Kaamna 3rd June 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: Kaamna” 3rd June 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name : Kaamna

Timings On TV: All times are in the 3rd June (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 3rd June 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Kaamna 3rd June 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Ranay illuminates Vibhav that they have the notification with the name of Niharika mam, Mr Holkar while crying illuminates Manav that Vibhav has presented the papers with the thumb print of Niharika, Manav inquires as to whether they are a match to the old prints, Manav goes to illuminate Ayesha that her mom is as yet alive.

Some time prior Akanksha is calling the specialists when Bubbly comes running addressing what occurred, she uncovers there was somebody in her room and the lights were likewise turning on and off without anyone else, Bubbly answers essentially nothing remains to be stressed over as she is certainly going to help her, Bubbly goes into the room where she sees the photographs on the TV thus runs referencing she feels the phantom of Niharika doesnot believe that she should get hitched with Vibhav, she races to her room while Akanksha is mentioning her to open the entryway, Bubbly answers she can battle for her with even the cheats however not phantoms so Akanksha should stow away, she then calls Vibhav who is with Ranay and a few laborers, se questions for what reason was he not noting her calls when Vibhav shouts that he was in a gathering, she illuminates him that there is a phantom in their home, Vibhav answers she would have seen a terrible bad dream thus nothing remains to be stressed over, Akanksha gets terrified to the degree that she falls oblivious, Vibhav sends Ranay to mind her in the mean time teaching the specialists to ensure she feels this aggravation for the following two days as really at that time would she not demand getting hitched.

Manav is with Mr Holkar yet they can’t find any reasonable record, Manav inquires as to whether Niharika jee took any kind of protection yet Mr Holkar doesnot have some familiarity with it, he in the wake of seeing the records makes sense of that he was impaired so could not have possibly seen any record however Manav says Vibhav would have certainly had some significant awareness of it, Mr Holkar doesnot feel Vibhav is familiar with it since Niharika could have taken it prior to moving with him, Manav inquires as to whether he knows anybody in the protection organization to which Mr Holkar makes certain there may be somebody there, Manav demands him to send an update notice to the Kapoor manor which stresses Mr Holkar who asks what is the need to send the update, Manav asks him to simply accomplish this work as he will make sense of everything later.

Ayesha is lighting the Diya when she consumes her finger so begins shouting with torment, Sakshi mam comes educating yatho to bring toothpaste, she guarantees Ayesha that both her granddad and Manav uncle have went to find out so would clearly return with uplifting news, Ayesha answers they will return with uplifting news however until Bhagwan jee doesnot send her mom back to them, she won’t leave Mandir. Manav comes inquiring as to whether she has confidence in Bhagwan jee, she answers she clearly accepts when he says that then there is no requirement for her to be concerned as she has taken care of her business so should proceed to let Bhagwan jee work, Manav requests that Yatharth proceed to take care of Ayesha didi.

Manav sees Sakshi is concerned so asks what befallen her, she answers she is recently strained considering imagine a scenario where the doubt which she has may be off-base, Manav makes sense of she committed no error by causing an old dad to accept that his little girl is alive alongside a little kid, he illuminates that she is the person who has assumed command over this whole house and furthermore assisted him with coming to so near his objective, nothing remains to be stressed over and she should likewise stay confident of the best. Sakshi mam grins.

Akanksha awakens gradually when she gets stunned after somebody puts his hand on her, she is feeling quite a bit better to see Vibhav who makes sense of that he saw her resting on the floor when he returned so got truly strained, Akanksha makes sense of she feels they ought to get hitched at the earliest and not hang tight for a couple of additional days, Vibhav illuminates that this is his wedding so it can’t occur a few seconds ago as there would be a ton designates that will show up to go to the wedding, Akanksha recommends they would toss an extravagant gathering for them however she needs to wed, she gets terrified hearing the thump and stows away, Vibhav illuminates that the phantom has shown up hearing which Ranay is strained, he illuminates that this notice has come from the insurance agency. Vibhav in the wake of perusing it gets shocked so illuminates Akanksha that he will return following a couple of hours, Ranay ponders where did he go alone.

Manav is in his home sitting tight for Mr Holkar who comes so Manav inquires as to whether the notification was shipped off Vibhav, Mr Holkar calls the contact who uncovers that they had previously sent it, Manav then, at that point, calls Bubbly getting some information about Vibhav so she answers that he left two hours prior, Manav educates all her an eye on him when he returns and asks for what reason did he commit this error as he might have followed her, Manav then demands Mr Holkar to proceed to stand by at the insurance agency to check whether Vibhav presents the reports.

Vibhav arrives at the workplace where he drops the record, Mr Holkar sees the thumbprints and gets truly strained as Vibhav enters the workplace, Mr Holkar sees that he pay-offs the authority who examines the thumbprint which matches that of Niharika jee, Vibhav is guaranteed that he would be endorsed as the signatory so he leaves in energy, Mr Holkar stows away from Vibhav.

Manav takes a gander at Ayesha who is imploring with Sakshi mam, he gets a call from Mr Holkar who is crying and illuminates that Vibhav presented the records with the thumbprint of Niharika, Manav questions if the two of them were a match, Mr Holkar answers they were to be sure, Manav calls Ayesha educating her regarding the uplifting news that her mom is as yet alive, she can’t acknowledge it and begin crying with euphoria, Ayesha embraces Manav referencing that he isn’t just the super father of Yatho yet additionally her super uncle, she embraces him in fervor. Ayesha demands Manav to do everything except ensure she meets her mom, Mr Holkar additionally concurs with Ayesha demanding that he is the one in particular who can make it happen, Manav demands them both to quiet down, he promises to do anything he can so the two of them can meet Niharika jee.

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Kaamna 3rd June 2022 updates

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