn’t care about any cover. Navya blames Imlie for misleading Biswa. Navya tells Biswa that she wants to keep Imlie. Biswa tells Navya that he has no one to kill. Navya changes the plan and asks Bhola to call Imlie and Agastya to the old office. Bhola took Ashu with him. Imlie gets a message that he will come to the old factory again to kill Ashu.

Imlie 10th February 2024 Written Episode Update Precap:


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