Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 25 th June 2022 Written Episode Update

Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey

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By TellyExpert: “Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 25 th June 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name : Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey

Timings On TV: All times are in the 25 th June (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 25 th June 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 25 th June 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Anu and Gungun thinking about one another, and crying. Naina..plays… Gungun says I have made everything simple for you, Akriti is blissful now, you and your family likewise, and in the event that you are cheerful, I m cheerful. Anu says you gave me a day to day existence however grabbed the motivation to live. Its morning, Charu gets the paper. He peruses the news. He yells to everybody. Chandru asks what occurred. Charu says govt is granting Gungun for her grit. Chandru says she merits it. Sharu says her family name is Kulshresht, everybody thinks she is Anu’s significant other. Akriti comes and says we got a welcome for the honor capability. Sargam inquires as to for what reason are we welcomed. Chandru says since we are his loved ones. Charu says we as a whole are welcomed. Columnists come to meet Gungun. Garima says she is occupied. Journalist says we won’t do without taking her meeting. Gungun says I would rather not meet anybody. Gungun gets a call. The man says I m Kamal Prasad, Collector Sir’s PA, well done for winning this grit grant.

Gungun says I had individual motivations to save Anu’s life, I don’t need this honor. He says I demand you to if it’s not too much trouble, come and get the honor. She says fine, I will come. He expresses gratitude toward her. She thinks I lost everything, no honor matters now. Charu says they ought to have given the honor to the chief and monitor who shot those fear mongers. Chandru says its great assuming she is getting an honor. Charu says we won’t go in the capability. Sunanda says we as a whole ought to go for the good of Anu. Golu says OK. Charu says I don’t maintain that my family should lose regard, assuming the media inquiries concerning Gungun and Anu’s connection, on the off chance that Gungun says anything wrong… Golu says she won’t ever affront us. He requests that Anu accompany him in the honor capability. Akriti says Anu will not go. Golu says Gungun battled for Anu, its bad to be so unpleasant. He insults Akriti. They all ask Anu his choice, will he go in the capability. Anu says no, I will not go. Golu inquires as to for what reason are you doing this. Anu says nobody can comprehend. Garima says Ranvijay has come to praise you. Ranvijay says sorry, I m here to individual compliment you, come, I will take you to the scene today. Garima says compelling reason need, they have sent a vehicle for Gungun. He says no issue, I will go with her, father requested that I wed her soon. Gungun says I likewise need this. Ranvijay says he will assist us with funds. Garima inquires as to why, Gungun can deal with her funds on own, shared service isn’t required, what’s of her will be of her. Ranvijay says I mean we will share everything after marriage, every one of her concerns are mine from now. Gungun asks him not to contend. Ranvijay asks will I accompany you, it’s an important day for you, I need to be a piece of your joy. She says alright, its your entitlement to go with me, you are my eventual spouse. Garima goes.

Dignitary requests that Anu go in the honor capability, Gungun has saved his life. He says I remained with her and got deceived, you likewise got deceived by her. She asks him to only come for the good of she. Media questions Gungun about Anu and her connection. Gungun inquires as to for what reason would you like to be aware of our own life. She reprimands the columnists. She says I m wedding Ravijay, do you have any issue. She asks them not to make individual assaults, it feels awful. Akriti calls Anu and asks did you have food. He says not yet, I m going out for work. She asks where. He says dignitary is requesting that I go for the honor capability. She says you lied before the family, right. He says no, dignitary is sitting tight for me, we will talk later.

Dignitary and Anu arrive at the scene. Gungun accompanies Ranvijay. Ranvijay holds Gungun and says individuals ought to see our adoration. She says I could do without getting affectionate before anybody. He insults her. Anu sees Gungun with him. Senior member says truth is like air, that is the reason we can’t see it. Anu reviews Gungun.

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Tellyexpert Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 25 th June 2022

Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 25 th June 2022 updates

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Update For:Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 25 th June 2022 Written Update Episode Upcoming twist.


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