Jagriti 2nd October 2024 Episode Written Update (2/10/2024)


Jagriti 2nd October 2024 Written Episode Update, Zee TV “Jagriti 2nd October 2024 Written Update” on TellyUpdates.Tv

Episode Name: Currently Not Available. Stay tuned With us..

Jagriti Air Date: Jagriti 2nd October 2024

Full Written Update: Jagriti 2/10/2024 Episode Start with..

Geeta reflects on Amol’s words and later asks the driver if this is where they bought the fruits yesterday. The driver confirms it, but Geeta notices Jagriti is absent and assumes she must have sold all her fruits for the day.

Meanwhile, Jagriti is lamenting to Lord Hanuman ji about her ruined fruits and how she hasn’t managed to earn even Rs 100 today. She pleads with Hanuman ji to guide her to another way of making Rs 100, insisting that she won’t go home without it. Just then, a flower from Hanuman ji falls on a box, sparking an idea in Jagriti’s mind.

Ballu brings Golu to meet Durjan, where Golu boasts that he scared away all of Jagriti’s customers, assuring Durjan that she will lose the bet today. Another Chitta arrives, informing Durjan that Jagriti has relocated and is selling her fruits again. Golu is surprised, questioning how this is possible since people fear her. Durjan asks the Chitta to explain how Jagriti is managing to earn money. The Chitta reveals that Jagriti has put up a note asking customers to pay Rs 10 for the fruits and has set up a box for them to deposit their money. Jagriti is hiding behind a tree, listening. Impressed by her cleverness, Durjan praises her. Ballu asks Durjan what their next move should be. Durjan warns that if Inspector Pratap discovers that Jagriti has hidden her identity while selling fruits, it could tarnish their religion. Ballu agrees, noting that everyone would turn against Jagriti, creating a major issue.

Jagriti watches as customers buy her fruits and place money in the box. With only three boxes of fruit left, she prays for someone to buy them all. Just then, Geeta exits her car and purchases the remaining fruits. However, she accidentally drops a Rs 500 note as she leaves. Jagriti immediately chases after her on foot to return the money.

Geeta notices Jagriti running after her and steps out of the car, asking why she is pursuing her. Jagriti explains that she wants to return the money Geeta dropped. Geeta asks how Jagriti knew she had dropped it, and Jagriti replies that she saw it while hiding behind the tree. When Geeta questions why she would do that, Jagriti simply says it’s because she is a Chitta. Geeta, lost in thought about Harish, walks away.

At the same time, a crowd and police gather at Jagriti’s stall. When Jagriti arrives, the crowd confronts her, demanding to know how she dared to hide her identity to sell fruits. Jagriti responds that if she hadn’t concealed her identity, they wouldn’t have bought from her. The crowd begins to murmur amongst themselves. Inspector Pratap steps in, ordering the crowd to back away, and informs Jagriti that she is committing a crime by selling fruits there. Jagriti challenges him, asking how selling fruits can be a crime. Inspector Pratap explains that, due to her identity as a Chitta, Kalikant has deemed it illegal for Chittas to sell fruits, and he has the authority to punish her. Geeta interjects, demanding to know under what section Inspector Pratap plans to arrest Jagriti.

Jagriti 3rd october 2024 Written Episode Update Precap:


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