Kaamna 22 th June 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Kaamna 22 th June 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name : Kaamna

Timings On TV: All times are in the 22 th June (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 22 th June 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Kaamna 22 th June 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Manav gets a call from Niharika, who specifies that she was checking the worker list and inquires as to whether they have settled on the ideal choice by recruiting Sakshi since she appears to be somewhat awkward, Manav uncovers that since she returned to the workplace, this was her best choice and is expressing this with experience since he has not seen an additional certain ladies in his day to day existence, Manav makes reference to that regardless of whether his memory is lost then he wouldn’t have the option to fail to remember her since she is his solidarity, Sakshi specifies even Yatho is his solidarity to which Manav makes reference to how might he fail to remember the little Bajpayee, Sakshi returns to her work area when she gets the call from Yatho, he inquires as to whether she will vow to not tell anybody. He uncovers that tomorrow is the birthday of Manav hearing which she gets truly energized yet quiets herself down, she uncovers that she makes great milk cake, Yatho makes sense of that Manav doesnot like it however she then, at that point, makes sense of she will make the frozen yogurt cake which yatho says he likewise loves a ton, Sakshi says they will make the cake subsequent to awakening around midnight.

Niharika on the double reports that tomorrow is the birthday of their CEO Manav, thus they all will celebrate it with a fantastic party as even the Holkar business has indeed accomplished birth, she teaches Vibhav to organize everything referencing Ranay will manage him. Vibhav wishes Manav for his birthday. Sakshi closes the call saying that she will converse with yatho later.
Vibhav seeing the open door takes the tissue to her referencing how he feels genuinely terrible that Niharika destroyed every last bit of her preparation, he demands her to clear off the tears since he doesnot feel pleasant seeing her cry, Manav calls Vibhav from behind, he turns calling Manav sir who illuminates he knows about the whole preparation, he cautions Vibhav to accept it as his last advance notice training he should avoid Sakshi, Vibhav attempts to pose an inquiry, is Manav possessive pretty much every one of the workers or is there something happening between them both which they don’t have any idea, Vibhav apologizes referencing he lashed out so he is getting the sensation of DejaVu, of when he drew near to his most memorable spouse and Manav compromised him as is commonly said that History rehashes the same thing. Manav makes reference to that History revises itself on the off chance that individuals gain from their errors, he ought to have gotten it done quite some time ago however will do it now, Manav slaps Vibhav before everybody. Niharika call Manav addressing and he goes asking what occurred, she questions Manav about what is happening, Manav answers that she is posing him this inquiry when she ought to ask the individual who ought to be in prison.

Vibhav makes sense of that he was simply chatting with Sakshi mam however Manav is the person who slapped him and he flew off the handle, she ought to send him back to prison since here everybody is taking his indignation on him. Niharika in disappointment questions for what reason is he talking when they didn’t ask him any inquiry, he doesnot reserve the option to chat with her as she probably is aware how to run her own office. Niharika declares that everybody in this office would be regarded and nobody has the privilege to slap any other person, Manav quickly differs making sense of that regardless of whether there ought to be sure guidelines and guideline, there are sure slip-ups that ought to be rebuffed on a similar second. Niharika likewise gets disappointed inquiring as to whether he will show her how to run her organization, Manav answers he doesnot feel he committed any error since, supposing that going to bat for the right of a ladies makes obstruction the standards of the organization then they ought to be transformed, he thinks there are a ton of changes in this organization, Niharika asks what are the progressions when he expresses that there are sure individuals in this organization who are simply zeroing in on their own plan and getting payback rather then zeroing in on the development of the organization, Vibhav makes sense of that he is saying this since his concern was with Sakshi yet he in the middle of between their matter.

Sakshi demands Niharika mam to attempt to tune in as Manav just slapped Vibhav on the grounds that he was getting rowdy with her, Niharika answers she ought to have come to her as then she would have doubtlessly taken the ideal dislike Mr Bajpayee, what connection does he have with her that he is accomplishing such a great deal for her, Manav makes sense of he doesnot need to make sense of what connection the two of them have with one another, yet there is one thing on the grounds that until the climate of this office is changed and Vibhav gets rebuffed for his violations, he and Sakshi wouldn’t return. Manav leaves taking the hand of Sakshi, Niharika is stressed while Vibhav remains there grinning.
Yatharth races to open the entryway, he gets stunned asking how did the two of them come so early saying it is great since he had something to converse with them both, Yatharth subsequent to causing them to sit together learns for a selfie, he drives them both to grin and requests Manav what sort from grin is this as he feels Manav has eaten a few old vegetables.

Yatharth thanks his dad and even goes to say thanks to Sakshi mam, she flags him to take her name just as Mam. Manav questions for what reason is he doing this since this is so unexpected, Yatharth runs into his room.

Yatharth in the wake of choosing the photograph sends it to Ayesha who guarantees of dealing with all the other things, Sakshi enters asking what is he arranging yet Yatharth guarantees he isn’t doing anything, she plunks down with him illuminating that tomorrow his dad won’t his office so they would set up a party, Yatharth makes reference to this festival would go for two days, she doesnot comprehend when he uncovers there is likewise father’s day, Sakshi is truly happy with this arrangement and concurs when Yatho gets strained shouting how he implores that she turns into his authority mother. Sakshi makes sense of that he should give his dad some additional time since he is as yet not prepared. She then, at that point, inquires as to whether he has organized any shock when Yatho with a grin requests that she let it stay an astonishment.

Sakshi goes to Manav with tea saying ‘sorry’ for what occurred, he makes her plunk down addressing what is she sorry for, she answers whatever occurred in the workplace when Manav inquires as to whether she figures he ought to have talked cordially with Vibhav after how he was conversing with her, he says that individuals like Vibhav possibly comprehend when they get beaten and he can’t bear assuming that anybody gets into mischief with her and Yatho since they mean the most to him, Sakshi begins crying when he asks the explanation, she says he actually likes them, Manav answers he really focuses the most on her and wouldn’t bear anything said against her, she begins crying once more so he makes sense of that she is constant of saying sorry and would be given the title of discouraged sovereign, in any event, when Malti aunti will wake her she would agree sorry to her. Sakshi guarantees there wouldn’t be any heartbroken or thank you, Manav with a grin makes sense of she has likewise become dingy subsequent to remaining with the Bajpayee family.

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Kaamna 22 th June 2022 updates

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Update For:Kaamna 22 th June 2022 Written Update Episode Upcoming twist.


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